Fuuny thing is my scouts missed him i got him at 19 from Froientina his report was a 4.5 PA nearly pee'd

LOLS, thats my new favourite post ever...

LEGEND, I'm gonna post up my new regen when he gets a bit older :)
When your regen comes in at 14 yrs old, say at 180cm or so, is it programmed to grow til his 18-20?
Found this goalkeeper in my 3rd season...Feyenoord payed 1.1m for the lad...They wouldnt let him go for anything less than 11m :(


Got this lad from sheffield united for 2m...I feel sorry for his name though :p


Scout recommended me this player...Payed 3m from Wolves for him

Found this goalkeeper in my 3rd season...Feyenoord payed 1.1m for the lad...They wouldnt let him go for anything less than 11m :(


Got this lad from sheffield united for 2m...I feel sorry for his name though :p


Scout recommended me this player...Payed 3m from Wolves for him


That GK is going to be the most capped player of all time, playing for El Salvador. They clearly won't find better.
That GK is going to be the most capped player of all time, playing for El Salvador. They clearly won't find better.

But he wont be playing in the world cup, so will miss out on a fair few caps from that, I have a regen on 54 caps 41 goals for South Africa at the age of 23. He plays every game for them, so world cup, african cup of nations, all qualifiers. I think Africa is probably the best place to get a player with alot of future caps as they play a stupid amount of games.
Hey guys.

As anyone seen a better regen then this guy. He's the pride and joy of my unbeatable Man City team.

View attachment 44822

View attachment 44823

He would prob have scored alot more but i drop him into the AMC role quite abit and re-trained him as a striker only after his first season..

What u guys think anyone got any wonderkids that have turned out better ?
not bad for an edited guy..theirs cheating and theirs stuff like this!!!!
Lol tbh i always think that when i see crazy stuff like the screen shot of folan scoring 71 goals in a seasona dn the guy with Ronaldo who scored 77 in 27 games for Man City.

As i cant really prove anything because of FMRTE mod, I can only offer you my word that i did not edit his stats.

Is there anyway to show that he was not edited ?

View attachment 45170

I now this won't really prove anything either but it shows atleast i didnt create the guy and bang him stright into my city team.
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Well his stats look so unrealistic, it's always hard to tell these days.
I agree his stats are insanely good, but i pride myself on not being a cheat, Not being one of those players who restarts his game if he loses and importent game. Just wanted to share this freak of nature player.
Randomly found him in my under 18's. Superstar!
Sorry for physical being cut off, its mediocre physical wise anyway!
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And people said my guy was made jeeeez. You don't get 14 year olds that are allround that good he's actually better then my 26 year old who i have trained up that got dismissed as a made player.

Oh and from what i know you can do it two ways in the Editor it's self so he's there at the start of the game, or FTME or whatever its called so u can do it mid-game.

By the way if you havn't cheated i apologise and that guy is the jesus of football.
pokiuki123 said:
Look at this regen i just saw in my Lyon side :D:D:D
look at his age.
He just popped up

Whoa that must be an error If u didn't create him. 201cm and he's 14! And look at his stats!
Edit: you obviously have created him he's only got 1 name and can play every position.
haha i didnt even notice the fact he could player everywhere deerrr should really look at screenshots harder i just checked his stats :p

Yep this 100% a self created player no daubt about it.
And people said my guy was made jeeeez. You don't get 14 year olds that are allround that good he's actually better then my 26 year old who i have trained up that got dismissed as a made player.

Oh and from what i know you can do it two ways in the Editor it's self so he's there at the start of the game, or FTME or whatever its called so u can do it mid-game.

By the way if you havn't cheated i apologise and that guy is the jesus of football.

Thanks for your apology and for everyone, i did not create him. i dont know how to, can someone tell me?