This guy is best ive got so far. But i dont know how to play him. Any advices?
This guy is best ive got so far. But i dont know how to play him. Any advices?

Probably complete forward - try advanced forward, depends on your tactic and who he's playing with really.
Probably complete forward - try advanced forward, depends on your tactic and who he's playing with really.

Ty. My formation is 4-4-2 with wingers and I play him alongside Aguero/Muniain/Dan (see attachment)
Agustín was actually brought up through our youth system, he's predicted to be a leading Liga BBVA right back
View attachment 44486

Bobadila, on the other hand, I found when randomly looking through Argentinian clubs. Should I sign the contract? [note, if I do, he'll be at the Jose Rico Perez stadium in about 2 years D=]
View attachment 44488
Found this guy playing for Dinamo, cost me a hefty £2.4 million.
he got pretty good stats. but i donna when he is gonna get better value.
Hey guys.

As anyone seen a better regen then this guy. He's the pride and joy of my unbeatable Man City team.

View attachment 44822

View attachment 44823

He would prob have scored alot more but i drop him into the AMC role quite abit and re-trained him as a striker only after his first season..

What u guys think anyone got any wonderkids that have turned out better ?
Wow that Stefan Muller geezer looks mint. I got two gems, still early in their career but i'll post again in their mid/late 20's
Hey guys.

As anyone seen a better regen then this guy. He's the pride and joy of my unbeatable Man City team.

View attachment 44822

View attachment 44823

He would prob have scored alot more but i drop him into the AMC role quite abit and re-trained him as a striker only after his first season..

What u guys think anyone got any wonderkids that have turned out better ?

Second best regen I've ever seen, he is only just beaten by one I seen from FM 2009 but he is best in this game I've seen.

I had a great regen on 2009 im sure he was Similar to Muller might boot up 09 and see if i have the save still lol. Btw can anyone tell me if when u apply a patch to an old save does it fix the regen problem that was in 10.0 i think ... My game is starting to get very very low on world class players.

Update other player must have been on 08 he was mostly 20's aswell. oh well.
Hey guys.

As anyone seen a better regen then this guy. He's the pride and joy of my unbeatable Man City team.

View attachment 44822

View attachment 44823

He would prob have scored alot more but i drop him into the AMC role quite abit and re-trained him as a striker only after his first season..

What u guys think anyone got any wonderkids that have turned out better ?
Woah. What the ****!? That's insane.
Fuuny thing is my scouts missed him i got him at 19 from Froientina his report was a 4.5 PA nearly pee'd