Sick of pele !

Messi wouldn't last a second in "old game". Game was too physical for him back then.

Players are stronger now than back then. Maradona lasted so I don't see why Messi wouldn't.

Players are stronger now as Mads said, and get away with much less. Just because Pele and his team could of hacked Messi off the ball and not been given a card doesn't make it a skill, it just shows how football has grown from an 'almost as bad as rugby' physical contact game into a game of skill and athleticism. Pele wouldn't last a second nowadays, Emile Heskey would pwn him. Messi would run rings around Pele's old team, admittedly before being destroyed in an explosion of broken bones and torn muscles. So well done Pele for scoring 1000+ goals back when everyone had a scoring record of near 1:1. There's a reason very few people don't have ratios like that anymore, and its not because Pele is 'teh pwnage'.
Maradona was strong, balanced player. Just like Tevez or Rooney now. Ref's wouldn't be so generous with fouls in 1930's.
YouTube - ‪Gentile VS Maradona‬‏
Players like Gentile would rip Messi apart ;) And this was in '80s.

Pelé didn't play in the 30's oO) In the 30's people still played with 2 defenders AFAIK.

And Messi is more bulky than you think. And did it ever strike you Messi could run around players like Gentile?
Players are stronger now as Mads said, and get away with much less. Just because Pele and his team could of hacked Messi off the ball and not been given a card doesn't make it a skill, it just shows how football has grown from an 'almost as bad as rugby' physical contact game into a game of skill and athleticism. Pele wouldn't last a second nowadays, Emile Heskey would pwn him. Messi would run rings around Pele's old team, admittedly before being destroyed in an explosion of broken bones and torn muscles. So well done Pele for scoring 1000+ goals back when everyone had a scoring record of near 1:1. There's a reason very few people don't have ratios like that anymore, and its not because Pele is 'teh pwnage'.

Who said that's a skill? It's a dirty play. Messi is too much injury prone. And today football is more like ballet.
Bold part says it all.

---------- Post added at 10:54 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:54 AM ----------

Pelé didn't play in the 30's oO) In the 30's people still played with 2 defenders AFAIK.

And Messi is more bulky than you think. And did it ever strike you Messi could run around players like Gentile?

If Maradona couldn't, I can't see Messi doing that.
EDIT: I know he didn't play in 30's. He was born '41 or '42 me thinks.
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Who said that's a skill? It's a dirty play. Messi is too much injury prone. And today football is more like ballet.
Bold part says it all.

---------- Post added at 10:54 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:54 AM ----------

If Maradona couldn't, I can't see Messi doing that.

Messi hasn't been injured much at all. And as I said, players are much stronger and more agile now so i don't see why Messi couldn't do that.
Messi hasn't been injured much at all. And as I said, players are much stronger and more agile now so i don't see why Messi couldn't do that.

Messi is protected by ref's ( and he should be) just like Ronaldo and some other.
And ball can pass players like Gentile, but players can't. He doesn't follow the ball, he follows player ;).
Messi hasn't been injured much at all. And as I said, players are much stronger and more agile now so i don't see why Messi couldn't do that.

I dont want to take part in this debate as there wont be an end to his topic,

but modern day players are not strong, they are protected by the refs. Past players had to face leg breaking tackles very often still they showcased their talents. Now faintest of touch makes player to roll and feign injury.. Now the game is becoming non contact sport, even in mid 90s game was superb to watch.

And also what have to consider is playing conditions and how the players made the ball to stick to the feet even when the pitch was horrible and worse than non league team's pitch at worst condition.

We just cannot compare players from different era, but what players achieved in those times always stands out for me..
I dont want to take part in this debate as there wont be an end to his topic,

but modern day players are not strong, they are protected by the refs. Past players had to face leg breaking tackles very often still they showcased their talents. Now faintest of touch makes player to roll and feign injury.. Now the game is becoming non contact sport, even in mid 90s game was superb to watch.

And also what have to consider is playing conditions and how the players made the ball to stick to the feet even when the pitch was horrible and worse than non league team's pitch at worst condition.

We just cannot compare players from different era, but what players achieved in those times always stands out for me..

Players diving has nothing to do with their athleticism. Players now are on extremely perfected schedules and probably diets aswell. Facebreaking tackles have NOTHING at all to do with strength, but dirtiness.
Players diving has nothing to do with their athleticism. Players now are on extremely perfected schedules and probably diets aswell. Facebreaking tackles have NOTHING at all to do with strength, but dirtiness.

Maybe you are not getting the point, Pele and co had to face leg breaking tackles, which modern players dont.
Maybe you are not getting the point, Pele and co had to face leg breaking tackles, which modern players dont.

I was arguing that Messi could do far better than Pelé still having to face "leg breaking tackles" and that pelé wouldn't stand a chance against modern players who use strength and agility to win the ball rather than "leg breaking tackles".
I was arguing that Messi could do far better than Pelé still having to face "leg breaking tackles" and that pelé wouldn't stand a chance against modern players who use strength and agility to win the ball rather than "leg breaking tackles".

A slight contact from Atletico madrid player resulted like this. I dont know how Messi would have coped with thuggery back then

A slight contact from Atletico madrid player resulted like this. I dont know how Messi would have coped with thuggery back then


Really valid point.

Actually, no. Come up with something better.
Players diving has nothing to do with their athleticism. Players now are on extremely perfected schedules and probably diets aswell. Facebreaking tackles have NOTHING at all to do with strength, but dirtiness.

Listen mate, even the strongest stone brake if you hit him hard enough. My POINT is, players like Messi wouldn't have protection by ref's like they do now. Did you even bother to watch clip I posted ? Gentile was on the edge to brake Maradona's leg.
I'm just going to stop posting, from here on my stance is "I agree with Mads2506". Should save me some typing :)
To be completely honest it is totally unfair to compare players who played in different era's... You can argue that Pele would not have been able to cope with so and so in the Modern Game or Messi wont be cope with the thuggery in those days but we wont ever know

I respect Pele for his achievements but its unfair to call him the best footie player who ever lived ... a more appropriate tag would be the best footie player of his era or something similar
Personally, I don't think there is a best football player in the world, in as much as Messi can't defend like, say, Lucio and Lucio can't attack like Messi. Neither can stand between the posts to save a goal. IF there was a player that could actually do all of that then they would be the best that has ever lived but so far, no one has been able to showcase that they can.
messi may be like henry or ronaldinho. its way too early in his career to say.
Im off too the bookies to place a bet. 1 pence on Messi scoring 1284 goals by the time he retires ;)
Why is everyone going on about how many goals he scored?
He officially scored 800ish and goals in friendly games shouldn't count at all seeing as though you can play a nothing team and smash them 30-0.

Also Friedenreich another Brazilian has arguably scored more goals than Pele in his career whilst playing less games.
So yeah Goals aren't everything, it's impossible to say who is better than who.
They played at different times in a completely different type of game, it's far too easy to go on about so and so would do this in this era and so and so wouldn't be able to do what he has in that era. We wont know and unless somone builds a time machine and goes back in time and sticks them all together at the same age we will never know.