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Im not calling anybody...

I think it stinks and costs you money you could spend on other things... never tried one and not going too... it really is pointless
Smoking is a choice. In fairness it is a really bad thing to do, we watched this video in school last week about what can happen to you when you smoke for a certain amount of time. There are consequences and I think the people who do smoke know the consequences but I'm not going to run their lives for them, it's their own choice. I myself would never touch a cigarette, rich teas...on the other hand.
If people want to smoke that's fine. You have to respect their decision.
Nope, never will.

If other people want to, it's their choice, their tax pays for my healthcare so why would I mind?

Possibly because your tax also pays for their healthcare, and they're far more likely to get ill and have to have expensive medical treatment than you due to the adverse affects of smoking?

Not my opinion, you understand, just throwing it out there.
For the smokers on this thread, please tell me how smoking makes you feel.
Satisfied, occupied and young.
Never smoked never will , hate smokeing because have lost family due to smoking :'( , think it's not worth the money and the hassle , but still respect your decision to smoke
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Money that I would be otherwise spending on drugs and alcohol.
I smoke 1000 maybe 2000 a day, costs a fortune, but if i wasn't buying ****, i'd just be buying food or giving it to charity.
Money is a key part of it for me, I think it's a joke, people spend maybe about £40 on cigarettes (maybe?)
and for what? Making them feel good about them selves? = LOL.
Relieving stress? In that case everyone in the world would be smoking.

But no, it damages your health, imagine what that money would do for charity.

Do what you want, but I think it's wrong, especially the one's the teenagers on street corners who just puff all the smoke in your face.
Dont have the money to smoke spend all mine on Beer!