Something a Little Different: A Brighton & Hove Albion Story

Would love to see a Bilbao story considering me and Klippy aren't doing one anymore
Would love to see a Bilbao story considering me and Klippy aren't doing one anymore

Thanks for your suggestion but the fact that there's already been two successful ones then it'd put me off! Thanks anyway
Aston Villa? Hasn't been a really successful one yet? get decent budget and they have some decent players.
Aston Villa? Hasn't been a really successful one yet? get decent budget and they have some decent players.

Thanks for the suggestion mate. I'll wait until there's several clubs and then take a close look at each one
Keep the suggestions coming in please! So far there's Aston Villa as a possibility and I've thought of Marseille, Hamburg and Hoffenheim. Any suggestions are appreciated!
I've decided on who to be for my new save. The new thread should be up either tonight or tomorrow. I hope some of you guys will follow that too - keep an eye out please! :)