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Think they're still at it. Just had to ban an obvious troll.

Think they're still at it. Just had to ban an obvious troll.

Would've thought they should've been doing their homework-they've got to be up early for school don't they?
Would've thought they should've been doing their homework-they've got to be up early for school don't they?

Would say exams, but I don't think they're even that old.

i would have called in Anonymous to take down that forum ;) XD :P

I know someone - I offered to ask my mate to crash their server for Steve :P
Would say exams, but I don't think they're even that old.

And if they are-or older.........doesn't bear thinking about. Can just see them applying the 5 knuckle shuffle to themselves as they're trolling merrily away. I mean really. How much of a non-life must some people have.........
I mean i do the odd football related troll (normally to scousers), but i would never do anything this immature or personal
While I don't agree with what they did or said at all you have to think about it. You went on a site with the intent to "steal" members for your site and not to give to the community.

I wouldn't exactly call that friendly to the site.

Edit: Oh and I don't think a massive ***** fest is needed at all from you guys. You're just sinking to their level by doing this and this isn't what the SIAS is about so just ignore them or report them.
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While I don't agree with what they did or said at all you have to think about it. You went on a site with the intent to "steal" members for your site and not to give to the community.

I wouldn't exactly call that friendly to the site.

There is a difference between quietly mentioning that, and telling someone to hang themselves. Anyone with that behaviour on Base would be at the very least temp banned.

What scares me is the fact the Mod who closed the thread really didn't seem bothered by it.
As I said, I don't agree with what they said at all but I am a saying what the OP did wasn't exactly innocent as he makes out. I can bet for a fact the thread wasn't approved by a member of staff there in the first place so it is a bit of sneaky goings on which isn't friendly at all.
But as I said I don't at all approve of what they said, however is this ***** fest needed?
While I don't agree with what they did or said at all you have to think about it. You went on a site with the intent to "steal" members for your site and not to give to the community.

I wouldn't exactly call that friendly to the site.

Lol, it isn't stealing, Susie don't 'own' their members, he was just offering an alternative. People make their own minds up, and I cant think that the way they reacted will entice new members to join. For people to jump at him like that, they must be worried that a site without a domain name and about 5 members will be an attractive alternative. Considering he would be a relatively small rival, if a rival at all, telling him to 'hang himself' is surely something that shouldn't be tolerated or promoted for SIAS sites.
Like FM-base hasn't run off people creating and advertising alternative forums.
As I said, I don't agree with what they said at all but I am a saying what the OP did wasn't exactly innocent as he makes out. I can bet for a fact the thread wasn't approved by a member of staff there in the first place so it is a bit of sneaky goings on which isn't friendly at all.
But as I said I don't at all approve of what they said, however is this ***** fest needed?

If you believe that a discussion and a collective feeling of disgust over responses to a post on an internet forum is a "***** fest" then you think that.

Steve posted the same OP on here, see anyone telling him to hang himself here? No. This thread is merely a response to a quite frankly disgusting group of posters on another site.

Read through exactly what they wrote from beginning to end, and tell me that they aren't immature and childish.
If people the see that as "stealing" members, then perhaps we are seeing whats wrong with the scene, that people are so tribal about their sites, that they feel they need to react like that. Childish and unnecessary.

Whats done is done anyway. Might make a point of it to SI.
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Dunc - Stealing was used purely as I couldn't think of a different way to put it ;).

I totally agree with you on some aspects (the SIAS and his treatment) but this thread really shouldn't be here and we both know that. If there's a problem that is deemed to be worthy of reporting then email Rob not create a 6 page ***** about the site as then you can get in trouble ;).

I'm just giving you a point of view from someone who isn't part of Susie or here full time and thought it would give a neutral's insight and I agree that no one should ever be spoken to like that but I don't think the OP is as blue-eyed as he makes out in some respects. Though yes them members should have just ignored it as his site wouldn't really be a rival but that isn't really for us to judge.
Dunc - Stealing was used purely as I couldn't think of a different way to put it ;).

I totally agree with you on some aspects (the SIAS and his treatment) but this thread really shouldn't be here and we both know that. If there's a problem that is deemed to be worthy of reporting then email Rob not create a 6 page ***** about the site as then you can get in trouble ;).

I'm just giving you a point of view from someone who isn't part of Susie or here full time and thought it would give a neutral's insight and I agree that no one should ever be spoken to like that but I don't think the OP is as blue-eyed as he makes out in some respects. Though yes them members should have just ignored it as his site wouldn't really be a rival but that isn't really for us to judge.

Do agree about the thread, not sure its the best thing
Just stick to this forum, it's clearly the best around.
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