Super 4-6-0 : the team who fight against relegation entered into champion league


Jan 24, 2014
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Super 4-6-0(new version) : R.Madrid style & Barcelona style

Tomorrow is Chinese new year eve.Happy new year to Chinese compatriots on this forum.

Last update
: I have updated the tactics below.Very strong.These are R.Madrid style & Barcelona style.For R.Madrid style,players take more fast passes.For Barcelona style,they play delicately and with more patient.I don't know which is better.perhaps,R.Madrid style suit most teams. If you have a super team,Barcelona style maybe the better. But I prefer to say: it's all about personal taste.

To force the opponent with more pressure,the defensive line is much higher up. If you think that will be dangrous,pls tweak it.

I release only ANC version.

Super tactic is the fundamental factor of victory, not CAPA.
The essence of success is to deprive of others resource.
These are aggressive, stinging & attacking tactics without forward.

It is the first time I visit fm-base. The tactics were made by my ownself. If there are any similarities with other tactics on this forum, it's pure coincidence and I'm very honoured.

These tactics do not depend on player's high ability. My aim is to design a successful tactic for those who are lazy. You do not need adjust it in the match, do not need consider home or away, and will not fear the stronger teams again. Just plug in and play it. You don't need players with more CAPA, the main idea is to establish an instant advantage at a certain moment and a certain area. The attackers whose ability are lower than their opponents should avoid falling into the siege, so they track back and drift around to look for space all the time. You will be thrilled to see plenty of space behind the opponents and lots of clear chances in front of the goal. Yes, Your blood is boilling.

The role of DM has influence on playing style. 1, Half back is the core of the defensive line and organizes attacking from deep position. With a Half Back, MC will comes deep to get ball, there are more space at high up the pitch for your attacking players to exploit, and you can see more sudden attacks. 2, The main job of an ANC is to anchor the defence, laying off simple passes to his more creative teammates. So, with an ANC, the function of the 2 AP become apparent, the style of play is more attractive and delicate. Hereunder are the tactics with different DM role.

If you are in lower league, I suggest you to select the tactic "X Att" in order to make some quick and sudden attack. And if your team has a certain reputation, "X Ctr" is the super strong tactic to make the opponents crash down. There is almost no difference between the two tactics except the mentality.

These are aggressive tactics. You should encourage your boys to win the game when you give team talk. I like to tell them calmly such as "I expect a win" or "I want you pick up where you left off last time out" or "for the fans" whatever home or away. For an away game, 'i except a win" is a very effective word.

No special requirments for the players. But you'd better use your guerrilla-type strkers as AMC, training new position.

In addition, you' better command the match by yourself for an away game, cause the assistant manager may give conservative team talk and change some details of the tactic and leads to lose the match.

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nice to see the thread come together mate, all the best with your tactic, it looks very interesting :D
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Hi everybody, I'm from Shanghai, China. I appreciate the tactics philosophy of Barca and Guadiola. I always thought: The essence of success is to deprive of others resource, especially in the orient. And in football, people commit to deprive of the possession of their opponents, and then beat them continuously, just like that Barca has been doing all the way. TIKI-TAKA is one of the best methods to keep possession, meanwhile closing down the opponents high up the pitch.
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This is the powerful tactics which has no striker. You may call it 4-6-0 or 4-1-2-3-0. I have been successful in Bra’s promotion every year with this tactics, and achieved third place in the first year in serie A. Bra is an underdog in serie D.
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This tactics does not depend on player's high ability. My aim is to design a successful tactics for those who are lazy. You do not need adjust it, do not need consider home or away, and will not fear the stronger team again. You don’t need players with high CAPA, the main idea is to establish an instant advantage at a certain moment and a certain area. The attackers whose ability is lower than his opponents should avoid falling into the siege, so they track back and drift around to look for space all the time. You will be thrilled to see plenty of space behind the opponent and lots of clear chances in front of the goal. Yes, Your blood is boilling.
To play a TIKI-TAKA game, players must move the ball around quickly and decisively without break or stop. The more freedom you give a player, the more quickly he passes the ball. Trequartista and advanced playmaker have complete freedom. This is the reason why I use 3 trequartista as AMC and 2 advanced playmakers as MC. This is very important.
the essence of tiki taka is the destroyer/creator/passer midfield, having two attacking playmakers kind of ruins what the tiki taka is all about, you need at least a single cm on support to really help with the possession based philosophy of the tiki taka.
The 3 AMC, classic AMC is not better than the strikers who trained AMC as his new position . There is no extra requirements in other roles.
the essence of tiki taka is the destroyer/creator/passer midfield, having two attacking playmakers kind of ruins what the tiki taka is all about, you need at least a single cm on support to really help with the possession based philosophy of the tiki taka.

A cm who is on support will slow the pass tempo, I ask my boys to pass the ball quickly, just once touch.
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it doesn't slow the tempo down at all, in my tiki taka tactic most players are on support duty and they pass the ball extremely fast, it all depends what instructions and shouts you use and of course, what players you have as well.
How I trained the team? I am a tyrant. Don't be worried that the players will be unhappy. You are unhappy, so what?
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Great philosophy, exactly what i'm looking for, a plug and win everything tactic, no headaches, i'm not moyes.
So if I wanted to use this with a League 2 team, which tactics would I need to download? Thanks!
So if I wanted to use this with a League 2 team, which tactics would I need to download? Thanks!
I suggest you to use "HB Att" at the start, and if your team has been more fimiliar with the formation, you could consider using "X Ctr"
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you have 4 tactics, I don't understand when to use which... pleaes explain more