So I have been playing with the version hat I sent jo0star.I started a game with Newcastle.And tweaked two things about the tactic,and I have only lost 2 games so far,one against Blackburn(2 morten gamst pedersen free kicks) and one against Arsenal(lost 4-1 away,with '9' men as Steven Taylor got sent off on 20 minutes and I finished off all my substitutes by the 60th minute when we were drawing 1-1.After the 2nd sending off,well,they just played with us--but still scored 2 from corners,but even at 10 men,we were the better team.)
Other than these goals,I conceded 2 against stoke(peter crouch and ryan shawcross with both goals from delap throw ins) and 2 against fulham(one was a beauty from Pogrebynak and another one was on the 90th minute,as I had not subbed off players by mistake and they were tired) and 2 goals against West from(one from a corner,and one from open play after a great peter odemwingie run).Oh and 2 more goals in 2 games against Chelsea--both were penalties.
As for the results,all wins so far coming into december other than Arsenal,Blackburn(defeats) and west from,stoke(draws).
Best wins-Man City 5-0,Chelsea 5-1,Chelsea 3-1,Liverpool 3-0.
Best part about tactic-Immense defence,I don't know if I have ever had a tactic with a better defence.
Worst part about tactic-Low Conversion of CCC.As in we are creating a lot of CCC(5-6) and half chances(7-8),but for some reason not scoring like my tactics used to before.So as soon as I get that covered,I will post the new tactic.And if Jo0star gives me some idea about how it could be made better,I shall look into that as well.Cheers.