Tactic Testing League

  • Thread starter Thread starter Will1981
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Will, so you are saying that the destiny of your testing in hands of your assistant manager which is dumb as **** when it comes to pick the starting elven? :D

When it comes to picking the starting eleven, assistant manager kinda has to do it. But it would be fixed if he made the players more versatile in the editor, setting many positions to 20 rating (natural).
do you think all players should have the same CA then?

Yes, but not flat stats. Real players where all have same CA. My test team has like 100 players (to cover all possible roles equally good), all CA 120 (in the database im building now).
do you think all players should have the same CA then?

CA might be very tricky and it isn't always that a player with higher CA is better for the position.

They should have the same attributes and only that guaranties "fair" testing.
CA might be very tricky and it isn't always that a player with higher CA is better for the position.

They should have the same attributes and only that guaranties "fair" testing.

No, on that I agree with Will. Flat stats doesnt work well, as strikers will have high marking, tackling etc, which results in very inaccurate testing in comparison to a real game.
When it comes to picking the starting eleven, assistant manager kinda has to do it. But it would be fixed if he made the players more versatile in the editor, setting many positions to 20 rating (natural).
I going to make 6 identical teams with identical players

anyone with a rating for a position of between 15 and 19 will have it raised to 20

all PPM's will be removed

the other 5 teams will play the 5 most popular AI tactics
I going to make 6 identical teams with identical players

anyone with a rating for a position of between 15 and 19 will have it raised to 20

all PPM's will be removed

the other 5 teams will play the 5 most popular AI tactics

Will, players for ML/MR/AMR/AML positions should be identical and have the same attributes. You can set all their attributes to "15" expect the defensive attributes and expect "Jumping Reach" attribute and that'll make them equally good for any role. Also set their rating for the left and the right foot to "20" so they'll be equally good as Wingers and Inside Forwards.

The similar should be made for other positions.
Will, players for ML/MR/AMR/AML positions should be identical and have the same attributes. You can set all their attributes to "15" expect the defensive attributes and expect "Jumping Reach" attribute and that'll make them equally good for any role. Also set their rating for the left and the right foot to "20" so they'll be equally good as Wingers and Inside Forwards.

The similar should be made for other positions.
there will be 3x right footed RM/RW, 3x left footed RM/RW, 3x left footed LM/LW and 3x right footed LM/LW.
there will be 3x right footed RM/RW, 3x left footed RM/RW, 3x left footed LM/LW and 3x right footed LM/LW.

Will, as I already said, unfortunately, the assistant manager aren't able to recognize the modification to the generic roles such Wide Midfielder and he doesn’t understand what type of player you need for these positions so he always chooses a right footed player for the right Wide Midfielder and a left footed player for the left Wide Midfielder and in order to avoid this issue just make all players for ML/MR/AML/AMR positions to be "Either" footed and have "20" for the left and for the right foot.
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Will, as I already said, unfortunately, the assistant manager aren't able to recognize the modification to the generic roles such Wide Midfielder and he doesn’t understand what type of player you need for these positions so he always choose a right footed player for the right Wide Midfielder and a left footed player for the left Wide Midfielder and in order to avoid this issue just make all players for ML/MR/AML/AMR positions to be “Either” footed and have “20” for the left and for the right foot.
surely if you increase stats for left foot or right foot it will damage there other stats though.
surely if you increase stats for left foot or right foot it will damage there other stats though.

Why does it concern you? You can have CA as high as you want... it should be more than enough to have all attributes 15, expect the defensive and Jumping Reach and the same time have "20" for both foot.
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Another issue you have to deal with, is that a tactic performs at different levels against small, medium and top teams. In your test, all are identical, so it will only find the tactic that is "best" against an equally good opponent. Different reputation and slightly different CA teams would fix that issue.
Why does it concern you? You can have CA as high as you want... it should be more than enough to have all attributes 15, expect the defensive and Jumping Reach and the same time have "20" for both foot.
I am using real players with real attributes.
Will, when players have all their attributes at 15 this means that they do all possible task equally good and they are equally good for any role and no one can argue that obvious fact.

The only one unrealistic thing you should avoid it’s don't give attackers the defensive attributes at 15 and don't give defenders the attacking attributes at 15

Attackers shouldn't have Tackling, Marking, Positioning at 15

Defenders shouldn't have Finishing, Long Shots, Off The Ball, Flair at 15.

Also, It's obvious that all players shouldn't have "Jumping Reach" at 15, expect Central Defenders.
I am using real players with real attributes.

Anyway you can raise CA of real players in order to have the rating for both foot at "20" without changing their attributes.

When you use real players you inevitable gives advantage to some tactical approach and the testing becomes pointless in this case because even if you removed all possible randomness and even if you used the identical players anyway you need to play no less than 600+ matches to see the difference between close performing tactic but if you used real players that gives advantage to some approach then such testing is just waste of time… because in the real game people will be using "proper" players for the tactic and they will getting totally different result.
Anyway you can raise CA of real players in order to have the rating for both foot at "20" without changing their attributes.

When you use real players you inevitable gives advantage to some tactical approach and the testing becomes pointless in this case because even if you removed all possible randomness and even if you used the identical players anyway you need to play no less than 600+ matches to see the difference between close performing tactic but if you used real players that gives advantage to some approach then such testing is just waste of time… because in the real game people will be using "proper" players for the tactic and they will getting totally different result.
there will be 76 players in each squad this will give all tactics an equal chance.
there will be 76 players in each squad this will give all tactics an equal chance.

Will, there might be 1000 players in the testing team but it doesn’t solve the issue that assistant manger aren’t able to pick the proper players for the generic roles such Wide Midfielder/Central Midfielder/Attacking Midfielder.

Wide Midfielder/Central Midfielder/Attacking Midfielder are generic roles … they have all PIs unlocked and you can create any role you want from these roles but the assistant manger aren’t able to recognize what you made of these generic roles and he still picks players for these roles according its default settings…

In order to avoid this issue you make players that equally good for any role so the assistant manger just can’t make mistake when he picks players for these roles.
For example, you might totally tweak the passing, dribbling, shooting and all other settings for Wide Midfielder/Central Midfielder/Attacking Midfielder and it'll make some attributes to be very important for the modified roles or not important at all but the assistant manger isn't able to recognize these changes and he still pick players for these roles according its default settings.

Also, behavior of many roles might be easily changed by TIs and the assistant manger aren’t able to recognize these modifications.

Your assistant manager is only able to pick players for the roles according its default settings but all tactics have tons of PIs/TIs that modifies the behavior of roles.

So if when you test many different tactic you should have "universal" player that do different task equally good in order to not to give any tactical approach advantage because your assistant manager won’t recognize all modification that was made to the role and it would be very naïve to expect that he is cable to do that... because it isn't NASA created this game to give him such intelligence :)
New database nearly ready

76 players all with 140 current ability

I have set there potential ability to 140 also so they dont improve during the season.

They all have all there PPM's removed and injury proneness set to 1.
I have set there potential ability to 140 also so they dont improve during the season.

If players don't have at least 10 points gap between CA and PA their attributers decrease during the season.

CA doesn't mean much and it doesn't make all players to be equally good. CA is just an amount of points that players have to spend on its attributes but how it's spent have crucial importance.