Hello all, i don't have some time to open post here so if u want try my tactic please follow here: http://fmlive.it/topic/13847-singskytter-v03/
some SS:
snigskytter v0.3_3020EEF0-400C-4C2A-9517-C64A48A5F48C
Hello all, i don't have some time to open post here so if u want try my tactic please follow here: http://fmlive.it/topic/13847-singskytter-v03/
some SS:
Name of your skin pls ??
Hello all, i don't have some time to open post here so if u want try my tactic please follow here: http://fmlive.it/topic/13847-singskytter-v03/
some SS:
need oi's ?? the forum need registration...
use the TFF OI's
anyone tried this? works pretty well for me
how i tff OIs ??
on Tactic menu (oppenent instruction) and put the same OI's u can see on TFF topic
i m play with the tactic is very good
i mplay a beautifull football
and other save warlock II is very good tactic again
Does it just register for download
who is link direct ?
i'm not possible downald
Been using this lately (with a few changes) with great success.
I guess the linked thread was closed, anyone had the chance to try it?
Been using this lately (with a few changes) with great success.
I guess the linked thread was closed, anyone had the chance to try it?