The best goal YOU have scored ?

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i have also broke 3 other peoples wrists when i was younger due to my shot. didnt score but still pretty happy with them lol.

Lol, i broke my little brothers wrist quite a few years back when i used to train him in goal, i though nothing of it told him to shut up complaing and get on with what we was doing, didnt realise until about 30 mins later that it had swelled up badly. Got to say now tho the hard work paid off, hes currently playing at a local academy.
Does everyone know the Zola goal, the one where he jumps up and heels it in? Well, anyhow,we were 2nd in the league, and we faced the team who were first on the last day of the season. They opened the scoring with a free kick in the first few minutes, and we had to beat them or it was 2nd for us. The game stayed the same until 10 minutes to go, and we get a corner, and I accidentaly did the Zola thing, was trying to filck it to the far post but it flew past the keeper into the top corner. Game on. To make it even better, we scored a free-kick from like 30 yards (not me) to win it, and the league was ours (H)
i only ever scored one goal outside the box, i am a defender, i went up cause we where 2-1 down with 10 to play, so i went as a target man for 10 minutes of good old fashion route one. the ball came up, the defender missed his header, about 20-25yards out, i just volleyed it towards the goal, it went over the keeper who was on the edge of the 6 yard box, into the goal, i went estatic, jumped around, did the ady celebration, aswell as got a kiss on the head from my best mate, who was the capt. good times.

we lost 3-2 though, i gave away a penalty about 5 minutes later.
my best was just pure individuality, i got the ball from the halfway line and just ran with it, doing stepovers like there is no tomorrow, one guy slid at me, knocked it past him, then turned the other guy..
shot from the outside of the area, hit the bar came back out to me, easy tap-in (H)
this season for my team it was aganist my old team ... it was always gonna be a big game i am a centre back got to go centre mid for last 5 mins coz we were 4-1 up and i picked it up halfway line.... SCORED! i was so happy .... they new that i was ... so i got doggy piled :L
I don't score many but last season in the cup semi final for my team I scored my best ever goal. Edge of the area the ball was headed out and first time on the volley I struck it and it fly in over the keeper. I was delighted and my team went on to win 3-1! ^^)
I once scored a 20-yard bullet header into the bottom corner
A teammate seen me onside and he booted a ball upfield,i ran across and headed in.(H)
Also i once blasted a shot into the top corner from the same distance
And finally,a ball was passed to my left foot and i faked hitting it first time(fooled the keeper,he dived to that side)and put it on to my right foot and i put it through a defender's legs into the other corner.:D
I'll always remember my great nearly goal. We were playing an 11-a-side tournament and both teams were on the field 15 mins before kick-off so we had a quick kick about for warm up. This was now at the times where I was goalkeeper and since I had very little chance of doing anything special outfield I may as well strut my stuff before hand. The ball was cleared by one of their defenders to my penalty area and I went on the maziest of mazy runs, twist and turn going past 7-8 players. Never had I went on such a run before so only fitting I should apply the finish, so from the edge of the other penalty area, towards the left, i curled a shot in heading to the back post only for Darryl to go all superman and steal my thunder with a terrific diving header from half a yard out. I told him that it wasn't supposed to be a cross and that it was a shot, he didn't mind though but I was well ******
However, I did once score a very fashionablebackwards header over my own keepers head. We lost 1-0
In primary school because I was not the best of players I sat on the bench and I wasn't watching the game and I scored a tap in against my own keeper when I was brought on :(

EDIT: I was pleased with myself with all of 4 seconds as well.
House Football this year, in March, playing as a left-back, and I hadn't scored since I was H team striker 5 years ago.

Anyway, the ball came in from a great corner, and I was there, and stuck out a football and past the crazy Japanese goalie, and then, next minute, I whacked in a 30 yard free-kick :).

Best own-goal was in a trial match :(. The ball came back on the bounce, and in an attempt to clear it, I ended up, slicing it straight over the keeper head :'(
probably playing on the beach in Valencia, bare feet.. picked up the ball like 30 yards out turned past one player who kicked me as i went past :S keeper came out, i took it past him without realising he was the keeper cos it was like 15-20 yards out and curled it into the top corner of an open goal :D also i scored a great header in the last minute of a non competitive sunday game when it was last goal wins,. sort of like this:
Also my friend consistenyl scored from Halfway line freekicks, not huge pitch but sort of 40 yards out, he just punted it into the bottom corner, and finally @JDY - my friend broke a rib which went through his shoulder (don't ask) when he tried to clear the ball off the line on a concrete five aside pitch, poor guy
half way line free kick over the top of the keeper on a 3/4 quarter pitch aswell couldnt beleive it
scored a bicycle kick from a corner on the local park someone whipped it in and without it bouncing hit it, it went dead straight hit the bar and went in :) also scored from like 25 yards out with my knee and it lobbed the keeper :)
I'm a keeper, went up for a corner and scored a volley from the edge of the area :D We were already winning 5-1 but it was still an epic moment, the whole team bundled on top of me haha. This is for my local sunday league team by the way, a few years ago at U14 level :)