Just a heads up-keep posts in English. If you can't type in English use google translate. Obviously can read English or you wouldn't have made a lame attempt at trolling other people-which is why your post was deleted.
Stick to the point of the thread or be banned. Only warning. Tolerance for idiots is zero right now.
Nice, just for giving my opinion it means i'm trolling

. The fact you don't like my opinion doesn't mean you have to call me idiot. Show some respect i did not call you idiot.
As i said, i laugh about all these conspiracy against Real Madrid, haters are gonna hate, deal with it, Real has now 13 Champions

BTW: Liverpool injured Carvajal, what you, liverpool fans, have to say about it.
P.S: You now can delete this post if you want ajt09

since you don't consider talking about Real Madrid CL Final to ¨Stick to the point of the thread¨.
PS2. Ban me if you want i will re enter with other nick tough guy and with another IP, your forum it's not the only one for FM, you think yourself the master of the world........dictador.
PS3. Considering the comments on your profile i guessed right, you're a dictator, moderators like you make forums like this,pages to avoid on the internet