The Europa Vision

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Dec 7, 2011
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Just to let any potential readers known to the fact I intend give a more in-depth view of a fictional characters life. I notice it is based around Football Manager, but I intend to include a whole personality. The view of an inexperienced male trying to make it big in the business of football. Just like you and I, he has dreams he keeps to himself which he hopes one day he can achieve. The very in-depth and personal nature of this story may put potential readers off, but I hope to pick up several followers over time. I do have a love for the city of Barcelona and did notice this club whilst I visited there. Several real-life elements may be included but the majority will be fictional.


Sunday, June 5th 2011

I pulled up outside of the not-so-luxurious Hotel Campanile with a disgruntled look upon my face. My fresh memories of the shabby rooms flashed before me once again. Not so long ago had I left this place, yet I’d been drawn back. I yawned once more after my long car journey but tried to hold it back from the beautiful women standing right in front of me...

Hola señor, ¿cómo puedo ayudarle?

I’m English” I replied whilst frantically pointing at myself as if the hotel cashier was 2 years old.She disappeared off to find someone who spoke English, or at least I hoped.

A tall, clean-shaven bloke returned. Looked English, and so he was as I could soon tell from his accent,

"Alright mate, how can I help you?"

"Urm, just to get my keys. Brandon Thorpe. I'm booked in for 12 nights"

"Ah, no bother mate. Two minutes whilst I just look for your name," he continued, "so where you from? Sound a bit of a Northener?"

"Aye, lived there for a little while" I replied, "move around a bit. Studying a course in Sports and I decided to move out here to do a year of it. Better weather, huh?" he sniggered,

"Yeah, much better. Well, here's your room key. Number 79. Enjoy your stay Sir."

"Thanks mate"


I slid the key card in and the green light came on. I kicked the door open with my foot and the miserable mess of a room once again came into sight. "Why did I even bother coming back here?" I thought.

I dumped my suitcase onto the 'second-bed'... nope, I think they mean a small foldy-up broken bed in the corner. I looked around for the sink to pour a glass of water and even finding a clean glass was a struggle in this place.

After my 20 hour car trip, I finally gave into the tiredness and fell back onto my double bed for some sleep. Before I did, my eyes caught sight of a small fly above me. I followed it until it disappeared out of sight and closed my eyes.


Monday, June 6th 2011

I rolled over and opened my eyes. That god-**** fly had invited his friends over now... I'll get my revenge. I picked up my watch from the bed-side cabinet, '10:30am'. God, I'd slept like a baby.

As I stood up, I smelt a foul smell and looked around a little wondering what the f*ck it was... until I noticed it was me. Acceptable, I guess. I haven't had a shower in about two days, so...

Anyway, I have to make it to the University for 1pm, so I best go and try figure my way around. Front desk may be the best place to start for directions; but I'm in desperate need of a shower first.


My first 'lecture' so to speak went terrible.

It was a total waste of time because of the language barrier. Should have probably thought of that before deciding to move out here for a year, but I'm sure I'll survive. I'd brought a couple of learner books and CD's along with me. I'd also thought it was a good idea to buy a Spanish dictionary just before I entered the Uni; although sadly it cost extra because it had Catalan in too.

It proved vital as about the only things I picked up from my lecturer was the fact I was an English only speaking student, and something about a 'job wall'. Essentially just a whole wall with post-it notes on with jobs from the local area.

I'd managed to take a few down without anyone noticing. I think they were there for contact details etc but, well... I didn't really understand them; so I thought I'd take 'em with me and try understand them when I had more time.
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Thursday, June 9th 2011

It took me all of Monday night to figure those god **** jobs out. There were a couple for jobs working with kids' football teams as coaches and several in sports shops around the area. Although, there was one which particularly caught my eye- C.E Europa.

Last time I was here as a tourist, my coach went past a small stadium and I tried to take a look over the outside walls at who's this stadium was. Nothing was to be seen as the walls were too high and I'd forgotten all about it. When I looked into this C.E Europa, it turned out to be them and I found out a little information.

They weren't playing very high up in the national football pyramid and my little knowledge of Spanish came in helpful, finding out the chairman spoke English. I decided to give him a call and I had a meeting scheduled for later today.


After arriving at the stadium, I finally got a peek of the pitch and to be fair, it was a pretty good surface. Fake, synthetic but I didn't mind. I played on these surfaces back in England and they seemed good.

After arriving in reception, I was told to take a seat and wait for my name to be called. It wasn't long as I was the only one there... apart from some bloke - who looked like a 60-year-old paedophile.

"Mr. Thorpe! You made it! How are you? Want a drink?" He certainly seemed up-beat, considering I'd never met him before...

"Hello Mr. Bode, I'm ur... good thanks. I'm fine,"

"Please, call me Aume. It's a pleasure to meet you!"

"Uh, yeah, you too... Aume," 'Aume'- pretty stupid name, huh?

"So you seen the pitch out there? Fantastic, eh?"

"Yeah, yeah. Great..."

"Good, good. Anyway, I have another meeting soon, trying to get another sponsor as our old one was a bunch of cheap men. The reason you're here is pretty obvious and I'm pretty interested in you. I may hardly know you, but you're very very young for a manager,"

"You're interested in me? Oh, ur, I wasn't expecting that but grea-.." He rudely interrupted,

"Yeah yeah," he looked up at the wall and continued, "We're not the great club we used to be. You know, we were one of the 10 founders of La Liga. Now look where we are; a mid-table side in Tercera Divison." A great look of regret and heartache came across his face,

"Well, ur... I'm very interested Aume," He swivelled in his change and gave me a deep stare

"Yeah, yeah of course you are. I'll give you a call if any further action is taken. Let yourself out..." I walked out the door and closed it behind me.

That didn't really go to plan... it's a club of great tradition, even if it is playing in lower leagues nowadays. What did I expect? I headed down to the underground car park and sat back in the seat of my Clio. Yup, the Clio with the steering wheel on the wrong side and a missing wing-mirror. It immediately reminded me of my financial position and how I needed a job...
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Thursday, 9th June 2011 -- 6:30pm

After my seemingly unsuccessful interview earlier, I'd spent the rest of the day attempting to organize an interview with anybody who was interested in somebody with the sole language of English.

Most companies were negative, although one or two scheduled an interview. I wasn't too bothered about what job I could find... I just needed a job. Although I'd brought money with me, it wasn't huge amounts and I needed some sort of income.

My phone rang, and I immediately suspected another rejection- this time from McDonald's. Yup, that's how low my career had become... rejection from McDonald's. I hesitated for a second about what the answer may of been, but I decided to pick up anyway.

"Hello... Brandon?" it was a deep, muffled voice. It sounded as though the person on the other end had been crying... like af*cking baby,

"Uh, hello, yeah. May I ask who's speaking?" the caller cleared his throat and again began speaking,

"Ah, ah... good. It's ur, it's Aume. I wanted to apologize for dismissing you so quickly earlier"

"It's no bother... Aume. I wasn't too expectant. I understand the great tradition of the club and-" he once again rudely interrupted. I still feel weird calling this guy Aume too... I mean, what thef*ck?

"Yeah, great tradition and all. Like I said earlier, we aren't the same club as we were in 1928. So, ur, you were one of two applicants for the job. Just you and some old bloke who works as a cleaner. I'm ur, I'm interested in you," I suddenly got that weird feelings, so called 'butterflies' like a little kid. Although I did notice his use of the word 'just'. He continued, "If you're interested too, I'm sure we could come to some sort of agreement,"

"Of course I'm interested! You say you aren't the same club of the past, but I'd sure intend to take you back there!" I actually meant that, too...

"Yeah, yeah. Save it son. Come back down tomorrow and we'll try sort a contract out? Don't be too expectant though... we aren't Manchester City," he sniggered,

"Sure. Anything will do right now! Although, I'm not just in this for the money,"

"Yeah, good son. I've gotta go, catch you later. Say 2pm?" he seemed in a rush,

"That's great Aume!" calling this guy 'Aume' didn't feel as bad any more, "Good, good. I'll see you soon Brandon."
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Ha, really liking this. I hope you stick with it, looks like it's going to be really good
Really good mate, bit confused but no bother, good writing and an interesting club to begin with.

Good luck.
Friday, 10th June 2011

"So €420 a week is enough?" was this guy serious? I nearly bit his hand off,

"Are you kidding me? Of course it is!" I replied,

"Great, great. Obviously you've got about a month before friendly matches start,"

"Yeah, sure. I'll go see all the lads in the mean-time and introduce myself," he looked up at me and smiled,

"Good idea. Any requests before I let you get away?"

"Well, ur. Just one thing. How much have I got to spend on fresh bodies?"

"Not much. About €5,000 for now. I'm close to securing a new sponsorship though, and the majority of that money will go straight into your budget," he looked pretty happy at the thought of a new team, until I wiped the smile from his face,

"Ah, great. Well, once we receive it... spend it on replacing that god **** pitch. Spend it on getting the latest synthetic surface- not something from the 90's" I sounded pretty stuck-up from that, but... it needed doing. The surface was sh*t,

"Ur, yeah. Sure, I'll see what I can do. That's all I've got time for mate, I'll see you soon,"

"Yeah, cheers. See you." I closed the door on my way out and gave the receptionist a cheeky smile. Surprisingly, she winked back which made me laugh.

Just as before, I made my way down to the underground parking beneath the stadium and slouched back into my seat.

Still the same Clio, but this time I was slouching back because of totally different circumstances. I'd finally become a football manager. Aume promised to pay rent for an apartment for me, or pay for a better hotel room than that sh*thole.

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Monday, 13th June 2011

My palms were sweaty as I took another glass of water. I was nervous, although I knew this wouldn't be much.

My first press conference- I was to be officially announced as manager of Club Esportiu Europa. It wasn't Barcelona... this was a team playing in the 4th level of Spanish football. There would be no masses of journalists; there would be no T.V cameras. I was hoping for about 10 journalists; which is why even I was surprised when I walked out...

"She's the only one. Local student working part-time" Aume whispered to me. I took a seat and looked up. I let Aume introduce me,

"Hello ladies and gentleman... well I should say hello to the one of you. Over the past week, we've had several talks with multiple different candidates for the vacant managers job. After extensive research, I decided we only had one real contender. He stood out from the rest of the pack and after successful contract negotiations, we can now announce our new manager... Mr. Brandon Thorpe," The lone female clapped and gave me a smile. A nice touch from her as the only one interested.

"Hello Mr. Thorpe. I'm Alejandra Martinez from the Barcelona Football Informer. You're now manager of C.E Europa. How does it feel?" She has a pretty sexy voice. A nice Spanish accent,

"It feels great. Europa aren't such a big name throughout the world; but have a rich history. It feels good to have the chance to bring a forgotten club back to former glories of La Liga,"

"You say Europa aren't such a big name; does this mean you intend to spend heavily to increase the clubs' status?" I didn't really know how to answer this one. I just kind of made it up on the spot,

"I can't really answer that question as of yet. I'll have to take an extensive look at the squad and how things work. I'm not the type of manager to spend money on somebody who isn't worth it, but I'm also not afraid to spend if it is needed," Pretty good thinking - in my opinion -

"Although you may have had little experience, you speak as though you do have experience. What type of manager are you? Calm or strict? What formation do you play and how effective do you believe it could be at this level?" She put me on the spot with this one, and gave me a sly wink,

"I try to keep calm. I want my players to see me as not just a manager, but also a friend. Someone they can speak to about problems both on and off the pitch. I like to have a friendly feeling within the squad. The lads need to trust each other. I play a previously very successful 4-5-1. Some also know it as a 4-2-4 which may seem very attacking, but it is also defensively strong and tight. The lads will need to work hard for me. They may not like me, but I demand respect," I sounded like a boss,

"Okay, thank you. That is all for now. As an avid fan, I wish you all the best in the future Mr. Thorpe." She gave me another wink and clapped. She proceeded to note one last thing and left.

I was told the press conference was officially over, "Great start mate" whispered Aume. I walked back to my office and got another glass of water. I'd never needed a drink so much. I looked up several names which were left on my desk to see if any were worth a trial. Nothing.

I closed the door and headed down to my Clio. As I opened the car door to climb in, I heard a call from behind me,

"Mr. Thorpe! Wait, please!" I turned around and seen the journalist from earlier running towards me,

"Oh, hey. Uh, call me Brandon," I was surprised she had waited behind...

"Brandon, I'm currently studying Media," She took a moment to catch her breath and continued, "I'm doing a report on how sports affects peoples lives. Please let me use you as an example?" I didn't really know what to say... "I know it's all so sudden and you don't know me, but I'm desperate. I have nothing yet. Please, come for coffee with me somewhere. We'll talk?" she gave me a puppy face and I fell for it,

"Uh, okay Miss... Mrs Martinez. You know somewhere? I'll drive us," I reluctantly gave in,

"Miss, Martinez. I know a place," She smiled at me and jumped in the car.

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Thursday, 7th July 2011 -- 11am

"So," Aume sounded... drained, "How's the apartment going?"

"Um, pretty bad to be honest. Considering you didn't give me the keys," he was silent for a moment,

"Oh, ur, sorry" he sighed, "Anyway, where are the new players Brandon?" his speech seemed somewhat... slurred,

"Ur, ur- what? New players? The currents ones are just fine," I faked a chuckle hoping he would be joking,

"Look, son. You may not have promised a new squad, but you certainly said you're pushing for promotion. These lads aren't promotion material," I interrupted,

"Excuse me, Sir. But I believe many of these lads are promotion material,"

"Oh, do you? 'Cause you know, I'm the boss here. You may be the manager, but I'm your boss" he stopped for a second, "I'm just about sick of this stupid clubs' antics," What was this guy on about?

"You're sick of the clubs' antics? It's your club! If you're sick of it, then sell up. Or alternatively, you could sack me. Sack all the players. Sack everyone and sell the stadium. Start a club of your own?" To my great surprise, he hung up. Without saying anything.

I didn't really know what to do for a second. I just, stood there. I rang Daniel, my assistant. I asked him to contact the lads and tell them what had happened. I wanted to know if they were still okay for our friendly tonight. He said he'd call back when he had contacted the team


Thursday, 7th July 2011 -- Continued

The lads looked drained and saddened by the news of Aume. We had to play the U19's tonight. We had long enough to warm up after today's events... everybody had come down to the stadium earlier. Both us, and the U19's.

Although the days events were a downfall on our preparation, me and Danny agreed to not let it affect us - or at least show it had affected us. After all, we were both very young men - some would still even call me an old teenager. We had to act like men though - men who had seen it all. Put a brave face on for the crowd and reassure them everything is good.

C.E Europa: Rafa Leva, Alex, Alberto, Alex Cano, Diego Suarez, Javi Lara, Ruben Salvador, Peque, Alexandre Delmas, Roman Rovira, Cebri.

Substitutes: Alberto Gallengo, Aitor Torres, Daniel Valderas, Roger Sagales, Aitor Olmo, Ramon Gatell, Guillem Parres, Raul Pociello.


C.E Europa 3-0 C.E Europa U19
(Venue: Nou Sardenya, Attendance: 100)

The lads performed well under extreme outside pressure. Both teams did, in honesty. The U19's put up a good fight and several players may get a run of games in the first team after a very impressive performance.

We took the lead early on - Peque beat a few players before coolly slotting under the keeper.

The performance from both teams after the goal was admirable and I was glad to say I was manager of all this. With half-time fast approaching, we doubled our lead. Delmas picked the ball up twenty yards out and struck a beauty. The keeper had no chance.

At half-time, I met both teams once more. The work-rate from both sides was great and lay the foundations for a great match.

Half way through the second period, Cano capped off a great move. Some great one touch football seen us rapidly move up the pitch and the young lads didn't know how to cope. Delmas laid the ball off to Alex for a simple finish.

As the final whistle blew, both teams headed back to the dressing room. The work-ethic in both sides was admirable and I hoped to build on this - not only for the first team, but also the U19's. Both sets of lads headed home in a good mood.

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In the process of writing the next update. Any comments so far? :)
Wednesday, 20th July 2011 -- 10am

Still no word from Aume. He hadn't been in contact with me, David or any of the players. Nothing.

I parked my car inside the underground garage below the pitch, like I have everyday since being officially the manager. I wanted to start training on the pitch, but obviously I needed permission from the chairman; and unluckily for me I have the worst chairman possible. So, for now we're wasting away money hiring training facilities.

I walked up the steps and out onto the pitch. I could hear the hustle and bustle of busy Barcelona outside. I know that I may need be 'living the dream'. I'm not being paid tens of thousands a week and I don't live in a million pound mansion. In fact, for now, I'm living in a small hotel room costing around £30. I also know I'm not managing the best team in the world, or even close to it. But, I'm managing a team I've fallen in love with. I'm not struggling financially; my wage may be incredibly smaller than that of a top-class manager but I don't spend considerable amounts on things I don't need.

I looked up at the apartment block towering over the stadium and seen a working-class Spanish man on one of the top floors. He was standing on his balcony in some shorts whilst smoking. He looked down, gave me a smile and thumbs up. I waved back and he disappeared off inside.

I must say, the pitch was looking great. Aume may be a sh*t chairman but I'll give him his due, he's spent bigger than I thought resulting in a top quality playing surface. The boys seemed to enjoy it in the first friendly.

Much bigger opposition today though, in the form of Mallorca. They were expected to come here and give us a lesson in football. I expected that too to be honest but I wanted to see how the lads would fare against much stronger opposition. It was also rake in more-than-average income from the tickets sold. Not every day would we be playing a team of this standing.

My phone rang and I picked up,

"Hello... yeah it's Brandon Thorpe... Oh, ur, come right down the stadium Sir. Okay, yeah... see you soon." the phone call came to an abrupt end. I sure wasn't expecting that. Why does all the action come on match days? It's not good for me or the boys.

Wednesday, 20th July 2011 -- 11:30am

The phone in my office rang,

"Hello... yeah, send him in. Okay, cheers" I put the phone down and waited for the knock on my door, "Mr. Armas! How are you? Take a seat Sir," I greeted him cheerfully,

"Mr. Thorpe, I'm fine, I'm fine. How are you?" he gave me a firm shake of the hand,

"Yes, yes I'm good thanks. So, what did you want to speak to me about?" I gave him a brave smile,

"Well," his voice took a serious turn, "as you know, Mr. Bode hasn't been around for a while. Do you have any idea why?" he took a sip of water,

"Urm, no, Sir. I mean, I had a phone call and he was drunk. We had a little argument and he's gone off the radar since. That was almost two weeks ago," he raised his eyebrows,

"Oh. I never knew he'd not been in touch for so long. We talked just a couple of days. Do you know where he is?" he began to realise I knew nothing,

"Urm, no. Like I said, he's been of the radar for a while now. A bit strange considering he owns the club but..." he interrupted,

"Well, I was on the phone to him just yesterday, actually. He's being investigated by the local authorities for match-fixing. He is going to admit to the charge. He wanted to sell the club before he was charged and told me you're a good lad. He wanted you to know he was sorry he couldn't tell you, but he's sold the club to me," he gave me a smile,

"Oh, ur- sorry I didn't know," my face must have been terrible at this point- just purely surprised,

"No, no, it's fine. Before you get any ideas in your head, I'm not coming in as some evil old man to ruin your chance. I'll give you every opportunity son. Any funding, within reason of course, will be available where you need it. Be it infrastructure, or transfers/wages. Come to me for anything, I hope to build a strong friendship with both you and the lads. I have a meeting to get too. I'm finishing the business with sponsors and kit-makers which Mr. Bode never finished. We should have new kits within the next few days. I'll see you soon son," he stood up and walked towards the door,

"Yeah, see you later Sir." he gave me a last look and smiled. Closing the door behind him, I felt pretty happy with the chairman/owners for the first time since being here. This guy seemed good.

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Wednesday, 20th July 2011

Today we had much tougher opposition than our last friendly - this time it was Mallorca. They were playing in La Liga this year and we were expected to get an absolute drumming today.

I named the same starting eleven as our last match, but changed the subs around a little.

The sun had been glaring down on the pitch all day and by the time kick-off came, we were feeling it. The temperature would be a major factor today. Take two mostly unfit teams, put them on a football pitch on a warm, humid day and you only get disaster.

C.E Europa: Rafa Leva, Alex, Alberto, Alex Cano, Diego Suarez, Javi Lara, Ruben Salvador, Peque, Alexandre Delmas, Roman Rovira, Cebri.

Substitutes: Alberto Gallengo, Aitor Torres, Vicente Leon, Roger Sagales, Aitor Olmo, Ramon Gatell, Guillem Parres, Raul Pociello.


C.E Europa 1-4 Mallorca
(Venue: Nou Sardenya, Attendance: 3,348)

Mallorca showed their dominance throughout the game. They passed the ball well, and looked like they were training. It highlighted just how far away I was from my dreams.

Early on, they took a two goal lead. Alfaro - their striker for the day - had a field-day against our defence and scored two within five minutes. Two top class strikes, I can't deny

With a two goal disadvantage at half-time looking more likely, we were dealt another blow. With seconds left, a beautifully whipped in corner was nodded home by their centre-half, Victor.

At half-time I told the lads to forget about the difference between the two sides and play as though we were world champions.

The team started the second half well, but were we dealt another major blow. Mbega picked the ball up and ran towards our goal. With nobody interested in closing him down, he unleashed a cracker and Leva had no chance.

I was pretty impressed - their goal had seemingly fired us on and we attacked from then on. Cano pulled one back with a bullet header but the La Liga side were just too much on their day.

After the match, I told the lads to kept their heads held high. We had dominated the second half and put up a good fight - considering they were three tiers above us.

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Thanks mate! Trying to keep this one up as I actually did visit Barcelona recently and see their stadium. Been searching for them since and came across them, so I thought it'd make something good after reading their history too.
Friday, 22nd July 2011 -- 12:30pm

I parked my Clio and took a moment to compose myself. My first meeting with Mr. Armas since before the Mallorca match. There is a press conference later announcing him as the new owner and chairman but we're talking transfers, kits and infrastructure first.

As I sat there, my phone began to ring. What a f*cking time. I look at the screen and it's my scout, Jonathan Ortuno. I better answer...

"Hey Jonny! Oh, he's officially signed has he? That's great! I'll let Mr. Armas know; I'm sure he'll be pleased." I put the phone down with a smile on my face. That certainly eased my nerves.

I climbed the stairs from the car-park and knocked on Mr. Armas' door.

"Brandon! Great to see you again son. Would you like a glass of water?" I nodded my head and he stood up to pour me a glass, "Take a seat my friend," he smiled,

"Cheers. I've ur, I've just signed a young lad Sir. He's called David Buyo. I've watched him for several weeks and he's just came in on a free. Great business, he's quality!" he winked at me,

"Great stuff son! And stop with the Sir business. Call me Aaron. Do you have any other transfers in mind?"

"I'm watching another couple of lads. No fees involved though, just frees. They're all quality. They'll help us drastically push on," I smiled at him,

"Great, great. Can I have names? I won't interfere, just checking on who you're planning. Seeing what you mean by 'quality'?" I understood,

"Uh, yeah, there's urm: Alberto Suarez, Campanas, Victor and Miguel up to now. I'm still watching some others with intent but we aren't negotiating anything yet," he wrote the names down and looked back up at me,

"I'm glad you're looking around. Wise move with Buyo, I've heard of that boy before. He used to be in Real Madrids' academy," he gave me a wink,

"Yeah, I did my research. Do I have any money to spend on other things? I wanted to clean up the stadium a little. It's starting to show it's age; maybe the place needs a clean up and change. Nothing too big though,"

"I totally agree," I was glad he did, "I'll got on it right away. Ready for the press conference?" I sure was,

"Yeah, certainly..." I took a bottle of water with me.


Friday, 22nd July 2011 -- 1pm

"So after introducing myself properly to both the players, and now the fans; I'd like to make an announcement. After a long-standing agreement with Toshiba for shirt sponsorship came to an end; I felt a change was needed. Our agreement with our traditional kit maker has been terminated and I can announce our new kits. Mr. Thorpe, if you would Sir?" he gave me a bright smile and winked,

"After searching for a joint decision over both kit maker; and shirt sponsor, we came to an agreed solution. We announce Nike as our kit-maker and Iberia Airlines as our shirt sponsor. Our new shirts are as follows:" I gave a smile for the cameras as I lifted the shirts up from beneath the desk.

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More media and journalists were here than when I was announced. Several cameras started flashing and the crowd began clapping. I'd already noticed Miss Martinez in the crowd. The press officer silenced the crowd.

"Any questions will have to be at a later date. This press conference is now over." Aaron nudged me,

"Well done son, great stuff," he whispered in my ear. Indeed - it was great stuff.


After looking at several more targets, I called it a day. I headed down to the car park and sat down in my Clio. I unlocked my phone and had a text from Aaron- "Well done back there. Sorry I had to go, important business."

I was in the middle of typing a reply when I nearly sh*t myself. Someone knocked on my window and I must have looked a complete idiot. I nearly jumped out my skin. As I looked up, Miss Martinez was smiling at me. I put my window down to see what she was after,

"Sorry to catch you like this again, Brandon," she continued smiling,

"It's no bother Miss Martinez. What can I help you with?"

"Call me Alejandra. I need some more information on club management. Fancy going out again?" I had nothing else to do so...

"Yeah, sure. Jump in... Alejandra," she walked around the car and sat in the passenger seat, "Where we going this time?" I asked,

"Well, I'm not feeling too well. Come to mine and we'll just have a coffee? It'll be easier for me to write notes too," I was slightly taken back but understood it would be easier,

"Sure," I replied. She gave me another smile.

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Credit for the kits fully goes to Hermanchides. Great kit maker.
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Saturday, 23rd July 2011

"Where the f*ck am I?" I looked around at the plush bedroom. "10:37am" read the clock. I heard the door up and turned to see who was there. Alejandra! Of course! She walked towards me; wearing only her underwear and a small bedroom robe. She sat down,

"How are you?" I looked around the room for another second before answering,

"I'm... good. W-we didn't do," I stuttered, "anything. Did we?" she gave me a small smile,

"No, no. We kissed but nothing more Brandon," she stared into my eyes,

"Oh, sh*t. I remember," she looked away, "Ohhhh, f*ck. I didn't mean sh*t as in it was a mistake. I just say sh*t when I remember things," she giggled and looked back at me again,

"I'm sorry if you think it was a mistake though, Brandon. You're okay to leave if you want," she stood up,

"It wasn't a mistake if-... if you don't think it was," she turned around and smiled,

"Of course I don't think it was a mistake. You're lovely," she sat on my knee and we both giggled,

"And you're beautifu-" before I could finish she began kissing me.


I pulled into the car-park with a smile on my face. I had a little chat with one of the stadium staff and headed out onto the pitch. I took a seat in my usual managers chair and took in everything around me. That same guy on the top floor waved at me again and I waved back.

The busy traffic was still heard; although it wouldn't be soon. Local council had planned to turn the busy road into a large paved area. That could benefit the club tremendously. Aaron had given me permission to train on the pitch. We'd came to an agreement of which local youth teams would not be aloud to use the surface, instead it would be used strictly for C.E Europa; both the first-team and U19's.

The lads began to filter in one-by-one. I'd told them to get changed and come up whenever they arrived. I had a small chat with each player as they arrived and they all seemed in pretty good spirits after our loss to Mallorca. Delmas, the captain, seemed especially upbeat.

He'd proven himself to be key, and he was also a good role-model for the younger lads. I told new signing, David Buyo, to start half an hour after the other lads so I could tell them of his signing.

Once they'd all arrived, I gathered them 'round the centre-circle and stood centre.

"Right lads, as I've told you before, I'm not afraid to bring in new faces if I feel they are needed. You're all already a good bunch of lads, but expect a couple of positions to be strengthened in the coming weeks. Today, we welcome a new signing. Going forward, we've been creatively good. We need someone who can score goals, so for now, I'm working on that one. Although we have been creatively very good, I feel we need some depth in there. If one of you is injured, we don't have a replacement. This young lad I've brought in is from Real Madrids' academy. He's shown great promise and while he didn't make it at Real Madrid, we all know how hard that is. David Buyo is a very talented young winger. From today, he joins on a one year deal and he's due here in a couple of minutes. I want you all to welcome him like you know each other; I'm sure he'll be a great addition."they all looked pretty excited to be honest. I was expecting disappointment from one or two of the lads in case they felt they were being replaced; but they all looked happy.

Before training started; I checked my phone. I had a message from Alejandra,

"Thank you for last night and this morning. I really enjoyed your company. I'll meet you sometime today if you like? xx" I smiled and wrote back,

"Sure. Meet me at four at the stadium :-) xx" I headed back over to the lads with a massive smile on my face. They all noticed within seconds and began banter of,

"Somebody's in love" like a bunch of school kids.

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rly great story mate,defo will be following.
just an advice. you write very well, but if you make your posts a little bit smaller, it would be better,i think.

but,anyways, will follow this. Like ur style, and the club ;)
rly great story mate,defo will be following.
just an advice. you write very well, but if you make your posts a little bit smaller, it would be better,i think.
but,anyways, will follow this. Like ur style, and the club ;)

Cheers mate. Sorry for the long posts, I don't normally get too much time to update so I thought while I had a free day I'd get going properly. Updates shall probably be slower+shorter again tomorrow because of a lack of time