The Europa Vision

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Saturday, 10th September 2011

After a relatively quiet few days and another successful competitive game against Montanesa, we proudly sat top of the league on goal difference. We had comfortably beaten one of our closer rivals 3-0 on our home turf. Today, we were away to Balaguer. Roberto Martinez, current Wigan Athletic manager, formerly played for them and I knew they would be no push-overs. We had to play our best. We boarded the coach about 4 hours before kick-off. That should leave us with around 3 hours when we arrive. Running close to time-schedules, some may say, but what would be the point in arriving the night before? So we can sit in a small village for a day? I don't think so.

When we arrived around half 6, the sun was beaming down on us and a small breeze was the only thing to protect us. I told the lads to get themselves warmed up and have a knock around on the field. Whilst they did, I spent about half an hour meeting fans from both teams and such like. The sun had just about set when I was told we had 10 minutes before kick-off. I had to get back inside and make sure the lads were mentally prepared. We must not allow our good start to the season distract us. After all, you should never look back on what you've achieved. You should look forward to what you can achieve.

The lads took a seat and I spent a minute or two gathering my thoughts together."Well, first off lads, is anyone struggling with injuries? Anyone unable to start? Anything pulling?" The lads shook their heads, "Good... good. We need a superb performance today. We've had a long journey up here and the darkness has set in. It's still warm though, as you all know. We need to wipe our minds from the previous performances," I said, "And look forward to the future. We didn't train this morning for today- we trained this morning to get promoted. We've won two games, convincingly I must admit, but we have to remember it is only two games we've played," I looked up at the lads.Their faces looked completely serious. They knew what was expected of them. "You don't need this, do you? You all already know what has to be done tonight, we need the three points lads. I'll leave it down to you how you get them. Go on," I pointed to the door, "Get yourself out and get them." Murmurs were heard from several of the lads and a couple of them gave me a wink as they left. I soon followed and took a seat.

The first half was... well, let's say 'boring' would be an understatement. Passes were being totally wasted from both sides and the shooting was abysmal. I couldn't stop myself from barking out instructions to the team for the full 45 minutes. I was embarrassed. Luckily, we weren't behind when we headed in.

"What was that lads?" It wasn't a rhetorical question, but they seemed to think so, "We've trained all this time for that? Are you guys serious? I expect better from you lot!" The lads seemed disappointed in their own performance so I didn't want to knock their confidence too much... "Get yourselves back out their and make us proud! We need to up the tempo and do the simple stuff right. We don't win games at this level by being Barcelona -- the simple things will do for now."I left the room without saying another word, or even watching their reaction. I headed straight back out to my seat, still angry inside. The lads soon followed and were out on the pitch 10 minutes before the home side.

We started the second half better... passes were being exchanged well and the defending was solid. We were doing the simple stuff right and it was working. After some great passing in the centre, Lara managed to slip Buyo in down the right wing. He beat one man before rolling it across for Suarez to tap in. Goal! 1-0

Soon after, they scored from nothing. Dago, their creative midfielder, swung a ball in which looked dead. The defence seemed to stop for a moment and Figeurola took advantage. Goal! 1-1

The match went back to it's utterly useless self after that and the passing was once again terrible from both sides. Both me and Danny were becoming extremely frustrated on the sideline. The full time whistle went and we headed back to the dressing room.

"I hope we can do better than this next time, lads. Thoroughly disappointing. Get yourselves ready and back on the coach. I have nothing else to say other than we need a drastic improvement. Now, hurry up!" I closed the door behind me and headed out to the coach...View attachment 223297
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Saturday, 10th September 2011 -- continued

"What the f*ck is going on?" I demanded an answer,

"Ur..." Rovira stuttered, "Nothing, boss," he looked extremely tense and a tear came to his eye,

I grabbed Danny and pointed at his face... "So this is nothing, is it? Who the f*ck do you think you are? This is classed as assault son!"

"He shouldn't have started on me, boss. He's a physco, I'm telling you," I interrupted,

"You're not going to tell me anything. You're going to sit down and shut up," I turned to Danny, "Are you okay mate? What happened?"

"I was telling the lads they should have done better and he... interrupted. Starting shouting abuse at me and then lost it, sir." I believed Danny. He was a top-class lad - and assistant. I had to make sure he was right though, and since the rest of the team were witnesses...

"Is he right lads? Tell me exactly what happened?" Alex (Delmas) stood up,

"Danny is right, boss. He was telling us how to improve... trying to help. Rovira lost it and swung for him. I guess the pressure of no first-team football got to him... I dunno... but Danny didn't do anything wrong, boss." The rest of the lads agreed with Alex. Rovira had to go. I turned to him...

"You, son," I pointed in his direction, "Get yourself home and don't come back. Your contract will be terminated by morning. No charges will be pressed by Danny but you leave without saying a thing. This happened within the team and within the team it will stay," I turned towards the rest of the lads, "And let this be a lesson to all of you... Some of you may be older than me but neither me, or the club will tolerate any disruption in this team. We are professionals..."View attachment 223314
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Saturday, 17th September 2011

I told the lads to make it to our stadium nice and early so they could have a slow, relaxed warm-up and we could try and settle our nerves.

will provide us with a good test today, they're a good side pushing for promotion. We couldn't afford another performance of that against Balaguer.

The lads seemed calm during warm-up despite that abysmal performance and if I'm confident of three points if we can do the simple things better than last time out. I'd be sticking with the same team as that game. I needed to show the lads I had confidence in them, even after a terrible performance.

We couldn't afford to ponder on what could have been after our last trip. We also couldn't afford to drop more points at this early stage. Although I feel we have great talent in the team, we don't have depth which is something that worries me. We don't have a transfer budget, and all free agents don't really stand out to me. I had confidence in the lads for now.

C.E Europa: Rafa Leva, Alex, Alberto, Ruben Salvador, Diego Suarez, Javi Lara, Alexandre Delmas, Peque, Alberto Suarez, Roberto Platero, Miguel Montes.

Substitutes: Alberto Gallengo, Alex Cano, Aitor Torres, David Buyo, Pedro Benitez.


C.E Europa 3-1 Gramenet
(Venue: Nou Sardenya, Attendance: 2,370)

The weather was a constant problem for both sides. A strong gust from the evening sky of dark clouds disrupted proceedings for the full ninety minutes. The light drizzle only made conditions worse. I felt like I was back home, only it was more humid here.

Although the weather was a constant factor, I was impressed with what I saw. The team were relaxed on the ball and controlled possession. The crowd were surprised at how well the team linked up together and I'm sure any small media watching will have something great to write about for the morning. The opposition are a strong team, but they were well and truly swept away today.

We took the lead early - Suarez converting a tap-in. Whilst the finish was simple, the brilliant pass-and-move instincts of the team lay the foundations for a quality goal.

We continually pressured the opposition into mistakes, and only minutes after our first, Montes gave us a comfortable two goal lead. Some quick closing down led to a misplaced pass and I never doubted our quickly becoming star-man.

At half-time, I praised the team as a team, and as individuals. It was exactly what I wanted from them.

The second half was a good performance from both sides. Gramenet became a new team with a never-say-die attitude.

What impressed me most, was the way we still managed to dominate against a hard-working, fighting team. Half way through the second period, Gramenet were awarded a penalty and their striker coolly converted. Nothing less than they deserved, to be honest.

With just minutes to go, Salvador restored our two goal lead with a superb strike from thirty yards out. The crowd went wild, and even I can't say I wasn't impressed. A great all-round performance.

I couldn't do anything other than praise the team once again in the dressing room. A superb effort from the lads. They looked confident and assured on the ball.
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So, that's the new layout. Any feedback too it? It was much more enjoyable to write, and I'll be able to get more done writing like that. Of course, I'll do whatever the readers like though so leave any feedback!
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Saturday, 24th September 2011

We arrived at Manlleu a little late to what I would have liked - traffic on the way here had been dense. Something I guess I should be used too - considering I live in one of the busiest cities in the world.

The lads only had a short time to warm up for this one, but I wanted them to use it effectively. Get used to the pitch. It looked pretty horrible - I'm glad I wasn't playing out there today.

For the third game in a row, I was keeping exactly the same team. They had performed well together last time out, and I was expecting another good performance. Manlleu weren't really expected to do much this year, but I knew they would be no push-overs.

I made sure the lads were aware of that and sent them out.

C.E Europa: Rafa Leva, Alex, Alberto, Ruben Salvador, Diego Suarez, Javi Lara, Alexandre Delmas, Peque, Alberto Suarez, Roberto Platero, Miguel Montes.

Substitutes: Alberto Gallengo, Alex Cano, Aitor Torres, David Buyo, Pedro Benitez.


AEC Manlleu 1-3 C.E Europa

(Venue: Municipal de Manlleu, Attendance: 928)

The pitch actually turned out to be decent. It was smooth, and allowed us to play our usual passing game. In essence, it allowed us to dominate. Completely.

Despite our dominance, we fell behind early on. A slight breeze was blowing across the pitch, and an opposition player used it to his advantage. We struck the ball, knowing the wind would cause problems for the keeper. The problems turned out to be critical. Top corner.

I must say, I was impressed with the way the lads took that goal into their stride and continued to play the way they had been. They didn't look panicked, or disturbed that they'd fallen behind despite their dominance.

At half-time, all I could tell the lads was to keep it up. It's all they could do, really. Nothing could be improved upon. This half we would have the wind behind us, so hopefully we can use it to the same deadly affect as our opposition.

And sure, just minutes after the restart, Montes finished off a great move. Some excellent one-two football in the centre allowed Delmas to slot Montes in and he was never in doubt - a great finish.

The way the team continued to press and play fluid, high tempo football impressed me. They had taken falling behind into their stride, and then they took equalising into their stride and viciously sensed our opponents were tiring.

We began to use our dominance too great affect and within minutes we had a two goal lead. The first was a delicious ball in by Delmas. The defence panicked as the wind caused the ball to move around in the air. It hung up for what seemed like forever, until Alberto rose above the crowd and nodded past the keeper.

It was only minutes later, when Peque used the wind to the same affect as our opposition. Thirty yards out, he sensed the home crowd were becoming forever-more nervous and unleashed an absolute thunderbolt. The keeper cheekily began smirking as he thought it was straight at him. Which, is why it was hilarious to see the surprised look on his face when he turned around to notice the ball in the back of his net.

An absolutely excellent performance as a team. Montes' work-rate really stood out in my mind, though, and I gave him a special mention in the dressing room. My feelings were backed up when he was awarded man of the match. A great all-round performance with some excellent individuals.

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Wednesday, 28th September 2011

I and Danny travelled into the centre of Barcelona together. We were headed for the Mini Estadi, Barcelona "B" had a midweek game and we decided to head along. Any young or available talent - for now or for the future - would do me just great.

I had Danny stop off at a bookies about five minutes before, and stuck a little bet on Barcelona "B" to win. They were 3/1 underdogs and I couldn't resist myself having a cheeky gamble.

We made it to the Mini Estadi with plenty time before kick-off. It was a lovely place this... I've already dreamed of managing Barcelona. Obviously, this isn't exactly the Barcelona I mean, but... it's about as close as you can get. The 'reserve' team, playing only a league below. Heck, it may not be the job I want, but if I could ever get a job here, I'd be sure **** close to where I want to be.

After having general banter with the locals, both me and Danny decided to take our seats. We were on the back row - the stadium was pretty empty and we had a good view. It was nice to watch a match without the pressures of who isn't playing well enough, who deserves a bonus and so on and so forth. The match was good, and my favourites were playing the traditional Barcelona game. Pass and move - close down as far up the pitch as you can - defend in the opposition half.

And, by the time the first half was finished, it seemed to be working well enough. They took a 3-0 lead in at the break and I had one hand on my cash. The second half was something to behold - both teams came out of the blocks flying - ending in a 5-3 win for Barcelona "B". Nobody available really stood out and we went home disappointed - Danny did, anyway.

"Great!" I thought to myself! A nice little prize! €3000 in my back pocket!

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Saturday, 1st October 2011

Vic, was our opposition today. They were predicted to come near the bottom of the table this year. I'd watched several videos of them beforehand, and felt pretty confident. I could tell why they were predicted for such miseries.

I would have named the same squad for the fourth game in a row today, but Roberto (Platero) was injured. Buyo would step up and take his place in the team, with Cebri making it to the bench.

Despite my confidence in the team, I had to make sure they stayed fully grounded. We could not afford a slip up today. We need to keep up with pace at the top of the table.

C.E Europa: Rafa Leva, Alex, Alberto, Ruben Salvador, Diego Suarez, Javi Lara, Alexandre Delmas, Peque, Alberto Suarez, David Buyo, Miguel Montes.

Substitutes: Alberto Gallengo, Alex Cano, Aitor Torres, Cebri, Pedro Benitez.


C.E Europa 2-1 Vic
(Venue: Nou Sardenya, Attendance: 2,150)

I was pretty surprised at how well Vic started, to be honest. They passed the ball well and had numerous shots on target within the first few minutes. Despite their bright start, we never really looked threatened or worried.

Their initial start soon turned into misery for them and they were forced onto the back foot. We dominated and looked comfortable with the ball. Delmas was pulling the strings in midfield - once again - but we came up against an inspired keeper.

At half-time, I told the lads to keep it up. Again, it was another game where they couldn't really improve - just continue on with what they're doing and hopefully it will come. Pretty frustrating, really.

Straight from the restart, we took the lead. Delmas floated in a corner and Alberto was once again there to head in.

Soon after, we were reduced to ten men when Delmas stupidly lunged in two footed. In fairness to the referee, Alexandre had no argument and I totally agreed. Buyo had to be sacrificed at this time for (Pedro) Benitez. Buyo had been impressive but the change had to be made to conserve our domination.

Soon after, we doubled our lead. Peque made a fantastic run beating three men before rolling across the face of goal for (Alberto) Suarez to tap in. A beautifully created goal.

With seconds to go, their only decent player picked the ball up and run towards goal. He stopped Leva off his line and went for the inevitable. They had a goal - but only a consolation.

The team had played well together and I enjoyed the performance, even though I was their manager - I guess I had too - but if I was a spectator, I'd have felt as though it was money well spent. The lads departed before me and Alejandra soon entered.

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Great story mate you've got a follower in me as long as your not managing Barca :P its only a small thing but i liked it when you had GOAL 1-0 or whatever the score was at the end of line involving a goal and a few picture's of the beautiful area's you go to stuff like that but apart from that great story!
Oh and how did u load the spanish 4th devision?
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Oh and how did u load the spanish 4th devision?

I searched the web for it - and found it somewhere after ages of looking. It may have actually been on this site, not sure though mate

Edit: After quickly checking, it can be found here.
I know it must have took you awhile to write the old layouts but i really enjoyed it. The new layout is alright but i prefer the older one. Definetly still interested in the story mate.
I know it must have took you awhile to write the old layouts but i really enjoyed it. The new layout is alright but i prefer the older one. Definetly still interested in the story mate.

Cheers for the reply mate! I'll maybe try joining both together for the next update and see how it goes. Nice to know you're interested - much appreciated!
Sure has come along way since i last checked in , fantastic writing in the first few pages! I love long in-depth updates
Sure has come along way since i last checked in , fantastic writing in the first few pages! I love long in-depth updates

Cheers for the reply - appreciated! I'll revert back to using more in-depth updates :)
Monday, 3rd October 2011

I spent my day away from the forever changing pressure and expectation of being a football manager. I had asked Danny to take training for the day.

After spending countless hours convincing the lads of just how lucky they were to be here, I suddenly found myself falling - falling into a hole.

The pressure was getting to me - and I somewhat missed home. Yes, back there. It wasn't really a place to call home, though - I spent the majority of my time moving around. But, well... I had my family there. My friends... my life. Back there, I was young - able of making those stupid mistakes we all make at such a tender age.

Here, well... here is tough.

I went from being an immature Uni student to be a full-time mature manager - heck, many of these players were older than me - some even near double my young age.

I had to be the motivator of them - the one who believed in them. Convince them they were better than any other football player out there. I couldn't afford to show the my players - my friends - that the pressure was getting to me. They looked up to me, although I was years their junior.

I spent the morning discovering. Discovering what the French-Spanish border had in store - some beautiful sites, in honesty. I was pretty wowed. I took the time to think about... life in general. What is, what could have been and what may still be.

My thought process' were put to rest though, when I answered a phone call. A panicked voice was on the other end...

"Brandon! Hey, listen, it's Aaron. Remember that lad we got rid of.." he said,

"Rovira, yeah..." my heart began to race,

"Well, he's made a reappearance at the stadium. Apparently he's assaulted Danny - he's heading to hospital now. Pretty bad, from what I could tell. Get yourself back here, now!" He put the phone down in a rushed manner. I think I was needed...

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