
Jul 17, 2010
Reaction score

Urghhhhh, my head...Wha, wha, what the f**k happened last night! What time is it? Holy s**t!! late for training! I jumped in my Lamborghini Gallardo and sped of to the training ground despite most likely being over the limit, it's not that bad man! Only 2 hours late.
I arrived at the training ground and....S**T!! The gaffer standing infront of my parking bay, were you been?, ahhh i got caught up Jose, doctors appointment yana... He replies with a unhappy look "Your sick?, report to the physio in his office." How bad could it be?, doctor has a look at me, pretend im sick. SORTED

"ohkayyy, we need a blood sample from you then you can report back on the training pitch" soon as the doc took my blood for god knows what reason, i was soon on the training pitches with the boys.
Right, today boy's we are having a little match, 7 a-side. He splitts us up in teams and as soon as we kick off i find myself running through, "Yessss im open Benz" Benzema plays me through, i go past Ramos, then tuck it in the top corner, just out of reach of Iker, No chanceee!

I looked for the gaffer, expecting him to be happy. But what do i find?, him storming at me from the offices. I wasn't sure to either run or hide, he looked like he was going to rip my head off!.

"Gaff, you see that goal? That's why you payed all that money for me right?" I tried to joke, to see if he was not angry with me.
"Suspended" he said.
"Wha, what you mean boss!!?" "GET OUT OF MY SIGHT, PLAYBOY!"

I thought it was best to leave, i ran to the changers and avoided a shower and swiftly left the training ground in my car, thinking what i had done...

Im new to the forum, so dont shot me down on my third post. :p
Hope you enjoyed reading it, as much as i enjoyed writing it. Feedback, welcome
Ye nice start mate but who you managing?

Haven't decided yet, but shhhh.... 8-|

All will be revealed soon, cause it's going to start like this then graduallly build it's way up until the job.

Unless im doing it wrong?, im not sure. Im new to the forum.
I will try and get aother update in by tonight if not then, tommorow morning.
As i drove up the country lane, towards my villa i was still thinking why had the gaffer "suspended" me, what had i done wrong? He didn't seem that bad when i turned up to training two hours late.
Dont suppose it's that bad though, since im suspended i guess i dont have to play tommorow, looks like im hitting town then!
When i turned the corner i saw a large group of people outside my drive, oh god fans! Hold on, why do they have television camera's?

Mr Gardner, can you expla...
Mr Gardner, what happened on the traini...,
Mr Gardner, how do you feel about....

I quickly drove up my drive, locked the gate. Ran inside and turned on Sky sports news...

Breaking news: Connor Gardner's contract terminated by Real Madrid.

My heart sank..
I honestly couldn't belive it. My life was ruined, im 30 next month for godsake. How am i ever going to find a club. I took my Blackberry out of my pocket and seen 17 missed calls, and a text. Oh s**t it's Jose...
" Your lucky were not reporting you to FIFA, consider yourself lucky for your drug missuse" I then realised why they took my blood for, F**K!!!

what next then? I cant stay unemployed, but i dont want a low pay job. I know for a fact if i join another team Jose will report me to FIFA, what can i do? I think there's only one option...

Sky sports sources understand that following Connor Gardners release from Real Madrid, he has now decided to retire from playing, but has confirmed that he would like to head back to England and look into management.

So it begins. :D
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I think i know who he is managing but dont worry I wont tell

Or will I;)
I love these kinds of stories.

Good OP and good luck mate,really looking forward to seeing the next few chapters.
Nice update mate,waiting to see which Team your going to manage
Who could that be? why they getting me out of bed so early in the morning, it's 11AM for gods sake, no respect! Ding-dong


Who's that? is that....Fabio?
I open the door and too my suprise, it was my England gaffer Fabio Cappello.

"Alright Fabio?, what bring's you to my neck of the woods?"
"We need to talk, come with me."

I went back into my sitting room and had a look underneath the empty pizza boxes and empty bottles of Bud, saw some clothes, it happened to be some old England training shorts and a vest. Quickly ran outside, and saw Fabio waiting there holding the door open for me. "jump in, were going for a little drive" at this point i actually felt scared, it felt like a scen out of the Godfather.

The car journey was quiet, i didn't know were i was going or anything. For all i known, i could of been getting driven to my death. But then, silence was broken...
"You need my help son, you need to grow up. Your slowly killing yourself mentally, i have a job for you..."
When Fabio finished that sentance we soon pulled outside of a building with a huge Chelsea badge on the front, "Fabio, dont tell me that im the new chelsea manager!" he silently walked out car, and started walking towards the entance without saying a word, so i follow him...

We came to the training pitches, i looked out to see if i could spot any of the recongisable faces and then Fabio spoke...
"meet your new players"
"what?, this aint Chelsea, were's Essien, Cech, Drogba, i can barely reconigse who these players are"

That's because you are manager of my future now, welcome to the Under 21's...


Hope you's are still enjoying it...​
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haha nice twist,I was wondering if this was going to be another Chelsea story but you really added something unique,keep going mate your doing well
Cheer's mate, not bad for someone with dyslexia. :p

Next update coming soon.
Nice story, I was thinking since when Does Cappelo decide who gets to be Chelsea manager. Keep it up.
It's a nice story and a good outline, keep it up. Doing well for someone with Dyslexia :)