The Liverpool Thread

From a few posts above …..

Yanno’ its funny. City excepted, there’s normally only 4 games every season I’m never confident about going in and I’m always nervous right through until the final whistle. Everton and Utd. Purely down to the rivalry and ourselves being the biggest scalp for both those clubs. Form completely goes out of the window and they are the preverbal Derby Cup Finals. Even under Jurgen, when we’ve consistently been one of the top two sides in the World, and one of the best in the entire history of the game, whilst our two great rivals have been utter S, I’ve never felt confident playing them. Probably goes back to the ‘70’s and ‘80’s when we were all encompassing dominant. Yet rarely beat Utd in particular in the head-to-heads.

Yet now we’re in a transitional dip season, and Utd are riding the early manager bounce momentum to the max, with a trophy already bagged, I can’t remember feeling as confident going into a game against them. The same way as I couldn’t wait for the Derby last month and what a belter memorable night that turned out to be. 😍


Just call Souey my on-air spokesman.😎😛

Stat of the day-

Everton have scored 7 goals all comps in 2023.

L’pool scored 7 in 45 minutes against Man United.
How has Gakpo been for you scouse watching from the stands? Feel like he is slowly but surely learning the role and his interchanging with Nunez on the left is a delight. Deceptively fast aswell and with the role Gakpo plays you want him involved in the game constantly. Less invisible and more Bobby like every game.
How has Gakpo been for you scouse watching from the stands? Feel like he is slowly but surely learning the role and his interchanging with Nunez on the left is a delight. Deceptively fast aswell and with the role Gakpo plays you want him involved in the game constantly. Less invisible and more Bobby like every game.

Palace aside, when the whole XI was off, I think he's been mightily impressive every game mate and like Diaz, but in a far more understated way given the context of our form/ season when he arrived, he's had a ridiculously good and fast transition to both a new league/ Country. And the complexities of getting down what we ask of our players within our system.

You look at it in context of his first 4 games, coming both into a side completely devoid of confidence, coming off the back of conceding 3 to Brentford and Brighton in abysmal displays, with Jurgen then tweaking things and putting him into a totally unfamiliar deep lying midfield role as he changed the base formation to make us more compact and stable at the back; and I thought there were real positive moments on display in all those games of the proper traits of a Klopp player.

And then when he got that goal in the Derby, it was like a massive weight had been lifted off his shoulders, his confidence went up a level, and he's been superb ever since. With another little tweak that has seen him given more licence to be fill Bobby's role to a T with each passing game. Which I didn't think would be possible given just how unique Bobby has been in completely redefining the # 9 role. To pick the complexities of that up, both in his on and off the ball work, SO fast, has been pretty stunning to see. And even more so being as we were sold on him being a LW.

He looks a top quality addition in that aesthetically pleasing, easy Dutch style. You can see why ten Hag wanted him so badly for United. Side note- That was the cherry on the top yesterday that the two players both ten Hag so coveted for Utd, and the two Utd fans have foolishly mocked, Darwin and Cody, reminded them what ridiculous talents both are.

Gakpo is another brilliant piece of business for me mate who adds to a terrific job over the past couple of years on completely rebuilding what was the best attacking three in World football. The timeless Mo aside, that's Darwin, Diaz, Jota and Gakpo all 26 or under. With terrific teenagers like Doak and Gordon already showing they belong at the highest level to augment that top 5.

You can defo see Jurgen playing at least 4 of them from the start in a lot of games as he's shown he's not afraid to do to give teams fits. Just injuries have deprived him of that on a regular basis.
The only thing that is worse than that defeat is one-celled idiots singing and mocking the victims again. How braindead do you need to be? How deep is that inbreed root?
The only thing that is worse than that defeat is one-celled idiots singing and mocking the victims again. How braindead do you need to be? How deep is that inbreed root?

I honestly never heard that and actually thought the respective managers words had been heeded. Disappointing but unsurprising to read.

Knobheads are always going to be knobheads.

Like the ***** who came running on the 7th, slipped into the pile of players, and could have seriously injured a few. I thought Klopp was going to batter him all over. F knows what he was thinking? You’ve just witnessed your team hand your greatest rivals the most humiliating doing they’ll ever face ….. I know, I’ll run on the pitch, get banned for a long time if not for life. And then take out AndyRobbo with my stupidity. Thats how I’ll celebrate one of the best days at the match I’ll ever have! 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

Inbreed root indeed.

I hate that despicable pisshead with a passion and sincerely hope he’s currently burning in H ell, VERY slowly.

But this is a wonderful find on, IMHO, in context of him not only bettering a living legend he took over from, but rebuilding and improving Shankly’s side, twice over, to have unparalleled success, home and abroad, over just NINE short years; the greatest manager theres ever been. And one of the humblest men football’s ever seen. 😍😍😍
Back to reality. Team in transition still should have enough to beat Bournemouth.
There is nothing like coming back down to earth with a massive bump. 7-0 last week then a 1-0 reverse to one of the worse clubs in the division. Clearly there is work to be done with the attitudes of the players ;)
Squad still needs major work in the summer
Yeah for Micheal Edwards's praise in selling, he has hamstrung the club with an expensive wage bill of players who should have been moved on time ago e.g Ox and Keita. Along with renewals for stalwarts that should have been phased out on their original contract but are now on the high bracket in terms of agreements e.g Hendo. Thank god Bobby, one of my old-time favorites in terms of Liverpool players, has saved us by not renewing. Dont think major work is required but squad planning has to be for sure better. We contrary to belief have too many players IMO but the issue is instead of them being all high quality, you have like I mentioned players out of confidence or even worse just stealing a living. Bajectic has proved the Cryuff style and Liverpool of yesteryear concept that squad players should always be reserved for high-potential youth players. So when an injury crisis happens or a player is seriously out of form you lean on a promising youth player to take their chance. It's how stars are made as seen before with Trent. You're seriously telling me that Morton and Clarkson out on loan are not a better option than bringing on loan Arthur, a crooked Keita and Ox?

Lastly, for me, Klopp needs to make a serious return to his roots I won't get into the influence that Pep Lindjders has on the team and how tired I am watching the turgid style associated with him. As it clearly worked for us for the past couple of years as we transitioned to a different style of play. Fergie swapped out his assistant managers every couple of years and it worked with refreshing ideas if Klopp is going to be here for a couple more years like he has agreed to then the same needs to be done IMO. Also, player loyalty has been a big thing for Klopp but I wont question him on that as its the main reason why any squad he has absolutely adores him as they know if they run through walls for him, Klopp will do the same. However, there is a limit and if it was up to me id make the harsh decision to move on certain players this summer.
Im not basing this on this season btw but just in general these are certain players IMO that we can still get some kind of money for.

Virgil is the best CB I've ever seen in his prime but short hand t rex has robbed us of watching him in his prime for longer. Yes, he came back and was still great but either he needs a rest, or more importantly, his athleticism which was scary to watch is gone. Watching Solanke dunk on him today was not a good sight at all. I'd use whatever funds we have to get Grvadiol to replace him as he is next up and is a well-known Liverpool fan.

Gomez I love but why on earth did we renew his contract this summer? Had the potential to be great IMO but he has had too many serious injuries and clearly has also lost his confidence. Yet we renewed him on higher terms this summer when there was clear interest in him.

Jota with the signing of Diaz, Nunez, and Gakpo should be the first to bring in funds this summer. Never rated him and take away his goals and he is near on useless. Can't pass more than 5 yards and his link-up play is nonexistent. Can head a ball like no tomorrow though. It's clear he will never be good enough to be a key player so just use the funds to build the squad. Dont replace him but just promote Doak.

Fabinho. Jesus man where do I even start and would we even be able to shift him on his wages and contract length? No words to describe how far the man has fallen off.