Late to the party after another manic Monday.
Current total game unbeaten run:
P 6 W 4 D 2 F 14 A 4 CS: 2
3 Straight Wins
Current unbeaten away total games run:
P 2 W 2 F 4 CS: 2
2 Straight Wins/ 2 Straight CS.
1 absolutely MASSIVE FA Cup victory.
Ok, lets keep this short so late in the day with a few observations from another utterly boss day out with Jurgen’s outstanding gang of Reds-
Loved Jorginho stood in front of us as we belted out
’L’pool, Top of the League!’ waving his hands and asking for more! Did he mistake us for the Arsenal end?

Talking of, kudos to 7.6K of us and superb vocal. Which was basically taking the P out of Arsenal all game. Reminding them that they are below us, and that they really aren’t our business this year. That is, and always was, ONLY City.
Talking vocal, a very boozy,rowdy train home through which a new Curtis song was invented to the La’s ‘There She Goes.’
And I loved, loved, LOVED that we brought one of the best songs in our back catalogue back …..
’We’re on the march with Jurgen’s Army …..’ LONG before time we belted that out again. Not heard it so loud since Kenny was taking us to finals in our second home at Anfield South.
Massive thank you to TFL for pulling the planned strikes. Made getting back for the train home much easier. Even bigger thank you to the Met for ragging the absolute gobshite who ‘F hates Scarsars!’ (Yes lad. We heard yers the first time back at Highbury. It’s wearing a tad thin now this walk to Finsbury Park), out the queue before he got slotted. Who’s laughing now *******?
On the park, a superb, battling L’pool display where they fought for everything and just wouldn’t buckle. Even the first half when Arsenal were pressing superbly, they created little. Proper win from a proper cup tie thats as about as hard as it gets. Away to a another top side who’s season was on the line as their form continues to plummet.
Only picking one standout from a team of absolute heroes ….. Bobby Clarke. Moment of the match for me was when he took the lad out for the professional foul. (About r third in a minute haha.). Superb, game wise smarts that showed boss maturity at such a young age. Lads sound.
Reading Shearer’s bitterness today was the icing on the cake. The more the media turn, the more we get infested with jarg accounts on SM, just shows how worried they all are that L’pool Football Club are back to being one of the two best teams in England and Europe and the only one capable of going toe-to-toe with City.
Make mine a big fat quadruple measure please Landlord!
Roll on Fulham and the next step on this imperious march with Jurgen’s Army!