Really..Demba Ba was the reason we got into europe last season? REALLY?? how many goals did he score after christmas?
Anyone who knows anything about football knows its a team sport, an no one player can face teams on his own...
last season we had many great performers..Ba, Cisse, Cabaye, Colo, Krul, Jonas, Ben Arfa..etc. To say one player got us in europe is ludicrous lol.
Yes we took a chance on him, as in lots of PL clubs looked at him..but refused to give him a chance because of career long knee problems...we gave him that chance!
An as for scoring 13 goals this season...that of course isnt turning his back on us, its what he done AFTER scoring the goals.
Im not against players wanting to improve their careers for trophies...and Chelsea is def a step up, but their is a thing called leaving clubs "in the lurch" or "jumping ship".
How are fans suppose to react to this? like i dont exactly see gunners fans "greeting" players like Nasri, Adebayor and Cashley back to the emirates
I didnt really mean what i said about Demba's career from this point...after all i did really like him.