The Perfect 343... good defense, fabulous attack, great football!


Mar 24, 2011
Reaction score
UPDATE 18.01.2014
The latest tactic released was suposed to be with contain menatlity. By mistake was normal. Please set it manually or download again. The link is now with the correct one

UPDATE 17.01.2014

Speaking frankly was not satisfied the way recent versions of that tactic were performing, so went all back to the first version and tweaked it, mainly adding some man marking tasks to some of the offensive players. So now the side forwards man mark the adversary full backs, and my wingers man mark their wingers. the results have been since then much more consistent.

So please try it and say everything you want, constructive or less constructive (sometimes this game gets us so mad, its difficult to be constructive...)

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First of all I would like to apologize for not giving you the usual OP when somebody uploads a new tactic, full of good information that very honestly 80 % of us don't care to read. I simply don't have the time!!! Here's the deal:

Been very frustrated in the last days, mainly with the dreadful patch 14.2.1, in which nothing seemed to work.
So what i did was grab to me the best working tactic (but still not good enough) I've tried in 14.2.1 Dark Wings Ducks 2 (full credit to bonustime), and added strikers with False 9 role. The result was surprise surprise a quite consistent tactic in defense and a completly devastating attack. I've repeated several matches, in several saves of mine, in different scenarios. The tactics always seems to overachieve!!! I'm really amazed with it!!!

Heres's the link and formation. Please try it and share your opinions!!!

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Finished my season with Farense in Portuguese Premier League.
Media prediction was 8th, so to be champion with a pretty average/weak squad (no money!!!!) was quite an achievement!
Also a nice european campaign, eliminated by Roma in penalties.
Went to the final of both League Cup and Portuguese Cup, both lost 2-1 to Benfica. Unfair results as I dominated both matches!

To be honest this is to me the best tactic around to 14.2.1. You will not win every match, but you will easily overcome most opposition.
Again credit given to bonustime, wich made the very good defensive base, I just tweaked attack!

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Now trying it on a long run with Newcastle and will post some SS later.
One important change: ADD WORK BALL INTO THE BOX... as the ?shoot on sight? option was leading to too many longshots.

Already changed it in the OP.

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it's an attacking formation so i would say General training at balanced and match prep on attacking.

I'm playing FMC, so just have general training at team cohesion
i might give this a try in a new save with my Newcastle team, it looks pretty impressive also mate any chance you can post a screen shot of your other games in the club overview?
just love 343's, and the 3 F9's will probably work a lot like the SS and two attack CM combination in mine and romian's last tactic, probably even to better effect due to their lack of effectiveness in this patch. will give it a go and post some results
Finished my season with Farense in Portuguese Premier League.
Media prediction was 8th, so to be champion with a pretty average/weak squad (no money!!!!) was quite an achievement!
Also a nice european campaign, eliminated by Roma in penalties.
Went to the final of both League Cup and Portuguese Cup, both lost 2-1 to Benfica. Unfair results as I dominated both matches!

To be honest this is to me the best tactic around to 14.2.1. You will not win every match, but you will easily overcome most opposition.
Again credit given to bonustime, wich made the very good defensive base, I just tweaked attack!

Some SS's haded to the OP.
Testing this out, Have added shoot less often for all of the strikers and changed the middle one to an advanced forward with hold up ball (Using Cardiff so Andreas Cornelius will be perfect for it)
Finished my season with Farense in Portuguese Premier League.
Media prediction was 8th, so to be champion with a pretty average/weak squad (no money!!!!) was quite an achievement!
Also a nice european campaign, eliminated by Roma in penalties.
Went to the final of both League Cup and Portuguese Cup, both lost 2-1 to Benfica. Unfair results as I dominated both matches!

To be honest this is to me the best tactic around to 14.2.1. You will not win every match, but you will easily overcome most opposition.
Again credit given to bonustime, wich made the very good defensive base, I just tweaked attack!

Some SS's haded to the OP.

Well, losing to Benfica is perfectly normal my friend. In fact, you should be glad they didn't rip you off :D
I see that you struggle a little bit away...

Do you know where the goals are coming from? Maybe T-balls? IS your defense high?
I see that you struggle a little bit away...

Do you know where the goals are coming from? Maybe T-balls? IS your defense high?

lol guess it... corner kicks and free kicks.

But my team is not good enough to hold against an inspired top opposition away. I do dominate most matches but their top class players decide a match with few opportunities! Still as you can see I do have some nice results away like a 7-0 against belenenses and a excellent 3-0 win in Lisbon against Sporting!

Ans the match against Fulham in my Newcastle save? I'm now going to concentrate myself in this save. Will report back later.
Hi dimartino, what changes you do when you go down to ten men?
Hi dimartino, what changes you do when you go down to ten men?

Remove the middle striker.
But if your are a strong team against weaker opposition, or if you need a goal remove the central defender. You might find it strange but the tactic does not collapse if you play with only two defenders
Is it better to have a wing back style player or a winger style player at ML/MR?
Is it better to have a wing back style player or a winger style player at ML/MR?

Both work just fine. I do prefer to use wing back style. In my Newcastle team I usually use Debuchy / Lowton as MR and Bertrand / Stocker as ML. But as long as they are fast and have good crossing ability you'll be fine.
Well, losing to Benfica is perfectly normal my friend. In fact, you should be glad they didn't rip you off :D

The way they are playing now in real life, I think they will be torn apart by Jackson Martinez Sunday afternoon!!! ;)