The 'What's Up In My World' Thread.

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Sorry, but that's by far the stypidest thing i've heard in ages. History is an essential part of many interesting studies and to reject it states a lot about you and your intelligence.

all becuase you like it doesnt mean everybody does and dont even say that shows alot about me and my intelligence when you dont even ******* know me
History Exam - Tomorrow
Geography Exam - Monday
Maths Exam - A Week on Monday
Science Exam - 2 Weeks on Thursday


Finished my exams (Highers) and into my last year of school, but nothing will really be done until after summer. So basically a bit of school and lots of free periods until the World Cup and Wimbledon starts :)

Playing a match on thursday for my tennis club and in a 5s team for a summer league. So it's all good at the moment!
all becuase you like it doesnt mean everybody does and dont even say that shows alot about me and my intelligence when you dont even ******* know me

Sure mate, and i won't go further into this.

Back on topic. Looking forward to the WC and this summer which hopefully is going to be great. :)
Haven't got much on at the moment, just finished university..waiting for my results and looking for a job..yay! :( But at this moment i'm watching a film with Kris and Sean! :D lol.
I'm rather ****** off to be honest, bought a PS3 on the 1st on June and yesterday the little ****** broke. :(
I just started full time bar work, which I shall carry on until september when I start college, doing Computer and Electronic engineering, hopefully will go to uni after that, probably studying Computer Science, but not 100% sure yet. I am also booking my driving test soon, and I am going to get a van when I pass =D
What's going on in my life?

Well, recently, as some people on here know, I dropped out of Nottingham University having made the decision that I really detested the course I was doing, as well as not really having the knowledge required to cope in the final year thanks to me skipping more lectures than I actually attended.

So at the moment, I am home in London doing pretty much nothing with my life, waiting until the end of the month when we're moving house before looking for a job when our location is decided.

Unfortunately, I lost contact with my school/college friends when I went to university, so I don't really have anyone around here that I can go out with at the moment. All of my current friends are up in Nottingham, as they are continuing with the course.

So yeah, rather depressed in general regarding the situation. Not so much about the decision to leave university, as I think that was the correct one, but the fact that I didn't keep in contact with my friends at home.
mainly looking forward to saturday at the rugby club, getting horribly drunk and playing touch rugby, then watching the footy in the bar at brilliantly. haveing just finished my exams, am contemplating just how hard final year is gonna be, and strangely am really not bothered by it, bet that changes come september
I have GCSE's on as of now, going good.
Went to Snow Patrol Concert on Saturday in Ward Park, Bangor. 44,000 people at it, largest concert ever in N.Ireland. Absolutley incredible although my knee has been ****** for the 3rd time in 2010, a drunk **** randomly smashed his bottles of Smirnoff Ice across my knee, luckily no marks from it somehow but **** that hurt. Apart from that my life is pretty dull, boring and essentially not really worth talking about :)
What's going on in my life?

Well, recently, as some people on here know, I dropped out of Nottingham University having made the decision that I really detested the course I was doing, as well as not really having the knowledge required to cope in the final year thanks to me skipping more lectures than I actually attended.

So at the moment, I am home in London doing pretty much nothing with my life, waiting until the end of the month when we're moving house before looking for a job when our location is decided.

Unfortunately, I lost contact with my school/college friends when I went to university, so I don't really have anyone around here that I can go out with at the moment. All of my current friends are up in Nottingham, as they are continuing with the course.

So yeah, rather depressed in general regarding the situation. Not so much about the decision to leave university, as I think that was the correct one, but the fact that I didn't keep in contact with my friends at home.
what about living with your mates in nottingham, but just working there, at least till you decide what youre gonna do?
Me? I'm about to finish my 5th Semester at Uni - I've only got 3 to go. I'm doing a Bachelor of Science in Information Technology at the University of Technology, Sydney, Australia.

I have one assignment left to do that I hope to finish today - then Its clear until the start of the WC ;)
Then I just have one exam next week and I'm done.

Not much otherwise until that is out the way.
Not much going on really, aside from stupid A-level final exams coming up.

I have 3 General Studies exams coming (as I opted for the A2 course instead of just AS and I've already completed 1 of the papers) as well as a Media Studies one, History and English Language which finishes on the 24th.

After that it's Job Centre time.

Oh and I'm trying to secure a **** buddy. I'll let you guys know.
Just found out I passed first year at Northumbria, but the police are still on my back about a criminal damage fine. Quick question - anybody else think paying £854 for a cracked windscreen is kinda pricey?

Aside from that, I'm chillin chillin Muska style. Nothing on the horizon except hours of football, chicken wings and hopefully ******** a lass that I've been trying to for one **** of a long time.
I've finished my third year of uni for the summer and I am now just waiting on my exam results :'(.

Other than that I have a summer of parties, work, the World Cup and hopefully some cricket to look forward to.
what about living with your mates in nottingham, but just working there, at least till you decide what youre gonna do?

I can't at the moment, as we're moving house relatively soon and I'm needed at home.

Also, won't be able to afford living away from home without student finance.
English Language Exam tomorrow & Maths Calculator on Friday then the World Cup :)
Got my driving test on wednesday! wish me luck?

anyone got any recomendations for first time car buyers?
Looking forward to going to college to do Computer Game Devolpment, Looking forward to my holiday to Puerto Rico with me mates next month and laughing at Robert Green and England in my home at Dublin with all my family and friends , thats about it.
My Life?

Well I finished my Highers and am now ******** myself about the results. Honestly, hindsight is a little bit of a *****, feel like I've majorly ****** up Maths and Physics, the two subjects I need for Uni.

Speaking of Uni, need to go to summer school for, you guessed it, Maths and Physics. Starts tomorrow so I need to be up early in the morning... it's ******.

In better news, got a Business award from my old school, need to go in and say what I want the £100 of vouchers on. Can't choose anywhere that sells booze or cigarettes.

Only other thing is I ain't got the balls to ask a girl out. It's ****** with my confidence a bit.

Think that's everything.