The 'What's Up In My World' Thread.

Well, I was in work with the mongs today. Not good. Day off tomorrow, but a whole 9 hours with them again on Tuesday.

Okay, I have a GCSE English Essay final draft for coursework in for tomorrow, a history essay and an English final draft creative writing short story as well as having a french exam for tomorrow. I have done no work for any of them so I'm ****** on that front. :(. I also have to write another final English essay for Friday as well as doing my one and only Astronomy GCSE exam on Friday when I don't understand the subject very much at all. Tomorrow I start Geography coursework as well. It sucks to be me. :(
Okay, I have a GCSE English Essay final draft for coursework in for tomorrow, a history essay and an English final draft creative writing short story as well as having a french exam for tomorrow. I have done no work for any of them so I'm ****** on that front. :(. I also have to write another final English essay for Friday as well as doing my one and only Astronomy GCSE exam on Friday when I don't understand the subject very much at all. Tomorrow I start Geography coursework as well. It sucks to be me. :(
and i thought i was unorganized XD

i have three test in the next three days and then the summer begins cant wait
I'm pretty gutted that after officially finishing the AS course for all my subjects last wednesday i know have to start my A2 course in my subjects tomorrow.:'(

5 days between the end of AS and the beginning of A2.:(
After deciding to drop History,not having done any work in English or Science throughout the coursework and ******* myself about whether or not I am going to have a good future,things couldn't be greater.

Just sitting here and reading the comments on here about how people are doing their Highers and what-not makes me feel that its too late to change...