Tobes, Joe and Damo's FM-BASE Academy

How long til updates? Getting impatient <) lol
mate could I get an ismailov screenie unfortunately he hasnt played many games :(
nice my guy is doin well and has a latvia cap, hopefully a prem team snap him up
Izmailov and Hall screenies will come at the end of the season only gonna do 5 per update or ill have tonnes to do guys sorry
can i see a screenie of junior chen? guess my player's move to cardiff can only be helpful in his career lol :P
not going so well since i went to Scunthorpe.....:(

ouch i got a red card aswell
Manage to read all of your updates damo. Not bad at all, Im at QPR right now? 9apps 3goals with 6.57rating.. Pretty decent =D
sorry to bother you ...
can you give de Punient profile & stats screenie ?? ;)