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by the first week everyone had left everything in the kitchen.

Although by the last few weeks we had went from about 30 plates att he start to about 3, and we had lost at least 50 glasses by xmas!, well the glasses mostly broke cos we used them while drinking :), i brought 7 glasses as well(had 3 of the coca cola ones mcd's were giving away then my mum bought me a 4 pack of pint tumblers)!
Aye sometimes loadsa ppl take their own pots and shiz so theres loads and everone just uses everyones.

Ah well :P What halls u applied for?

Cambridge halls first choice, then Cavendish or whatever, then other 2 which i forget, they were just outsider choices. Oxford Road en-suite I think one of them was...
Cool, yeah think Cambridge is right up Oxford Rd, basically on the edge of the city centre. Not sure about Cavendish though...
Passed my second year, annoyed though.

I took two modules in first semester:

Financial Reporting 40
Financial Management 65

Then two that went all through the year:

Personal Management Development 57
Research Methods 62

and the second semester ones;

Management Accounting 70
Information Systems in Accounting 64

But that Financial reporting has made my overall a 2:2 instead of a 2:1 with an average of 59.667....60 needed to get a 2:1.


Is exactly the same as first year i think :|
doesnt really matter as long as you get a high 2:1 next year it will even itself out and if your that bothered just resit something
Yeah i know :)

Can't resit if passed at hull i think, and if you do you are capped at 40 i think.
I averaged 61 in my second year which I'm happy with, especially as in the first semester I was on about 58 and I leave everything to the last minute :)
I passed my first year :)

Systems Design - 56
IT Applications - 85
Java Programming 1 - 62
Java Programming 2 - 82
Web Site Development - 52
Professional Studies - 69
Average - 67.7

I'm happy with my results. Expected to do a bit rubbish in Systems Design but was quite shocked at how low my Web Site Development score was...considering I have experience in that field :D
Averaged 63% for my 2nd year, which is 40% of my degree :)
Lol at your site development score Sean :P

Wp Rub, my 61 I think is 25%

And red, with 59.667%, they might round that up to 60%...
I was hoping that but i go to Hull, so i doubt it, tight bastards.
i got my first year results back , a high 2:1 average but means nothing really as it counts towards nothing and just takes me into 2nd year but puts me in good stead i suppose, bit of confidence lol
your only jusy going into 2nd year Sam?
jah started again at the start of this year changed my course business womps