This tactic is fantastic. Its the most stable atracking tactic I've used for years. V3 is fantastic. Its a perfect home and away tactic, its solid at the back and absolutely clinical going forward. Fantastic tactic![]()
I'd love some sceenshots of your results![]()
Good tactic I'm liking it.
Since i've started using it, i've only lost once in the cup to spurs.
But i'm struggling to score, seen so so many people scored lots of goals, but i'm drawing lots of 0-0's and only winning like 1-0.
Any advice?
V3 or V2? Which team are you playing with?
V2 pal.
I'm West Ham 4th season in. But only been with them 2 seasons.
You could try v3.
or try playing a bit with the v2 version. Switch some roles and stuff.
You can focus more on offensive training during match-prep for some time.
V3 worked a dream, but end of the season the board sacked me! Now i've been appointed the Inter Job, but soon as I arrive my best players want to leave I couldn't convince them to stay , so it's a team rebuild on the V3 tactic.
They sacked you? Lol.
But Inter is a step up, have fun![]()
hey verza tactic is really good but could you suggest me what tweaks to make when underdog? and got a question, do you really think it works better without OI's? im using TFF and its working fine but maybe i could get a better performance? thanks in advance!