Great post, i can see you put time into it. Unfortunatly, for me, this tactic doesent work at all.. I play witn Man United, wich people say youll win the league with default tactic put i dont perform, at all. Loads of longshots ( wich is surprising since all players has longshots set to rare, must be because their not able to penetrate oposition defence ), no CCC`s no fluidness in the play, and i havent had a cleen sheat yet, pretty unimpressive, i can almost not belive the results you are getting.. And for some reason i get a shitload of bookings and injuries.... : (
My 1st team is following : De Gea, rafael, vidic, ferdinand, evra, valencia, thiago, sandro, young, rooney, hernandez.
This team should fit the tactic according to your OP.
Brought in all the best coaches etc and i use the "big team" training you suggest. The tactic is actually almost 100% fluid after about 12 games, including 5 pre-season matches.
results so far is 1-0 win home to Norwich, 3-3 draw away to QPR, 1-1 draw home to Swansea, 5-1!!! loss away to Chelsea, 2-1 loss away to Benfica and a 1-0 win home too Aston Villa. pre season matches was also disapointing due to picking only championship oponents + Lyon, conceeded in every game, worst was a 4-3 win home to Bolton.
Not sure about this at all mate, gonna try a few more games....