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If London was a country i reckon the rest of Britain would be over the moon. We would have room for the old firm in the Prem too.
Guys this is a great idea! Why hasn't anyone done this before? :p lol
I Wouldn't hesitate in downloading this, soon as I get FM 11 though (still running 09!) the thought of managing Barnet in what would effectively be the championship is immense :D
keep us updated!
Why stop at london create other nations Manchester, Liverpool, and if there isnt enough clubs in or around big cities then do regions ie south-east, south-west,north east etc.

This could be hugh and very popular.
im sure he will need some sleep at some point lol,he was up all night doing this one :p
It's possible it could still happen. He's in my college class so I'll ask him tomorrow if he's in :)

I'll let you all know.
Do every part of the country so south east, south west, west, east, midland, north and etc. Then do an English competition that every winner of those individual areas all meet up to win the English Cup or something.
If London was a country.....Londoners would be even more up their own arses

---------- Post added at 08:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:19 PM ----------

Do every part of the country so south east, south west, west, east, midland, north and etc. Then do an English competition that every winner of those individual areas all meet up to win the English Cup or something.

I'd be happy to do the north-east for you and send the details your way
As I said, I'd have to ask him tomorrow as he's in my college class, although he wasn't in today if he's in tomorrow I'll be sure to ask him then get back to you all....
Very nice Idea, I would certainly download it.
I love championships with a low number of clubs.
thanks DMF for trying, would love for this to happen shame i cant do it, wouldnt have the patience for it, hope this happens
If he makes this England will be unplayable, so there would be no english league.

Also if he says no, I could make it and give him full credit for the idea.
I like it just because Charlton are the biggest team in the second tier by a country mile. :p

I would download this
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