What Religion are you?


  • Christianity

    Votes: 38 25.5%
  • Islam

    Votes: 9 6.0%
  • Secular/Agnostic/Athiest

    Votes: 63 42.3%
  • Hinduism

    Votes: 5 3.4%
  • Budhism

    Votes: 2 1.3%
  • Jedi

    Votes: 16 10.7%
  • Scientology

    Votes: 2 1.3%
  • [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flying_Spaghetti_Monster]Pastafarianism[/url]

    Votes: 4 2.7%
  • Other

    Votes: 4 2.7%
  • Jewish

    Votes: 6 4.0%

  • Total voters
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There's a possibility that 'God', if there is one, could be a scientist himself. We're close to recreating the 'big-bang' ourselves, which will lead to further tests and the possible creation of a 'child' universe kept within, for want of a better word, a jar. Who's to say we're not the product of a similar, past experiment? And IF we are, then whoever figured out how to make us would be our 'divine being' by default. That'd be funny, if ever proved true.
So now believing is a bad thing? Funnily enough, science has debunked older scientific theories several times too. I don't see you losing faith in science because of that. Religious practices and beliefs too change with time. When they don't, there's conflict, like there is today.
Because science is not a rigid theory of mans existance, its an everchanging way of looking at and understanding our life and our surroundings.
Science invented the N-bombs and so many other mass killing weapons, so should it be blamed for the havoc created by their use? Religion or science is not bad, it is the people who use them wrongly who are bad.
No, because ultimately science did not invent something by it self, humans did it. Besides you are splitting the apple here and trying to lump science into one big thing and humans who discover new things as a part of science, they are not.

There are many things in this world that work on belief and faith (not of the religious variety), rather than purely logical or rational thought.

The part in bold is patently false. You didn't research that, did you? ;)
Factually I have only discussed islam, judaism and christianity in here and these are the ones I relate too. Obviously teaching that has not evolved from the Bible share little to no elements of it and thus is irrelevant to discuss. Which everyone but you have understood.

I am an atheist but at the end of the day we can't disprove God.
We have absolutely disproved all religions founded around the idea of God. And thus beliving in God is the same thing as beliving in other things without support such as the tooth fairy, trolls and
I am Athiest, and half Jewish (Race)

If your an Atheist you cannot be Jewish, Jewish is a relgion, Judiasism should I say. Unless your from Jerusaleam (cant spell no spell check on IE at work) then you could sort of say that

So now believing is a bad thing? Funnily enough, science has debunked older scientific theories several times too. I don't see you losing faith in science because of that. Religious practices and beliefs too change with time. When they don't, there's conflict, like there is today.

Science invented the N-bombs and so many other mass killing weapons, so should it be blamed for the havoc created by their use? Religion or science is not bad, it is the people who use them wrongly who are bad.

There are many things in this world that work on belief and faith (not of the religious variety), rather than purely logical or rational thought.


Thats the beauty of Science, Thoeries get updated as new evidence comes to light, however relgion does not.
You dont loose faith in science because there is no faith in science to begin with, Science has just put toghter thoeries with strong evidence, you believe theories in Science due to evidence not faith.

Enlighten me, what things other than Relgion work on beleif and faith ?
We have absolutely disproved all religions founded around the idea of God. And thus beliving in God is the same thing as beliving in other things without support such as the tooth fairy, trolls and

No we haven't (we being science.) We have crippled it by challenging it to come forward and prove itself, but we have not disproved it at all.
A **** of a lot of atheists, Id say agnostic. You can never be 100 percent certain and too me, this world seems a bit to perfect to be a 1 in a zillion chance. but hey No one will ever know. Just out of intrest if your an athiest surely your terrified of death..just nothing there.
, this world seems a bit to perfect . Just out of intrest if your an athiest surely your terrified of death..just nothing there.

Where are you living? oO)

And no, I'm not afraid of death. I like sleep so wouldn't mind it being permanent.
We have absolutely disproved all religions founded around the idea of God. And thus beliving in God is the same thing as beliving in other things without support such as the tooth fairy, trolls and

No we really haven't disproved God in anyway. I agree with Carine in that we have made it highly unlikely that God exists but there is still a chance. It is impossible to disprove God in the same way that it is impossible for religious people to prove God exists to atheists. Are you really that ignorant/close minded to say you are 100% sure God doesn't exist. We can use as many scientific facts to back up our claims that he doesn't exist but that isn't the whole story. As well as there being scientific proof there is also historic, spiritual and religious proof. If a religious person truly believes that they feel they speak to God when they prey then we have to accept that. You can't tell a person what they believe is wrong. If you think you can then you are just stupid
Where are you living? oO)

And no, I'm not afraid of death. I like sleep so wouldn't mind it being permanent.
It is pretty perfect, there are so many planets that aren't capable of life, and and are just waste zones. We take this planet for granted, that's for sure
A **** of a lot of atheists, Id say agnostic. You can never be 100 percent certain and too me, this world seems a bit to perfect to be a 1 in a zillion chance. but hey No one will ever know. Just out of intrest if your an athiest surely your terrified of death..just nothing there.

Nah, not terrified of death. I just believe that I've got one shot at life, and why not give it my best shot and have no regrets.
I don't wanna get tecchies on yo *****, but...
I think in essence, according to the definition given earlier on in the thread, we are all agnostic. I honestly believe that no one can be 100% sure that there is a God (how can we know something is there when we cannot see it? It is literally impossible). So agnostic really is a weird term.
But someone saying they're agnostic in this society could be looked upon by many as almost mild, where the person just doesn't really want to get involved with religion, nor wants to disagree with it. Because the fact is that the majority of society still looks down on atheists. If a political leader claimed they were atheist or not religious it would cause an outcry I reckon. Unfortunately, that's just the way the world is.
Anyway, I am as sure as any other "atheist" that there is no God. So, in line with the views of society, I'm atheist. That's probably 99%. But we will never be able to prove religion wrong, so I guess by definition I'm Agnostic like everybody else.
Because science is not a rigid theory of mans existance, its an everchanging way of looking at and understanding our life and our surroundings.

Factually I have only discussed islam, judaism and christianity in here and these are the ones I relate too. Obviously teaching that has not evolved from the Bible share little to no elements of it and thus is irrelevant to discuss. Which everyone but you have understood.

But you blandly stated that - "They are, there are no supportive evidence of gods existance, in fact, there is contradicting evidence, the Old Testaments (which all major religions consider to be a book of their faith)." This statement was false and what you meant has no bearing on that. Anyway, if you look at my comment, you will see a ;), which means that it wasn't to be taken too seriously.

As you have yourself mentioned, you don't relate to religions like Hinduism and Buddhism, we will probably not be able to have any reasonable discussion on science and religion. Your condescending tone doesn't help.

No, because ultimately science did not invent something by it self, humans did it. Besides you are splitting the apple here and trying to lump science into one big thing and humans who discover new things as a part of science, they are not.

You say that science did not invent something by itself, rather humans did. Fair enough. What about religion? Did the humans not "invent" religion? Was it created by somebody else? Do you see the problem here?

If you say that humans did not create religion, then you are saying that it was created by God. This goes against the grain of your atheism and rationality. But if you concede that humans created religion, then the bad things that have happened because of it are the fault of us humans and not religion itself.

Another interesting thing to ponder over is that if a God does exist, then do you think it would have mattered if we created or believed in religions or not? His existence is not dependent upon our belief in God.

Lastly, as far as disproving the existence of God is concerned, there is a logjam. You see - God is all powerful and if it is not God's wish, then you cannot see him or truly feel his presence. Why should God reveal himself to an Atheist or Agnost who has no faith in him? Put this way, you cannot disprove God's existence. Equally, a believer cannot prove God's existence to an Atheist or Agnost. There is no way out of this conundrum :D

Thats the beauty of Science, Thoeries get updated as new evidence comes to light, however relgion does not.
You dont loose faith in science because there is no faith in science to begin with, Science has just put toghter thoeries with strong evidence, you believe theories in Science due to evidence not faith.

Enlighten me, what things other than Relgion work on beleif and faith ?

I already said that I didn't use belief and faith here in religious terms. Anyway, an example would be Love. It is not rational. In fact, many if not most emotion or feeling will fall into this category; love is just more powerful than others. Of course, scientists are hard at work trying to prove that it is just a complex series of chemical reactions and electrical signals. They have yet to succeed, thankfully. The day that "mutual exchange of bodily fluids" replaces "***" will be a sad day for us.

This post is already too long, so I will only repeat this: Given the fervour with which some people are preaching Atheism, they show remarkable similarity to the "true believers"!!! :S
A **** of a lot of atheists, Id say agnostic. You can never be 100 percent certain and too me, this world seems a bit to perfect to be a 1 in a zillion chance. but hey No one will ever know. Just out of intrest if your an athiest surely your terrified of death..just nothing there.

If the 1 in a zillion chance never happened, then we'd never be here to discuss the rarity of it actually ever happening.
But you blandly stated that - "They are, there are no supportive evidence of gods existance, in fact, there is contradicting evidence, the Old Testaments (which all major religions consider to be a book of their faith)." This statement was false and what you meant has no bearing on that. Anyway, if you look at my comment, you will see a ;), which means that it wasn't to be taken too seriously.

As you have yourself mentioned, you don't relate to religions like Hinduism and Buddhism, we will probably not be able to have any reasonable discussion on science and religion. Your condescending tone doesn't help.

You say that science did not invent something by itself, rather humans did. Fair enough. What about religion? Did the humans not "invent" religion? Was it created by somebody else? Do you see the problem here?

If you say that humans did not create religion, then you are saying that it was created by God. This goes against the grain of your atheism and rationality. But if you concede that humans created religion, then the bad things that have happened because of it are the fault of us humans and not religion itself.

Another interesting thing to ponder over is that if a God does exist, then do you think it would have mattered if we created or believed in religions or not? His existence is not dependent upon our belief in God.

Lastly, as far as disproving the existence of God is concerned, there is a logjam. You see - God is all powerful and if it is not God's wish, then you cannot see him or truly feel his presence. Why should God reveal himself to an Atheist or Agnost who has no faith in him? Put this way, you cannot disprove God's existence. Equally, a believer cannot prove God's existence to an Atheist or Agnost. There is no way out of this conundrum :D

I already said that I didn't use belief and faith here in religious terms. Anyway, an example would be Love. It is not rational. In fact, many if not most emotion or feeling will fall into this category; love is just more powerful than others. Of course, scientists are hard at work trying to prove that it is just a complex series of chemical reactions and electrical signals. They have yet to succeed, thankfully. The day that "mutual exchange of bodily fluids" replaces "***" will be a sad day for us.

This post is already too long, so I will only repeat this: Given the fervour with which some people are preaching Atheism, they show remarkable similarity to the "true believers"!!! :S

LOVE ? i'm sorry your answer is not good enough simple as that

Slighty off topic look at this this in the bible

Deuteronomy 21:18-21 - 18If a man have a stubborn and rebellious son, which will not obey the voice of his father, or the voice of his mother, and that, when they have chastened him, will not hearken unto them:

19Then shall his father and his mother lay hold on him, and bring him out unto the elders of his city, and unto the gate of his place;

20And they shall say unto the elders of his city, This our son is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton, and a drunkard.

21And all the men of his city shall stone him with stones, that he die: so shalt thou put evil away from among you; and all Israel shall hear, and fear.

Basically it says God demands that we kill disobedient teenagers :D lol
Basically it says God demands that we kill disobedient teenagers :D lol

It doesn't -- there is no evidence to suggest that any parents ever took their children to 'the elders' to be judged for this. The text hints that this is nothing more than a veiled threat with which to keep children in check (a bit like the boogey-man.) It is a life lesson, but one that seems outdated due to the lives many of us lead nowadays.

When left to our own devices, we have done far worse than the above.
LOVE ? i'm sorry your answer is not good enough simple as that

Slighty off topic look at this this in the bible

Deuteronomy 21:18-21 - 18If a man have a stubborn and rebellious son, which will not obey the voice of his father, or the voice of his mother, and that, when they have chastened him, will not hearken unto them:

19Then shall his father and his mother lay hold on him, and bring him out unto the elders of his city, and unto the gate of his place;

20And they shall say unto the elders of his city, This our son is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton, and a drunkard.

21And all the men of his city shall stone him with stones, that he die: so shalt thou put evil away from among you; and all Israel shall hear, and fear.

Basically it says God demands that we kill disobedient teenagers :D lol

Umm... This is God establishing his expectations to Israel. God is showing that he demands justice after Adam's sin and that disobedience is intolerable (the theme of Old Testament). When you actually get to reading the New Testament, the scene changes. It's about fulfilling the law as Christ gives us all salvation and grace. Instead of letting these laws dominate, Christ has given us a chance to redeem ourselves simply by following Him and becoming more like Christ (holy). It's not possible, but going our best at it with Christ in our hearts pleases God.

Read the whole Bible if you haven't. It prevents you from taking the Bible out of context. It's like a novel/history book/God's Word.

As I said before, I'm a proud Christian and I'm okay with what you believe. I'm just giving an extra tidbit about what we Christians truly believe.
It doesn't -- there is no evidence to suggest that any parents ever took their children to 'the elders' to be judged for this. The text hints that this is nothing more than a veiled threat with which to keep children in check (a bit like the boogey-man.) It is a life lesson, but one that seems outdated due to the lives many of us lead nowadays.

When left to our own devices, we have done far worse than the above.
You realish on Relgion threads :D
before this gets off track remember the op was strictly asking what religion you are, not asking for another debate/war. ive seen these get ugly all too often
It doesn't -- there is no evidence to suggest that any parents ever took their children to 'the elders' to be judged for this. The text hints that this is nothing more than a veiled threat with which to keep children in check (a bit like the boogey-man.) It is a life lesson, but one that seems outdated due to the lives many of us lead nowadays.

When left to our own devices, we have done far worse than the above.

open your eyes and read it, stop interpretating your own way because its uncomfortable with what it says.
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