Advanced Forward
Complete Forward, Attack
Javier Hernandez...with wingers Valencia and Nani/Hazard as inside forward?
Same line up...for Rooney, Benzema, Lukaku , Babacar?
Ok thanks mate..! he the ideal replacement for Iniesta in the centre of midfield as and Advanced Playmaker!?!?! could it work
If you play him as AMC he is a Trequartista.
As MC he is advanced playmaker-attack or deep lying midfielder-support...
---------- Post added at 02:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:31 PM ----------
I think he is better as deep lying forward...![]()
AMC-advance playmaker for Cassano or AMC-AM sAntonio Cassano help
Mata-Inside Forward A LsideAdriano (Roma) - ST
Mario Borriello (Roma) - ST
Juan Manuel Mata (Valencia) - AMC
any idea ?
MC-Advance PM AI have real problems getting Fabregas to play up to his reputation. Whats his best position? I've tried CM DLP and AM AdvPM in the 4-2-3-1 I'm playing but neither to any great success.
Chamak -Target Man SIm playing as Arsenal and im using a 4-5-1. Van Persie is usual and Chamakh is my next best striker but ive tried him as an advanced forward and poacher with no success. I also have Alturo Vidal but im not sure how to get the best out of him, i thought box to box but it didnt work too well.
Poacher or Deep L ForwardGiuseppe Rossi?
I can´t get the partnership between Suarez and Carrol to work. Half season played and they have onley scored 7 and 4 gaoals each. I play 442 and latest patch.
Btw: Rooney leads the premiership with 18 (!) goals.
What can I do?
I am playing an Assymetric 4-4-2 with 2 DMC, 1AMR (inside forward), 1 AMC (attacking midflielder attack) 1 SC (poucher) and 1 SCL (deep-lying forward attack). The tactic has created MAGIC for me espacially for my Poucher (cisse) , however it seems that my deep-lying forward seems not to score so much.
He is Vagner Love.
I know that his original position would be poucher but I don't think having two pouchers would be suitable. On the other hand I think trequartista wouldn't be suitable as well, due to the fact I already have an AMC to do this job.
What whould you advice me?