What's the most embarressing thing that has happened to you?

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Sites slow again today so...... What's the most embarressing thing that has happened to you?
It didn't really happen to me, but I go red in the face and sweat like a ****** when I have to do presentations, which in turn embarresses me.
No, I mean REALLY embarressed like you wouldn't understand, I have the worst stage-fright ever.
Running to meet a friend, and not seeing a puddle of water, ended up sliding off the pavement and into a bush. Plus my shirt got stuck to the bush too. To make things worse, passers-by were staring at me and not helping at all.
Running to meet a friend, and not seeing a puddle of water, ended up sliding off the pavement and into a bush. Plus my shirt got stuck to the bush too. To make things worse, passers-by were staring at me and not helping at all.

I wouldn't keep a straight face during that XD
Also, don't know what others might think of this.. I know my little brother and step brother found it hilarious. We were on holiday and I was coming back from the bar to the apartment and we were behind this Irish fella (didn't know that at the time) and we thought he was Spanish. There was a cat there and I kept saying to the man, with hand movements to my mouth, "I think you need to feed your cat". Then the fella bust out in to a fit of rage threatening to kill me because I was an 'English c*nt', saying if he saw me again he'd slit my throat. At this point, my little brother and step brother are in stitches laughing at me while I was basically running away from this drunken Irish fella (so drunk he sounded Spanish when he spoke). What I couldn't understand was why the **** they were laughing. I was quite drunk at the time and I still got really embarressed when I eventually caught up to my brothers, but I think if I'd have been sober I'd have been so embarressed about running away it would have been unbearable. lmao. Looking back now, I don't think he would have been physically able to do anything and he wouldn't have even remembered in the morning. They still rip me about it now.
You do realise it's all a matter of time before Dunc comes in here and effectively ends the thread by saying something like 'I raped my nan's cat' or something, right?
About 10 years ago my family went away for a week in Devon, before we arrived we went into a shopping center just off the motorway - Trago Mills I think?

My brother desperately needed a ****, my Mum told him that he needed to wait for a couple of extra minutes. My parents turned around and my brother made a beeline for the bathroom display. When I seen him begin drop his trousers and prepare for a **** I turned round and shouted for my Mum. She then sprinted towards him and dragged him away from the toilet kicking and screaming. A very kind staff member came over and allowed him to use the staff toilet so all was well.

I was only 7 or 8 at the time and found it highly amusing yet I still wanted the ground to open up from underneath me. Never been more embarrassed to be associated with my brother!
It didn't really happen to me, but I go red in the face and sweat like a ****** when I have to do presentations, which in turn embarresses me.

Meh, I go red in the face when I do presentations, I can't help it so I just have to deal with it, it's rather annoying.

I dropped 6 bottles of wine in Tesco once, had one of the carrier things and most likely put the thing together properly. I was sick after 3 beers, that was pretty embarrassing, never really hear the end of it. Attempted a jump whilst skiing once, one of those little trails at the side of piste and it was pretty much vertical, instead of going over it, I went upwards, went back down and landed on **** on ice. Looked like a mug and it ******* hurt like a *****.
On top of that, when I was 6, I was with my family at a hotel in Singapore, we were visiting family in New Zealand but stayed one night in Singapore. I was by the pool with my brother and two sisters (all older than me) and we were about to go the airport. They said to me 'after 3, we're all going to jump'. So they counted to 3, I jumped into the pool and they all jumped on the spot lol. Needless to say, my mum went a bit mad.
I used to get stage fright a lot but after doing massive presentations to extremely large companies (and doing them extremely well) it became more of how am I going to get them to choose my company for the specific training/tender our company was called in for :) oh and I sweat a lot as well, well more pit.. so on these days I wear my suit of course and make sure I wear a black/dark coloured shirt so it is near impossible for anyone to see the pit marks under your armpits.. gives you a little more confidence and focus on your task at hand rather than thinking "can they see my sweat, god I hope they can't, it's so embarrassing"

on topic:

many years ago (age about 13 or so) I was on holiday with family and friends at St Francis bay (lovely place in South Africa) which is sort of like Venice to a degree as canals run through most of the town and all the houses are on the canal (see pic below)


so a lot of people fish off the jeti's, I saw this cute girl and decided to go chat her up, she had this brand new type of rod that had a click mechanism to release the gut when casting.. she had no clue how to use it so clever **** here see's his oppurtunity and offers to help :)

I cast the **** out of this thing (trying to look cool with a far cast) but never held in the click mechanism and the entire rod went flying out of my hand into the middle of the canals, I looked at her briefly and dived in immediately to try and recover it.. it was about 4m down already and the water is rather dirty from all the boats etc but I found it somehow retrieved it, got out, gave it back to her and walked away very quickly never to be seen again :P
Must say Raikan I only read your post because that place looks nice! Wouldn't mind going there for a holiday. Bet its expensive though.

On topic, I dont tend to get embarrased, not anymore anyways, just kind of go along with it and make the most of a embarassing situation. Id probably go with the presentation part to be honest. I remember once at school, I went to a course down Wales and we had to do like chores and shiz nizz, I had to be a waiter and bring the food out etc. I was like really shy and what not, so kept messing with my top etc, so the **** of a dinner lady decided to tuck my top in my trousers. So far down in fact, it looked like I was wearing my trousers right by chest! Wasn't very impressed, felt like a right tool!
lol, you only read my post cause of the pic, do you find my contributions that tedious.... :P
haha, was only kidding :P yeah it is a lovely place :) especially when boat races are on! huge pissup and everyone makes hundreds of water balloon and throws them at everyone riding in a boat on that day from their houses, bridges anywhere! gets mental though!