What's the most embarressing thing that has happened to you?

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Women love confidence in men! dont be a *****! act like you own the place, they will either love you or hate you! most of the time it will be the first! once you start getting used to it it will come more naturally and step by step you will slowly but surely combine you and this arrogant **** and you wont even know the difference! :)

also, women like you to acknowledge them but if you play it cool they start thinking "why is he not talking to me" and start bringing down their self asteem, keep on making glances over to them to show you are interested but ignore them! as soon as you make eye contact and can see a smile, make your move! The best thing is just to be yourself! go up and say "Hi I am Neil, how are you today? May I get you a drink?" and start from there! that is the best advice! just be yourself and be normal, dont think about what you are doing, just do it!
Women love confidence in men! dont be a *****! act like you own the place, they will either love you or hate you! most of the time it will be the first! once you start getting used to it it will come more naturally and step by step you will slowly but surely combine you and this arrogant **** and you wont even know the difference! :)

also, women like you to acknowledge them but if you play it cool they start thinking "why is he not talking to me" and start bringing down their self asteem, keep on making glances over to them to show you are interested but ignore them! as soon as you make eye contact and can see a smile, make your move! The best thing is just to be yourself! go up and say "Hi I am Neil, how are you today? May I get you a drink?" and start from there! that is the best advice! just be yourself and be normal, dont think about what you are doing, just do it!

Don't take the bold literally Aussie ;)

But Raikan's right, even if you fake confidence show it, but confidence doesn't mean being rude ;)
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Dont be fool, I know from experience that women are way more forward than men a lot of the time :) I have handfuls of beautiful women coming up to me asking if I wanted to **** them! (I never did though, sort of regret that now) but I was not like that, never have been!

Don't try too hard either, this is a signal of desperation and the girl will immediately be turned off! Make sure you smell nice and look neat! (depending on what type of girl you are wanting to pick up however) be polite and courteous! dont try and tell jokes or do anything stupid, ask her questions and listen, women love men who listen to them, make short comments relating to what she says to stimulate the conversation! Tell her she looks beautiful and her hair looks amazing, if she has nice nails, comment on that too! they like you noticing the smaller things that are really important to them! eyes are a bit chliche' but if she has nice ones you can comment to!

dont ever initiate the "lets get out of here" sentence, either wait for her (cause if you do it to early she will be offended and all your hard work will be for nothing) if you really like this girl as in want to see her more, don't even mention it! as soon as the conversation has reached its climax, politely ask her for her number! tell her you have to go unfortunately but you would love to see her again and leave! she will be intrigued by the time you spent together and will want more! just before you go to sleep send her "it was a pleasure meeting you this evening" and boom! case closed!
Raikan, ever thought that the reason so many beautiful women are coming up to you asking you to **** them is because of your Adonis-like good looks and not because you acted like a massive ***** to all of them? ;)
aww **** offff xD you nabs understood what i wanted to say! My mom caught me and my *******. is that better?
aww **** offff xD you nabs understood what i wanted to say! My mom caught me and my *******. is that better?

You and your ******* what?
Raikan, ever thought that the reason so many beautiful women are coming up to you asking you to **** them is because of your Adonis-like good looks and not because you acted like a massive ***** to all of them? ;)

Surprised you haven't asked him for a **** yet.

Most embarrassing thing that happened to me was I ordered a small kebab, and 'cause I look Turkish, the man gave me a large, for the price of a small. He started talking to me in Turkish and I was standing their clueless, my friend told me I weren't Turkish and he started swearing at me in Turkish in front of 10-15 Turks.

One day, me and some friends were heading for a ride on our bikes, mostly Mountain bikes and some BMX toys. Anyway, I got stucked a bit behind them, so they waited for me a bit, as I was hitting the road, a beautifull girls comes to my attention. We made eye contact and the next thing I know, i splashed myself into a ******* pole....I stared at her while going downhill!

Another one that made me blush, went to coffee shop for smokes, the entrances doors were made of glass, bought the stuff and exit the back door. **** door was closed, so I headbuted the door, it cracked from top to bottom and gave a huge headache. The owner started laughing but when he saw the glass falling down he went ballistic while I ran away :p
Following the *** on the beach incident (turns out she doesn't like me), my "friends" found a new way to humiliate me. Jamie asked for a look at my new phone, and for some reason i gave it to him, roughly 10 seconds later he was on the phone to my mum saying "hey sexy". Then i got my phone confiscated by the vice-principal, ************ Jones. She then got a phone call from my mum asking why i called her sexy. So then i had to talk to my vice-principal about why my mother thinks i think shes sexy
Following the *** on the beach incident (turns out she doesn't like me), my "friends" found a new way to humiliate me. Jamie asked for a look at my new phone, and for some reason i gave it to him, roughly 10 seconds later he was on the phone to my mum saying "hey sexy". Then i got my phone confiscated by the vice-principal, ************ Jones. She then got a phone call from my mum asking why i called her sexy. So then i had to talk to my vice-principal about why my mother thinks i think shes sexy

Lol don't sound like friends to me mate :S