What's the most embarressing thing that has happened to you?

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Sounds nice man. Is it expensive? Would love to take a break over there.
it all depends where you stay I guess :) when with mates we stay at like a backpackers and with family we have had houses there before (well owned among 3 families) so we all holiday together (well used to when we were kids) or just gone up whenever we felt like it as it was only about an hour drive from our city :)

Google it and check for prices/accomdation :)
Ah right okay, thought id ask you seen as you been there, wasn't sure if you knew anything.

Cheers mate :)
Up chucking on one's self is probably within the guidelines of said thread.
Ahh, Silly Sunday, you have bested me sir.
Unable to take to the field of play for mad Monday... not happy.
I am a postman, and was delivering on a bike a couple of years ago. Being a lazy so and so, I like to cycle right up to the door as much as possible, and on one occassion approached a house with a fairly high and deep step outside the front door. I cycled up to it, parallel to the door and leaned over to open the letterbox and post their mail. Over-stretching, I was forced to put all my weight against the door using my other hand, reluctant to waste the time getting off my bike....

Seconds later I found myself in a heap at the feet of an amused middle aged woman, she'd opened the door and my bike and I were sprawled halfway inside her house! Not too embarrassing!
I once tried an overhead kick, completely missed it, and dislocated my shoulder.
Not sure, I forget any embarrassing things really. There's been a couple, but it's usually something silly like when I'm doing a presentation and mess up, no big deal really, but at the time you feel like an idiot.

Although, there was one time, which I suppose you'd say is embarrassing. I was about 5 or 6 and I was really bored so I was walking up and down the pavement next to my drive and on about the 10th time of walking up I tripped on a bit of pavement, and landed head first onto a big piece of pavement that was sticking out (the corner had broken off and it was at about 60 degrees) and my head cracked open. Like I say I 'suppose' it's embarrassing, but only when I think back on it because at the time I was only young and nobody saw it.
Speeches and presentations. I don't sweat, but I start to shake and my voice quivers.
Well, one time I was in Middlesbrough and I threw up on some guy's shoe.
ouch, talk about unlucky !

To be fair, we were winning 6-0 and we had 5 minutes to go, I thought I'd have a go, and didn't even touch it, didn't realise I had dislocated it at first, felt bruised :L
Oh I know.

I had a small presentation I had to give in front of one of my history classes at 9 am. I had all the material covered and knew the topic pretty well. That night I ended up playing xbox with my roommate....then a party broke out...

I never went to bed. I went to class half drunk half hungover.

I got through about 6 sentences........I started stuttering, repeating myself, forgetting main points, standing there blank for long periods of time.....the teacher let me stop (what would happen if he had not? Shooting spree? Crying? Suicide?). I was depressed for 2 weeks after. I was always pretty composed about presentations and I know the circumstances are what ****** me up and that it wasn't really me up there.....but **** I wanted to pound my face through a brick wall.
It involved being blind-drunk, and having a girl with me in the bushes... Let's just say, not everything was turned on that night.
I also once ran into a patio door at a party, thinking it was open. Lost a few cool points there, I even ate dog food that night!

I walked straight into a pond at a garden centre when I was really young. I saw the reflection of some steps in the water and thought there were more steps. Being so young, I couldn't even swim; fortunately my grandad was on hand to fish me out before I went under.
I also once ran into a patio door at a party, thinking it was open. Lost a few cool points there, I even ate dog food that night!

I walked straight into a pond at a garden centre when I was really young. I saw the reflection of some steps in the water and thought there were more steps. Being so young, I couldn't even swim; fortunately my grandad was on hand to fish me out before I went under.

I've seen you do worse things FBP....
Got my debut for Prescot Cables the other day (cup match). Sprinting down the right hand side and beat my man, centre-mid played a great through ball to me, took a touch and tripped myself up. I never even claimed a free-kick as I knew I hadn't been tripped but the referee booked me for ****** diving, got a bit of stick off my team-mates and my Dad.

We drew 2-2 and the match went to penalties. Manager put me 6th, and I was sort of dreading it, despite being a ****** good spot-kick taker. After 5 each it was 4-4 and it was their turn, keeper pulled off a fine save. I stepped up to the cut up penalty spot, pressure was on. As I went to take it, I slipped, still made contact with the ball but it didn't even reach the goal. We eventually won, worst debut of my life though.