What's the most embarressing thing that has happened to you?

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FBP's one reminded of one my brother's friend, who is also a postie. He went up to an old man's door, and noticed he was recieving a lot of cards. He said to him: "You're popular! What, is it your birthday?", to which the old man replied: "No, my wife's just died."
my mate tripped me up at maine road infront of 35000 people, good job they didn't know i was a red!
Got my debut for Prescot Cables the other day (cup match). Sprinting down the right hand side and beat my man, centre-mid played a great through ball to me, took a touch and tripped myself up. I never even claimed a free-kick as I knew I hadn't been tripped but the referee booked me for ****** diving, got a bit of stick off my team-mates and my Dad.

We drew 2-2 and the match went to penalties. Manager put me 6th, and I was sort of dreading it, despite being a ****** good spot-kick taker. After 5 each it was 4-4 and it was their turn, keeper pulled off a fine save. I stepped up to the cut up penalty spot, pressure was on. As I went to take it, I slipped, still made contact with the ball but it didn't even reach the goal. We eventually won, worst debut of my life though.

Wow, did ya get played next game?
One time my family went out to this Chinese we often go to. After we had our main course I decided it was time for me to empty the tank, so I headed off to the toilet.

When I entered the bathroom the door to the toilet had the lock which said it wasn't engaged, I took this a sign that nobody was in. I opened the door (with my head away for some reason), and I heard a large thud. I then looked and saw an Asian man sitting on the toilet. "Sorry" was all he could muster. I went bright red and decided I didn't need anymore and went back to my table
My "mates" from school just uploaded a video of me singing "*** on the beach" onto a girl who i fancy's wall on facebook. Now i play the waiting game
My "mates" from school just uploaded a video of me singing "*** on the beach" onto a girl who i fancy's wall on facebook. Now i play the waiting game

Hahahaha! Hopefully she will agree, then you will have to fork out a couple hundred quid to whisk her away to a tropical beach just in order to mount her, then you will think to yourself, "WAS IT REALLY WORTH IT!?"
I was on holiday a few months back, and me and my family were playing cricket on the beach. First off, my nephew thought it would be funny to pull my trousers down in the middle of the beach (a little too much was on show :() and to make it worse, i tripped over myself and ended up with a mouth full of sand... worst day of the holiday EVER!!!
The one I always remember was back when I was in year 8, so 14 years old or so? I still rode a tiny bike to school, almost BMX size yet it wasn't one, and a few people in my class took the ****. Anyway I was riding to school one merry morning and saw the school bus at the traffic lights. Knowing those people would be on there I rode past looking the opposite way to ingeniusly fool them. However since I wasn't looking where I was going I went straight into a lampost and fell off, infront of everyone on the bus and everyone else in their cars at the junction.

Later at school someone actually had to ask if it was me, so thinking they didn't recognize the back of my head I denied it :) Think I got away with that one.

Oh and there was another incident at that same junction. I was walking to my mate's house, and next to the lights there was a long patch of grass, which I cut across. I think a few days before there were some roadworks or something going on, and someone had left a kind of ring/coil of wire on the grass. My first foot went in, then my second one and I got my feet stuck and went tumbling over. I'm sure the long line of people waiting at the lights had a good laugh.
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Not one moment, but generally every moment I have around girls I like or just girls that are hot. Can't talk properly, sweaty palms, start stuttering and generally end up going to the nearest toilet to calm myself down. No surprise I'm single!
Not one moment, but generally every moment I have around girls I like or just girls that are hot. Can't talk properly, sweaty palms, start stuttering and generally end up going to the nearest toilet to calm myself down. No surprise I'm single!


Seriously, they're just other people, talk naturally like you would your guy friends.
Not one moment, but generally every moment I have around girls I like or just girls that are hot. Can't talk properly, sweaty palms, start stuttering and generally end up going to the nearest toilet to calm myself down. No surprise I'm single!

Mate, you're not the only one, I've had a bit of a see-saw past and long periods where I've had no sexual contact, it's perfectly natural to feel nervous when around girls. My problem is I'm not happy with my appearance which directly affects my confidence, even when just in social situations, it's just something I have to work on.

Seriously, they're just other people, talk naturally like you would your guy friends.

That's harsh :( Haha, I deserve it, I have been getting better though, currently doing well with this one chick I met a few days ago ;)

Oh another embarrassing moment...
Was in year 6 and doing the school play thing, saying my line while walking and I slipped over and fell off the stage. Couldn't do the rest of the play cos I was so embarrassed. Haha.

---------- Post added at 02:01 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:00 AM ----------

Mate, you're not the only one, I've had a bit of a see-saw past and long periods where I've had no sexual contact, it's perfectly natural to feel nervous when around girls. My problem is I'm not happy with my appearance which directly affects my confidence, even when just in social situations, it's just something I have to work on.

That's not my problem, im ******* sexy ;) Haha, nah, I just end up acting like a complete **** half the time, joy for me!
Well I'm good friends with a girl and I can see the signs, only thing is, she's my bosses ex girlfriend XD but she's really good looking, which gives me confidence in myself.
Seriously, they're just other people, talk naturally like you would your guy friends.

You should listen to Joel', he's a massive ladies man. His attempts to bring economics into romance has thus far proved wildly successful.

"Hey baby, I'll supply your ​demand!"
You should listen to Joel', he's a massive ladies man. His attempts to bring economics into romance has thus far proved wildly successful.

"Hey baby, I'll supply your ​demand!"

He also brings politics into play to sweet talk them
"Hey babe, you remind me of Margaret Thatcher. I want to impregnate you......"
You should listen to Joel', he's a massive ladies man. His attempts to bring economics into romance has thus far proved wildly successful.

"Hey baby, I'll supply your ​demand!"

"Want to go to the bathroom and calculate how to maximise your GDP output?"

He also brings politics into play to sweet talk them
"Hey babe, you remind me of Margaret Thatcher. I want to impregnate you......"

Frankly, I find the Maths ones are most effective.

"Hey baby, you be sin^2 and I'll be cos^2, and together, we'll equal one." Guarantees results.

If not, the trusty "Hey baby, does this rag smell of chloroform to you?" will deliver.

You should listen to Joel', he's a massive ladies man. His attempts to bring economics into romance has thus far proved wildly successful.

"Hey baby, I'll supply your ​demand!"

He also brings politics into play to sweet talk them
"Hey babe, you remind me of Margaret Thatcher. I want to impregnate you......"

"Want to go to the bathroom and calculate how to maximise your GDP output?"

Frankly, I find the Maths ones are most effective.

"Hey baby, you be sin^2 and I'll be cos^2, and together, we'll equal one." Guarantees results.

If not, the trusty "Hey baby, does this rag smell of chloroform to you?" will deliver.

Guys WTF are you doing to my thread?!?! XD

But in all seriousness, I used to be like that too Aussie, but you've just got to treat them like your mates (not like fist pounds and stuff cos your fists can do other stuff ;)) But remember they get nervous too, it's not just us.
My mother caught me and my gf doing.. babys, when i left the room it was like "that awkward moment when.."