Why do i hate man united

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I know a Manchester United fan who can literally not take defeat, disappears for a few days whenever they lose. I find this rather sad and embarrassing for him. Every club has a few muppets who follow them and in London there is plenty of supporters who support Manchester United. I do regard a lot of football fans in general as muppets though, especially at Fulham.
Here come those annoying man utd fans now. The ones that make me not like man utd
So Boca are the best fans in the world because they're noisy for one game? Brilliant.

So what if we see ourselves as the best fans? I'm sure a lot of fans do.

Boca fans are a lot noisier than Liverpool fans every game of the week. This is one thing that annoys me about Liverpool fans, they act like they're the only club in the world with history and good fans when they're tame compared to the fans of clubs from other countries. I really don't like Boca because they have more glory hunters per capita in their country than probably any other country in the world (even more than Benfica and ManU), but at least the fans that go to their games are as passionate as any in the world. That's why they don't bother me quite as much as ManU fans.

I respect ManU but really don't like them. You're always going to hate the biggest club with the most (glory hunter) fans, and ManU is the world's biggest club with the most fans and largest revenue stream. They began this era of success at exactly the right time, right when the game was commercializing, and they were able to seize a huge fan base all over the UK and the world. So all of the fans in Asia and the US, in particular, were exposed to the Premiership right when ManU was good so they were able to get a huge fanbase abroad and make even more from merchandise. It's annoying because back before this era you weren't able to dominate so easily with a huge pocketbook, but in this era you can, which has ensured that ManU have stayed on top no matter what over the past 20 years. And since the Prem recently emerged as a league as big as any, that guarantees their success. In other eras, the big teams didn't have so many glory hunters, but thanks to the commercialization of the game and the modern media, teams like ManU have many more 'fans' than the big teams did in the past and can count on insane amounts of revenue, guaranteeing them success.

Also their fans are really annoying. They always act like ManU is the only club in the world and by far the most successful. But their success in Europe, the highest stage, hasn't exactly been staggering, they got lucky and won at the end of the game in '99 and were also lucky to win in '08. Considering the fact that they're the biggest and best English club, it's not uber uber impressive. That's of course not to belittle their achievements, and winning the Champions League twice in a decade is a huge accomplishment but success is a relative thing. For example, is ManU "better" than Lyon? Yes. But winning 7 consecutive titles in one of the top leagues in the world (and on a tight budget) is probably as impressive as any club's success in this decade. Or look at Arsenal...ManU fans love to point out their lack of trophies but considering Arsenal's budget, finishing in the top 4 and competing in all competitions (which they do every year) is just as much of a success as ManU or Chelsea winning the title. But ManU fans won't acknowledge this, they think they're the best no matter what. It's the same with players...I get it, Neville, Giggs, Scholes, etc. are very professional, but they aren't ******* war heroes or anything. But ManU fans act like they're the most/only professionals in the world...what about Zanetti, Maldini, Gerrard, etc.
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But the Question still remains, If me or you can question a ref intergrity, why cant a manager, i dont care if he is meant to be a role model, he never asked for it.

Public figures are held accountable to different standards than the average citizen. Pretty simple, really.
why would united fans (or any other fan) extol the virtues of another club. Its not our job to laud their exploits, thats what their fans should be doing.
and you talk like every single united fans is like that, clearly not the case, why the sweeping generalisations. Have you met all united fans, so how can you even say they wont acknowledge this? Where is it written that they wont acknowledge this?
hmm..thats odd. I seem to remember past conversations where Manchester Utd fans have said Arsenal have done so well on a tight budget and Wenger has done a great job. They have also, now correct me if I'm wrong, NOT acted like they are only club in the world, and have highlighted other great players around the world, other club achievements etc. So, not all Man Utd fans are the same, so best to wash the tar out of that brush. It's just BS
hmm..thats odd. I seem to remember past conversations where Manchester Utd fans have said Arsenal have done so well on a tight budget and Wenger has done a great job. They have also, now correct me if I'm wrong, NOT acted like they are only club in the world, and have highlighted other great players around the world, other club achievements etc. So, not all Man Utd fans are the same, so best to wash the tar out of that brush. It's just BS

thank you, sweeping and false generalisations FTL. And im pretty sure that i recenty talked about Zanetti being one of the finest fullbacks of our generation, not to mention him being a hero of mine
obviously i'm not saying they're all like this, it's just a generalization, i'm saying i've noticed a good deal of them are...that's probably because i'm simply exposed to them more, especially the american ones (who fit into the exact stereotype). if i lived in spain i'm sure i'd hate real madrid fans more. i've never been to spain so i've only met a couple. anyways how's what i said different from anyone else?
I have always disliked United. I dont like to watch them play unless it's an exciting game in CL or against an exciting team.

I dont know why i dont like them..i disliked them even before i fell in love with City :D The players..maanger...dont like them at all. Ronaldo is the only player i ever liked at United. And now i like him even more when he is at Real.

But i hate Barca more. But ManUnited comes second..and the fact that in a forum like this..almoste half of the posters are United fans..and it makes me hate them even more.

Maybe hate is the wrong word...i hate Barca but dislike United.
Public figures are held accountable to different standards than the average citizen. Pretty simple, really.

He never asked to be a public fugure, he asked to be a Football Manager. Not some sort of role model. Again why go to a press conference if you cant be honest. Isnt that an breaking a human rights law, Making someone do something they dont want to and not even let them be honest in it....
He never asked to be a public fugure, he asked to be a Football Manager. Not some sort of role model. Again why go to a press conference if you cant be honest. Isnt that an breaking a human rights law, Making someone do something they dont want to and not even let them be honest in it....

But he is a public figure, and part of being a football manager is following the rules, which he didn't do. It's not "breaking a human rights law" because according to the rules you are liable to be fined for making certain comments. It's like that in any league of any sport in the world. I don't think you'll find anyone else who agrees with you on this one. But if you feel passionate about it then call up your local lawyer and see if he can take the case to court.
But he is a public figure, and part of being a football manager is following the rules, which he didn't do. It's not "breaking a human rights law" because according to the rules you are liable to be fined for making certain comments. It's like that in any league of any sport in the world. I don't think you'll find anyone else who agrees with you on this one. But if you feel passionate about it then call up your local lawyer and see if he can take the case to court.

But Making him do the press conference in the first place, is surely breaking a human rights law
I am an avid Bayern Munich supporter, and support Liverpool in the Barclays'...
But for some reason i hate man u, is it fair to say they are the most hated club.

I know the op is banned, but they are the most hated company in england (according to something on the news the otherday), so he isnt far wrong.

But they are also loved by many!
Says an Everton fan. oO)

That's easily countered with 'Current success is an excuse for a lack of history'. We're going off-topic though.

Managers should be setting an example, they're professionals and are heavily scrutinised. I see what your saying though, and I do agree to an extent.

Says a Chelsea fan, who has no history and a load of ***** fans...

Chelsea have a 106 year history. Your using the wrong word. And what makes the fans *****?
Chelsea have a 106 year history. Your using the wrong word. And what makes the fans *****?

Free flags handed out to make up an atmosphere. As well as a lot of fans who used to support other teams, among other things :)
Also, pretty much every English team has that amount of history.
Free flags handed out to make up an atmosphere. As well as a lot of fans who used to support other teams, among other things :)
Also, pretty much every English team has that amount of history.

So what about the flags?? Flags dont make an atmosphere at all and its nice to give stuff back to fans (even if it is only a flag). Even before we got bought we were nearly selling out every home game and at times in the 70's and 80's we took some of the most fans away from home. Pool fans bang on about history so much so i would learn more about Chelsea's before people start slagging it off. Im not having a go at you mate im just chucking this out their.