John said:
If the scots hate us so much why do they all come down here?
No we dont all think we're going to win the world cup, but whats the point in going if your not going to support them?
We're arrogant with reason, we, unlike some, have got past the 1st round of a World Cup, we've even won it once.
We might not be playing the best football we can at the moment, but we all know that and want to improve - even the players.
And im not saying that you should SUPPORT us, im just saying theres a difference between supporting and physically wanting us to lose every game!
Maybe the reason people in England support the other home nations is because we have a thing for the underdogs, and as thats what you nearly always are, we always want you to win.
Why to English come to Scotland if we're so ****? (whats this got to do with the price fo fish?)
Every Englishmen (luckily i dont know nay know

but from what ive seen in the media) say that you will win the world cup.
Even if you did have a right to be arrogant you shouldnt be! Look at Chelsea they have the right to be arrogant & are and you all hate them & Mourinho.
I was listening to Talksport today & the English arrogance had me shouting at the radio

(before turning it off after like 5 mins of it).
There 'topic' was basically Brazil & England. The presnter was saying that Wayne Rooney would easily get in the Brazil team & how Brazil dont have a Rooney & how therefore England are better than them! Anyway that wasnt the worst part.
He said Rooney was as good as Maradonna, infact he said Rooney was better because by this stage Diego had 20 caps & 8 goals (which isnt that far off how well goals wise Rooney has done, right?) He was deadly serious as well & said it more than once.
He then started slagging off Brazils defence saying that the dont have one & Carlos & Cafu were too old (yes their old but Cafu & Carlos have got to be the hardest working fittest players in the world).
Then they had a Brazilian football expert on who was English & he was saying how good Brazil where & how Rooney would probabaly be on the bench with Robinho. After he said that the presneter started saying that he'd obviously not seen Rooney. He was English FFS!
Then a Scottish caller phoned up & was very calm & softly spoken. He said basically the same thing & how he was nowhere near what Maradonna was & the presneter said he was obviously bitter. The guy said what about, the presenter said dunnow then cut him off & made a vguely racist comment : "hes obviously been staying up all night watching Braveheart"
Not really conveyed well trough what ive typed but if you;d listen to it its the perfect example as to why we dont support you & hope you crash & burn!
Im sure even you would have agreed.