world of warcraft love it or hate it

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I played trial and was unimpressed then played an hour in my cousins and coudnt get into it at all. Think it is a poor game. Just my opinion.
haha to be honest playing an hour on ur cousins is like slapping a 200 page manual in ur face, levelling up gives u the experience and lets u to get to know the interface and how to play the game. you need to level ur own character up. its like the old pokemon games. u cannot do bot all with ur level 5 pigiotto but when ur pwning with ur 65 charazard and 63 slowpoke its another thing. sorry for being stupid XD but I love it
i also think lotr online is better, but im obsessed with lord of the rings, thats just me
It´s not so much a waste of time than it is of money, because if you want to experience everything in the game you have to invest a fair amount of both and in the end it´s a vicious circle of lvling up, grinding this or that item, arena points, or raid instance. So basically it´s like most rpgs a grindgame with the major difference of having to spend a fair amount of cash each month to do that grinding.
I´ve played the game for several years myself so I know how it is. I think it´s a good game and it´ll appeal those who like rpgs in general, but it´s fairly repetitve and in the end not worth spending money for it. As example for it´s repetitiveness here goes: To those who play/played the game througout the main game + both expansions, do you remember which the 1st mobs were that you needed to kill in the main game aas well as in the each expansion? (It was boars, for horde side anyway, every ****** time lol)
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A couple of mates at work play it religiously,its all they go on about.Ive had had a few goes but its not for me,i cant see the appeal at all.
A couple of mates at work play it religiously,its all they go on about.Ive had had a few goes but its not for me,i cant see the appeal at all.
same here. i've seen some friends ruined by WOW as they are too addicted to it that they want nothing but play WOW the whole day. i refuse to learn how to play cos i do not want to be sucked into it and cant get out, as i was almost ruined by DOTA (warcraft 3 game) once though i managed to snap out of it after going for counseling. its that scary :S
It's a great game. I had played it for a year and it's really addicting. The problem though is that one has to played MMORPG games before to appreciate how good this game is. For me, it's just that I don't like the idea of paying monthly for a game.

Well for those who had never played any MMORPG before, I advise you all to prevent yourselves from getting into this sh**hole. It's hard to pull out once you are addicted to it and it could ruin your studies or work. It took me a long time to stop myself from playing online games, but in the end I'm stuck with FM haha.
I agree it takes some time to level up. It takes me ~150 hours to reach the max level, and that's pretty quick. Saying it is a waste of time though is a bit strange, especially coming from someone who plays Football Manager, I'm sure more people would argue that staring at a glorified spreadsheet for hours is a waste of time.

Anyway.... WoW pwns. Sure some people play it way too much, but that's their problem and those who get 'addicted' to it are the people who are likely to get addicted to anything. I play WoW for about 15-30 hours a week.

Like Kris has said too it's fun to play with friends. :wub: Once the new expansion comes out Kris they're revamping all of the old worlds so levelling your first character won't be as much of a chore which should be great.

When is the new expansion out Lee? Will you be my wow pal again and help me ?

It´s not so much a waste of time than it is of money, because if you want to experience everything in the game you have to invest a fair amount of both and in the end it´s a vicious circle of lvling up, grinding this or that item, arena points, or raid instance. So basically it´s like most rpgs a grindgame with the major difference of having to spend a fair amount of cash each month to do that grinding.
I´ve played the game for several years myself so I know how it is. I think it´s a good game and it´ll appeal those who like rpgs in general, but it´s fairly repetitve and in the end not worth spending money for it. As example for it´s repetitiveness here goes: To those who play/played the game througout the main game + both expansions, do you remember which the 1st mobs were that you needed to kill in the main game aas well as in the each expansion? (It was boars, for horde side anyway, every ****** time lol)

I don't see how it's a waste of money if thats how you want to spend your free time. Some people might think going out to a club every weekend and spending £100 + on booze,taxi and dodgy kabab's is a waste of money.

Each to there own.
The whole idea of WOW and others like it never seemed intersting to me. I can't go around saying how **** it is because I have never played it before but I have been addicted to certain games (Forza 2 and COD 4.) I get where the guys who said they loved the game come from. Spending your free time on WOW to me seems like wasting your life but like Kris said, everbody does their own thing in their free time and nobody should stop you.

Unless of course it has a large negative effect on you in which case slam your head off a wall. Works everytime.
When is the new expansion out Lee? Will you be my wow pal again and help me ?

I don't see how it's a waste of money if thats how you want to spend your free time. Some people might think going out to a club every weekend and spending £100 + on booze,taxi and dodgy kabab's is a waste of money.

Each to there own.

no release date has been given
but check the expansion site out
Played it for a bit, interesting game. Personally, I think it's a bit too addictive. I don't know why I stopped playing but I'm glad I did. lol
Looking back, I just can't figure out why I was so hooked to it. Now-a-days, I find it quite silly, really. Fortunately, I don't have any urges whatsoever to go back to it. I prefer my occasional COD4 online rampages. :D
Currently playing it, so I suppose I should vote positively.
I don't see MMORPG's as a waste of money if you think outside the box.

When I played EVE-Online some of my friends said "Why are you paying £10 a month to keep playing the same game". My response was always, "It's not the same game though, there is always new updates and new content every 2-4 months, if you save that £10 for 4 months you could get a new game but the game I enjoy is always getting better for the same price".

I've never played WoW, never will either, but I don't think it's a bad game. It's just not my cup of tea, EVE is. (Well was, I don't play it any more)
i play it but i dont spend my life on it i play for a club nd i go to collage but fm i will play for life tho *****
Well I don't really think MMORPG is a waste of time but the price for it in some places of the world is way too much. £10 seems to be a meagre amount for you all, but in my place it's a lot. I used to live in Malaysia and its around RM60~70 (RM is our currency). I was a student and working part time only earns about RM3 per hour. So for me at that time who was still a high-schooler, it was really way off my budget.
i have never actually played this game, heard lots about it, never really thought it was for me, but as i have to wait a whole ****** day until fm10 gets to my door, and because i havent got work for 2 and a half hours and have nothing to do, im going to give it ago now on the free trial, dont knock it till you've tried it i suppose =]
I played it before, and have downloaded trials on a few computers but I don't enjoy it. I like some aspects of MMORPG's such as LOTROnline but it's really hard for someone new to start out.. I used to play Guild Wars quite a bit as it doesn't require spending £10+ a month but is a good online game. I'd recommend Guild Wars to anyone who is looking to get into MMORPG's but doesn't want to commit to a full monthly subscription.

Although I'd rather spend my money on a game like FMLive but having to start like 10 years into a game is so annoying with all the regens!
It looks as though you have the US version of WoW. :P
It looks as though you have the US version of WoW. :P

mate i have no idea what it is, i just downloaded the free trial, music is playing and blah, but i cant click anything, psshh ima just un-install it, its not the laptop, i have a VERY good one, it might just be because im a tard and can't figure it out but i really can't be bothered to try =]