Hello everybody.
I've just played half a season and I've been blitzing everything with a tactic I just made. It is a 4-2-4 formation, or 4-2-2-2, with 2 wingers and 2 strikers. Scored 65 goals in 19 league games! And only conceded 9 in 19 league games. An extremely good attack and an extremely good defence is exactly what this tactic has offered me so far. If the 2nd half of the season is as good as the first, after 38 games I'll be projected to score 130 goals and concede only 18 in the league. My most impressive ever on FM if I achieve it, which I think I will. Hopefully you all will have the same success as I have so far.
Team Stats:
Tactic Analysis:
Never really won with such attacking and such defending in the same tactic. It's almost as if they are both in the extreme. Not going to put up single match screenshots because I can't be arsed, just look at the results. Usually create at around 3, and up to 8 CCC's regularly with Man Utd. Won every game except 2 which I drew (though tactic familiarity wasn't full as it is in the last lot of fixtures I've played.
You should note that right CM is defensive and left CM helps in attack. Every other position is self explanatory.
Original pitch, No Opposition instructions, assistant team talks, assistant match prep is what I used
Download Link: XeNoN's 4-2-4 v1.00 (Man Utd, Dec 2011).tac
I've just played half a season and I've been blitzing everything with a tactic I just made. It is a 4-2-4 formation, or 4-2-2-2, with 2 wingers and 2 strikers. Scored 65 goals in 19 league games! And only conceded 9 in 19 league games. An extremely good attack and an extremely good defence is exactly what this tactic has offered me so far. If the 2nd half of the season is as good as the first, after 38 games I'll be projected to score 130 goals and concede only 18 in the league. My most impressive ever on FM if I achieve it, which I think I will. Hopefully you all will have the same success as I have so far.


Team Stats:

Tactic Analysis:

Never really won with such attacking and such defending in the same tactic. It's almost as if they are both in the extreme. Not going to put up single match screenshots because I can't be arsed, just look at the results. Usually create at around 3, and up to 8 CCC's regularly with Man Utd. Won every game except 2 which I drew (though tactic familiarity wasn't full as it is in the last lot of fixtures I've played.
You should note that right CM is defensive and left CM helps in attack. Every other position is self explanatory.
Original pitch, No Opposition instructions, assistant team talks, assistant match prep is what I used
Download Link: XeNoN's 4-2-4 v1.00 (Man Utd, Dec 2011).tac