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Juego de Posición - a realistic tactic

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I am not a very well known individual on these forums, I sort of prefer to make tactics for myself, and I prefer most of all to make tactics based on realistic formations, teams I enjoy watching, and am a huge Pep Guardiola fan, albeit a Manchester United fan.

Right now, for you, I have a 4-3-3 or a 4-2-3-1 tactic, you can use whichever one you prefer, but they both work quite similarly. I've attempted to replicate Erik ten Hag's tactics and playstyle, which worked to a great effect, but have afterwards continued to tinker on the tactic, and made something that fits more what I like to see on the current match engine.

I've tested the tactic with Red Bull Leipzig, Manchester United and Newcastle United so far, and was very happy with the results I've managed to accomplish.

I'll let you in on one of my football fetishes, and that is - pass map. As a huge fan of positional play in football, pass map is something I'd definitely have to get right. Pass map and average player positions. I almost have a bad OCD reaction if those two are not right. I am also very big on having possession numbers, but in the leagues I've tested the tactic in - Premier League and Bundesliga, there's just no way beating Manchester City's and Bayern Munich's numbers in possession while also having good results.

Average pass map for season 2021/2022 in Premier League, courtesy of The Athletic:


Now, if you zoom in on this chart, like.. zoom on it really well, and check out Manchester City's pass network, and don't get turned on... then this tactic I have for you... might not actually be for you.

If you want a plug-and-play tactic which will definitely get you results, this tactic may be for you, but I can't vouch for results. I will show my results with it, and I've been very happy with them, but there's a lot more to this game than just put a tactic in and expect it to be miraculous.

Here are some of my pass maps:

Now, after probably tiring you with that read, I will get to what you all care about: the actual tactics.
I have several variations of 4-3-3's and 4-2-3-1's and they've all worked quite well. Bear in mind, they are quite the same, just midfield roles are different in each of them, and as far as the striker role goes, you can choose between Pressing Forward on attack, and Advanced Forward. Advanced Forward works best with the tactic, but I'm quite annoyed with how good it always is on this match engine, so I prefer using Pressing Forward. I've not used any other roles, so try them at your peril.

Here are the screenshots of the tactics I've tried so far:

So, essentially, they all work quite well, but my advice would be to go for the 4-3-3 with Advanced Forward, if you want the best results. The Advanced Playmaker tactic was the least effective, which doesn't mean it was bad.

As far as my league performances go, I've finished 2nd in my 1st season with Newcastle, 3rd in my 1st season with RBL, and 1st in 2nd season with RBL with some outstanding statistics. First season in RBL was played with the advanced playmaker tactic, with Olmo supposed to be in that position, but he was injured several months of the season, with an unhappy Forsberg taking his place. After Olmo came back, he had amazing performances, and I managed to sell him to PSG for 150 million. Here are the pictures for each season:


I was really hoping for an invincible season with RBL, and only lost my first game in February against Eintracht Frankfurt, I underestimated them and fielded a really weak team away from home. My second loss was the final game of the season where I played with kids, as I didn't care whether I won or lost 'cause Invincible hopes were already lost.

Opposition instructions are usually blank, with only show onto weaker foot and tackling hard on opponents' most dangerous players. I never tight mark good dribblers like Salah or Mane, because if they beat their marker, they're going to have a lot of room to run in towards the goal.

Training I do manually, as assistant coach will probably get a lot of your players tired or injured quite frequently. There's probably a lot of guides out there on youtube or elsewhere, maybe some of them with downloadable schedules, so I recommend you checking some of them out.

That's all, for now! Hope you enjoy the read, and hope the tactics serve you towards great results, and may them bring you a lot of enjoyment in the way this football is played!

Thank you!
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