I love this game but I kind of feel its bug list is pretty disgraceful.
I'll list all the bugs I've encountered on this game.
1) When watching match via key moments, all the players disappeared once so it was just the camera moving around with commentary.
2) On network play with my brother, I got a message telling me that one of HIS players wanted a transfer request, accept or decline... He got the same message obviously and pressed decline and it went away, on my screen though I can't click accept or decline, nothing happens but obviously the game tells me its a must respond to message, and the only way I can continue onto the next screen is to leave the inbox screen, then it allows me to continue, but of course, the message comes up every single day on the inbox screen as a must respond, even after months have passed... All I can hope is that after a season its completely gone from the message history, then maybe it won't come up, or maybe the game will just crash.. Anyway, its really annoying.
3) Every now and again when something about a player comes up on my inbox it will just display some game code instead of the players name like <male 2-surname>, it doesn't do any harm but its a bit odd.
I'll list some more when I remember the others.