Just got my saved Malaga game back. I actually scored 150 goals, with 100 points.
Couldn't take a picture because something is messed up with my print screen.
whats is the tactic u use ?
Yeah, I used it to change a guys professionalism because he would not take my advice. Is that so wrong?
Also, it is here because I have used it with FM 12 as well.
Also, I expected a little more professionalism and respect on this forum, especially from someone like raikan. Calling someone a derp is completely uncalled for.
I apologize for calling you a derp, its really not that insulting, I meant it more along the lines of lol or roflyou have to understand, we have been around for long enough to know a bs artist and the fact you deny it sort of makes you a tad derpish (silly)
my sincere apologies if I offended you, I truelly never meant to.
derp derpDerp.