I did try it mate, and it's right to say I did win a lot with the Grid Press too. But somehow, I found the tactic was a bit "unconsistant" (sorry, don't know how to translate this one, something like "lacking of something" and could be "versatile" according to your opponent).
It's fair to say that the author TACTIKZZZ kind of "revolutioned" the way to make a tactic (in classic mode).
The thing is I was always on the other team rules. They decided the game, and how it was played!!! Yet, I still kept winning, but to win 1 game like Chelsea did against Barcelona in the last semi-finals is fine. To win that way most of the season (due to the 3 ST exploit) is a bit frustrating (and I'm even talking about the press grid, not the stand one). Anyway, hope you don't have any heart trouble if you watch your game

(especially in cup games).
Don't forget Hazza's tactic is BASED on the grid press tactic, but somehow the general team settings and the whole "narrow formation approach" brought to you by Thebetterhalf (in the W4NKER list of ME exploit) led to a much more dominating tactic than I've experienced with the original Grid press one. To win in a dominant manner is much more pleasant to watch (and I'm not talking about 80% possession based football with useless passes in our side of the field, with few shots/CCC/key passes... just around half of it with same to 6 times more "relevant" shots (not abusive long ones) than your opponent).
Once more, I'm not saying this as a fact (as some people apparently still struggle with Hazza's one), but what I've witnessed by watching the games, and on the statistics' analyses I've made after them. I had unbelievable results in the 1st season, so imagine in the next ones when I'll have better players, with a squad harmony easier to reach as a manager with higher reputation, all my players knowing each other and the French to communicate on the field? Looking forward to it
