4-1-2-3 Unbeatable Engine Exploiter by Hazza22299

hazza what should i do when a player is unhappy with their training workload? should i move him to another schedule? if so what schedule?

Ignore them unless other players in the same schedule complain as well.
Should I speak to my team in Pree Season "I know it is only sparing but U have to win (Agressive) or only in Season matches?
can anybody upload the training plz???
n hazza gr8 work these tactics mek you fall in love with the game all over again n never mind these clowns on about exploit tactics blar blar i play to win!!!!
This scored and conceded a record amount of goals and finished 5th with a top 5 side. Without the corner cheat it is average.
how can you not concede as many with this tactic??? i have loads of attacks but the ai just goes up other end 1 shot goal??
also any1 know how to do something with free kicks as my players never shoot the idiots tap to side n get ball pinched off em and they probably score??
any help would be greatfull
can anybody upload the training plz???
n hazza gr8 work these tactics mek you fall in love with the game all over again n never mind these clowns on about exploit tactics blar blar i play to win!!!!

You need to register to the Sports Interactive Forums to download it. Sorry.
This scored and conceded a record amount of goals and finished 5th with a top 5 side. Without the corner cheat it is average.

Sorry to hear you feel that. Some of it will be to do with how YOU motivate your side and keep their morale high.
how can you not concede as many with this tactic??? i have loads of attacks but the ai just goes up other end 1 shot goal??
also any1 know how to do something with free kicks as my players never shoot the idiots tap to side n get ball pinched off em and they probably score??
any help would be greatfull

Sign defenders with PACE. Free kicks aren't very good on FM12, I believe SI are looking to fix that.
As far as scoring goals go... This tactic is great and made me love the game again until the new one comes out. But the Defense is absolute dog ****
Sorry for my english...this tactic was try with the patch 12.0.3???