How do you train / change the PPM'S ?
Game uses fmf files now for tactics not .tac files
Jeezus christ......
If you download a .FMF file and don't know how to get it into the game:
1. On the tactics menu choose "Manage Tactics..."
2. Click "Import"
3. Find the .FMF file where ever you put it on your computer.
4. Load it and it will now show in the menu as before.
BUT, It will not show up in the Archived Tactics part. If you want it to you have to go to Manage Tactics once more and use the "Export" option to save it as a .TAC file.
lost to tottenham 6-1 away with everton its my 8th match .. doing ok otherwise but leaking defensively!
Love the tactic so far, but it always seems to leak a ton of goals in the second half. I'm assuming it's because my WB/CB's are worn out, but it always seems to be a cross from super wide hitting their other winger so my keeper has no shot. These are usually on the counter, too.
I plan to upgrade CBs in the offseason, so we'll see.
Yep, I've been subbing out my CBs about the 70 min mark and it's helped out a bit. Also going to try swapping it to just "Close Down More" when I have a 2+ lead.
It is impressivelly good on the offensive end but a tragedy on the defensive.
Только что сыграл? На новом патче? 15,1,3?Gr8 tactic, thx