Hey Rego8 , have you noticed any difference since the update?
My strikers dont score anymore, since the game was updated.
Hey Rego8 , have you noticed any difference since the update?
My strikers dont score anymore, since the game was updated.

Yes i have noticed im still working on something a 424 is looking good again at the moment
Alright, so it wasnt just me then. Thanks bud

Or im thinking going with no team instructions and going just with individual instructions only really seems the crosses have lost its potency....will do some testing when i get home from work
Or im thinking going with no team instructions and going just with individual instructions only really seems the crosses have lost its potency....will do some testing when i get home from work

Let me know how it goes :)
should have new one up tomorrow just a few things to go not far off complete
the bus crash is back... finally got off my **** and done some testing
I would say this tactic is not for smaller teams your heart is in your mouth a lot of the time but its exciting to watch in the testing I have done so far I use tff throw ins still the old corner setup feel free to put new corner setup
give it a try let us know how you go
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the new tactic straight from the nut house...i stumbled upon this when i got a player sent off in a game using buscrash and it turned out even better for me seems a bit more sound in defense...now your going to get some stones pelted at you with this tactic but your going to throw boulders back XD I havnt tested it with small team but my guess is its suited to strong teams but you never know if you cant get through their defence then go over it I say give it a try been working great for me...
download here.....View attachment 15747

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feel free to switch mentality between attacking and very attacking
Anyone tried this?

nearly gave up on fm but thought i would give it another try so i decided to fix the defense up in the 3 striker tactic so here it is give it a try i think its much more solid at the back and still scoring like a demon
I also added tactic with 3 treqaurtista it really performs well

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results so far started at the liverpool game got a player sent off in the everton game just before half time still won 3-1
what i think so far the treqaurtista is better for when you play against smaller teams and use the af's against bigger teams
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