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Well at least Obama is incharge now but didnt he promise to get all the us army out of iraq and afghanistan?
i think that the US goverment knew about it for years before the attack.because it seems kind of wierd that the WTC 7 the goverment fbi building ( or soming woth top secret files ) collapses after teh attacks without even been set fire to or craqshed into and it shows a bit of debri falling on to it but then after a while the building just suddenly collapeses in a controlled manner as if a demoliton had done it.it was said that inside this building the goverment had many secret files that they wanted top destroy. The building was also evactuated shortly before the first plane crashed into the WTC. I believe this is proof that the goverment knew that the attacks were happening. Another reason that the goverment knew about the attacks is that when the terrorists were at flight training.that made it clear to the instructors that they didnt want to learn how to land or take off because they wouldnt need to. Im sorry but that is so obvious that sometihing isnt right.

R.I.P to those people involved in this tragic day. killed by the goverment
This thread is 9 years out of date.. Just let the people get over it for God sake..
This thread is 9 years out of date.. Just let the people get over it for God sake..

Quite ironic you say that seeing as you Liverpool fans love what happens in the past (K)
Why are we talking about football?
so u think it was fake? :/ if it was fake then how did loads of people lose their lives on a FAKE VIDEO? tbh i think you should respect the people's families and close this thread tbh

No conspiracy suggests 9/11 is fake, it just asks questions that points towards the fact that events did not happen how they were officially reported.

I think its a disgrace peoples opinions are being slated on this thread, who cares if someones a conspiracy theorist, respect their views

read my signature, sometimes its just to slate someones opinion
i think it was a conspiricy by the goverment and i send my hearts out to all the families that realatives were involved in such a mindless publicity act

If you have a few, may I have one? mine been a bit dodgy recently.

Anyway as with the majority of the conspiracies....there's always a counter article/video which disproves every aspect of the conspiracy, pretty sure there is one that just ruins Loose change. Screw you loose change it could be.
If you have a few, may I have one? mine been a bit dodgy recently.

Anyway as with the majority of the conspiracies....there's always a counter article/video which disproves every aspect of the conspiracy, pretty sure there is one that just ruins Loose change. Screw you loose change it could be.

Nothing to do with 9/11, but still lols

YouTube- Unfastened Coins: Titanic Conspiracy
Its a **** take on loose change, saying all his evidence is as credible as playing with a toy in the bath
Here we go, yes you can call me a conspiracy theorist, left-wing nut job etc. I don't care, here's what I think happened.

9/11 was a complete setup in order to invade Afghanistan and subsequently Iraq and if vox populi allowed, further. It was nothing more than an easy way to further erode people's rights and freedoms (see the patriot act), a way to appease the corporations (notice a pattern developing with who got the rights to rebuild the countries being invaded), a way to secure more oil, an expansion of the Wolfowitz doctrine and so forth.
This was a planned precursor to the 'war on terror'.. 9yrs and they still haven't found Osama, not completely surprising considering he was on the CIA payroll in the '90s
Lol, I wonder who is more deluded... The conspiracy theorists or those who believe a group of nutjobs in an afghan cave, who's leader was on daily dialysis (strapped to a machine or he died) launched the most devastating attack on THE worlds only superpower. Really, these fellas with box cutters and pen knives managed to take over 4 planes in a Country with the leading security measures in the world? A Country with the most advanced Radar, Air force and missile defence systems in the world. They watched 2 planes flying low towards the New York skyline yet did nothing? Hmmm.

Im not saying terrorists did not carry out the attacks, but that they were allowed to carry out the attacks and helped by the govt who knew full well what was going on. Did you know the Americans knew about Japans attack on Pearl Harbour before it happened? They were warned in advance of the attack and even watched 400 odd Japanese planes flying towards their fleet. What did they think was going to happen? Just like 9/11 they knew but did nothing.

Why? Well which Country gained anything from the 2nd World War? The USA. Which Country has gained most from the "War on Terror"? The USA. If any of you really knew or researched how big a hypocrisy America's so called Democracy drive is it would scare you a lot more then some cave dwelling crack pots thousands of miles away.
My friend died on one of the planes that hit the North tower. He was on the phone to his wife when the plane was hijacked. We were with her when she took the call. If anyone cant understand the terror of that day by making out it was not terrorists that took over a plane then they should not even have an opinion on it.
Its only a debate!

Yes, It's a debate that should have been done 9 years ago. Just let it go.. Are you saying 7/7 was fake to make the British people support the army more? I mean conspiracy theories are completely illogical, and are just thought up by complete retards, everyone knows that.
Lol, I wonder who is more deluded... The conspiracy theorists or those who believe a group of nutjobs in an afghan cave, who's leader was on daily dialysis (strapped to a machine or he died) launched the most devastating attack on THE worlds only superpower. Really, these fellas with box cutters and pen knives managed to take over 4 planes in a Country with the leading security measures in the world? A Country with the most advanced Radar, Air force and missile defence systems in the world. They watched 2 planes flying low towards the New York skyline yet did nothing? Hmmm.

Im not saying terrorists did not carry out the attacks, but that they were allowed to carry out the attacks and helped by the govt who knew full well what was going on. Did you know the Americans knew about Japans attack on Pearl Harbour before it happened? They were warned in advance of the attack and even watched 400 odd Japanese planes flying towards their fleet. What did they think was going to happen? Just like 9/11 they knew but did nothing.

Why? Well which Country gained anything from the 2nd World War? The USA. Which Country has gained most from the "War on Terror"? The USA. If any of you really knew or researched how big a hypocrisy America's so called Democracy drive is it would scare you a lot more then some cave dwelling crack pots thousands of miles away.

i read the first 2 sentence. and i couldnt read anymore dribble. please never type them again

My friend died on one of the planes that hit the North tower. He was on the phone to his wife when the plane was hijacked. We were with her when she took the call. If anyone cant understand the terror of that day by making out it was not terrorists that took over a plane then they should not even have an opinion on it.

Spot on man. it was terror, Peoples lives where taken, the families they left behind lives where ruined. I lost 2 uncles and a cousin that day, If i ever find out it was an inside Job. I will personally Kill every member of that USA, British Government, I cant beileve people would do that to themselves.
I don't think it was an inside job - I just don't think even Americans would be that stupid to let planes crash into two buildings. I think its ridiculous to even think about it being a conspriacy. Like Ian said, its all terror. People died that day, almost 3000, and to think that the American/UK government would do that to look for a reason to invade Iraq and Afghanistan is absolutely audacious.

I know that the US government have done a similar thing before with the Bay Of Pigs scandal in 1961, to make the country support the war against communism because it was in their back garden. But to think they would commission a plan to kill 3000 innocent people is awful.
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i read the first 2 sentence. and i couldnt read anymore dribble. please never type them again

Spot on man. it was terror, Peoples lives where taken, the families they left behind lives where ruined. I lost 2 uncles and a cousin that day, If i ever find out it was an inside Job. I will personally Kill every member of that USA, British Government, I cant beileve people would do that to themselves.

maybe you should read past the first 2 sentences and discover I typed no dribble pal. "please never type them again"? You what? Thats dribble fella.

9/11 happened. But it could and should have been prevented but it was not. Due to willful neglect or not the blame lies with the American government. I mean how far are you going to get trying to convict dead terrorists? Its a debate that will continue to happen until all the questions are answered.


These people lost family too. Yet they feel very different to you and Ian.

---------- Post added at 12:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:02 PM ----------

My final point on the subject. From a psychologist that states people with conspiracy theories actually have mental health issues.


Some people would rather not beleive everything they are told... Its called thinking.