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Why anyone would commit these attacks is beyond me :S

1) I do believe it happened
2) I don't believe it was an inside job, why would America kill thousands of innocent civilians ?
Lol, I wonder who is more deluded... The conspiracy theorists or those who believe a group of nutjobs in an afghan cave, who's leader was on daily dialysis (strapped to a machine or he died) launched the most devastating attack on THE worlds only superpower. Really, these fellas with box cutters and pen knives managed to take over 4 planes in a Country with the leading security measures in the world? A Country with the most advanced Radar, Air force and missile defence systems in the world. They watched 2 planes flying low towards the New York skyline yet did nothing? Hmmm.
Im not saying terrorists did not carry out the attacks, but that they were allowed to carry out the attacks and helped by the govt who knew full well what was going on. Did you know the Americans knew about Japans attack on Pearl Harbour before it happened? They were warned in advance of the attack and even watched 400 odd Japanese planes flying towards their fleet. What did they think was going to happen? Just like 9/11 they knew but did nothing.
Why? Well which Country gained anything from the 2nd World War? The USA. Which Country has gained most from the "War on Terror"? The USA. If any of you really knew or researched how big a hypocrisy America's so called Democracy drive is it would scare you a lot more then some cave dwelling crack pots thousands of miles away.

That is possibly the most moronic statement ever made.. You genuinely believe that every person in Afghanistan lives in a cave? That's hilarious. Not only that but the attack was not carried out by Afghani's, it was in fact mainly Saudi Arabians, with Lebonese, Egyptians and I think Pakistan, funded by Osama. They were all highly trained men/

And as for everything else you said, it is American law that you do not try to take back an aeroplane once it has been hijacked, nobody has ever kamikaze a jet before, well certainly not a commercial one. It could be so that the hijackers claimed they would release them upon landing. I mean even though these terrorists have taken control of the plane with very minimal force, they are the only ones who can now land the plane, I mean what are the chances of there being an off-duty pilot on board? Not only that but it has been said that they told the passengers that bombs would go off within the plane if they did not co-operate. Most of this is proven by the fact that the third plane did realise what was happening, i.e kamikaze style killings and tried to prevent the attack, nonetheless killing themselves in the process but that's still very heroic.

As for World War 2, what could you possibly expect them to do? America defended themselves as best they could but a fleet of 400+ planes heading for you, catching you off guard is something they would never have expected to defend, as at this point America were not fighting in this war.

I just genuinely hate conspiracy theories, people that do not do research but just go onto google and believe the first website they come across, it's disgraceful.

Do you believe 7/7 was done by the British government too?
If it was a cover up then the American government would of been found wanting by now. Like the Watergate cover up it would of been exposed by now. Also American security was at its weakest at airports across the country because you were allowed to take pen kinifes, scissors etc in your hand luggage at the time. People can believe it was a cover up if they want but no true evidence has come to life thus far and never will in my opinion. Conspiracy thoerists will believe whatever slight fact that they can distort to make it look like a cover up. It was terrorists at the end of the day. End of.
The fact there are these conspiracy theories makes me sick
That is possibly the most moronic statement ever made.. You genuinely believe that every person in Afghanistan lives in a cave? That's hilarious. Not only that but the attack was not carried out by Afghani's, it was in fact mainly Saudi Arabians, with Lebonese, Egyptians and I think Pakistan, funded by Osama. They were all highly trained men/

And as for everything else you said, it is American law that you do not try to take back an aeroplane once it has been hijacked, nobody has ever kamikaze a jet before, well certainly not a commercial one. It could be so that the hijackers claimed they would release them upon landing. I mean even though these terrorists have taken control of the plane with very minimal force, they are the only ones who can now land the plane, I mean what are the chances of there being an off-duty pilot on board? Not only that but it has been said that they told the passengers that bombs would go off within the plane if they did not co-operate. Most of this is proven by the fact that the third plane did realise what was happening, i.e kamikaze style killings and tried to prevent the attack, nonetheless killing themselves in the process but that's still very heroic.

As for World War 2, what could you possibly expect them to do? America defended themselves as best they could but a fleet of 400+ planes heading for you, catching you off guard is something they would never have expected to defend, as at this point America were not fighting in this war.

I just genuinely hate conspiracy theories, people that do not do research but just go onto google and believe the first website they come across, it's disgraceful.

Do you believe 7/7 was done by the British government too?

You call my statements moronic yet your statements are baseless. You obviously did not realise I was being a little sarcastic when I was referring to afghans as cave dwellers etc.

Your first point regarding the terrorists as Saudis. Yes so why did America invade Iraq and Afghanistan? No Saudi's there. That makes sense right? It was Bin Laden right? So why let his whole family fly out of the US (no questioning, nothing) when even the president could not fly post 9/11?? Highly trained? Mate one or more of them failed their pilots test numerous times.

No-one knew they would kamikaze a jet into a building?? Ummm they trained for a similar scenario not a year before. They were warned of a massive terrorist attack in New York a week before. "it could also be claimed"... It has not been claimed. They were watching the ringleaders (hijackers) for years prior to 9/11, they even had an FBI agent living with 2 of them. They knew some of them were learning to fly. They watched the planes drop altitude and head towards skyscrapers. No claim, FACT.

As for WW2 what could you do? My friend you have the whole pacific fleet sitting in harbour, hundreds of fighters sitting on runways, your friends are at war with Japan and you are warned they are going to attack. You see their ships move towards yours. What would you do?

No point in arguing who is right. I have my opinion you have yours, Im open for reason your not. We wont agree so whats the point?

No I believe 7/7 was carried out by terrorists.
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It may be off/on topic, off of conspiracies but on 9/11, but the most horrific images and videos are them 'jumpers'. I've just seen one on YouTube where a man is trying to dangle out the window, try slowly to climb down the window, loses his grip and falls to his death. RIP all who died in 9/11 :(
It may be off/on topic, off of conspiracies but on 9/11, but the most horrific images and videos are them 'jumpers'. I've just seen one on YouTube where a man is trying to dangle out the window, try slowly to climb down the window, loses his grip and falls to his death. RIP all who died in 9/11 :(

Just seen that video. It's really depressing to watch but in that situation you have to try something and unfortunatley it didn't pay off :(. R.I.P
I think the lives that were lost should be respected and the hundreds of service men and women that put in all their guts to try and save anyone they could after this international disaster.

forget the rest!

RIP all those that have fallen, may we hope to avenge this tragedy in a more than effective way!!!
I firmly believe that the attacks were an inside job.
I have debated my points succesfully over the years and have grown tired of the 'head in the sand' crowd.

No plane hit the pentagon* and anybody who claims otherwise should be sectioned.

*It was a missile.
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I firmly believe that the attacks were an inside job.
I have debated my points succesfully over the years and have grown tired of the 'head in the sand' crowd.

No plane hit the pentagon and anybody who claims otherwise should be sectioned.

I honestly can't tell if you're being serious with your post. If you're not serious then it's funny, but if you are serious then the people you've argued against must have an extra chromosome or something.

I honestly can't tell if you're being serious with your post. If you're not serious then it's funny, but if you are serious then the people you've argued against must have an extra chromosome or something.


Seriously fella, the worlds greatest pilot team could not have flown that plane into the pentagon crash into the roof? maybe? The lawn? most likely. Into the side of it leaving no trace on the lawn at 530mph? Impossible. Also no conclusive CCTV from the day? Your telling me the home of American defence/offence had no CCTV to record the incident? They had to rely on some 2 bob petrol station camera and some ****** security gate stills?? Which show jack diddly squat. This is all they have. This and whatever they choose to tell us.


Ultimately just ask yourselves who has gained the most from 9/11?? Who is still gaining from 9/11?
No trace of it? Are you kidding me? If you're going to believe some wild claims at least read the facts first. The debris from the plane has been photographed inside the Pentagon and they're publicly available for those who actually want to see the truth.

Maybe there was some CCTV footage, maybe there wasn't. But one thing I know for sure iis that the videos in the link you provided prove nothing. The framerate is appalling as you can see by the big steps the police car takes which was probably only going < 10mph. The car takes about 10 seconds to go across the screen, a 747s top speed is 604 mph so 10seconds/600=0.0167seconds. So image how easy it would be for the plane to come and go in between the frames.

Ultimately just ask yourselves who has gained the most from 9/11?? Who is still gaining from 9/11?

The conspiracy theorists. Books & Dvds = $$$
You call my statements moronic yet your statements are baseless. You obviously did not realise I was being a little sarcastic when I was referring to afghans as cave dwellers etc.

Your first point regarding the terrorists as Saudis. Yes so why did America invade Iraq and Afghanistan? No Saudi's there. That makes sense right? It was Bin Laden right? So why let his whole family fly out of the US (no questioning, nothing) when even the president could not fly post 9/11?? Highly trained? Mate one or more of them failed their pilots test numerous times.

No-one knew they would kamikaze a jet into a building?? Ummm they trained for a similar scenario not a year before. They were warned of a massive terrorist attack in New York a week before. "it could also be claimed"... It has not been claimed. They were watching the ringleaders (hijackers) for years prior to 9/11, they even had an FBI agent living with 2 of them. They knew some of them were learning to fly. They watched the planes drop altitude and head towards skyscrapers. No claim, FACT.

As for WW2 what could you do? My friend you have the whole pacific fleet sitting in harbour, hundreds of fighters sitting on runways, your friends are at war with Japan and you are warned they are going to attack. You see their ships move towards yours. What would you do?

No point in arguing who is right. I have my opinion you have yours, Im open for reason your not. We wont agree so whats the point?

No I believe 7/7 was carried out by terrorists.

But the attack wasn't done by Afghani's, that's what I was trying to say.. Bin Laden is not an Afghan citizen, he is a Saudi, if you are going to have a debate about something as controversial as this I would have thought you would know a little about the subject at hand. Let me enlighten you, Osama Bin Laden is a Saudi Arabian man who was being sheltered by Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan, the bombers were from Middle Eastern countries primarily Saudi Arabia, most of them were highly intelligent men, and obviously a few were trained pilots.

Also please be more specific when you reply, you call my statements baseless but at least I can string a sentence together without changing topic every 4 words. "No-one knew they would kamikaze a jet into a building?? Ummm they trained for a similar scenario not a year before." who trained for this? I doubt it was any passengers on a plane that day. As for the FBI 'watching' these ring leaders, yes Osama has been in America's most wanted for years, others are probably known terrorists however it's very difficult to keep tabs on those who live thousands of miles away. If a terrorist attack happened tomorrow it's possibly the FBI were following them however what are they supposed to do? Go around arresting everyone they suspect to be a terrorist?

As for them learning how to drop altitude and head towards skyscrapers, what were they training in? I very much doubt it was a commercial airline, and the fact that nobody picked up on this potential thread is fairly obvious, although if you feel you could do a better job as defence secretary then go for it.

Although the WW2 debate is off topic I guess I'll continue with it; nobody was at war with the Japanese, the German's told Japan they could control Asia [I think] if they attacked the US, catching the world completely off guard, if you genuinely believe the US wanted to be a part of that war then you are very naive.

Why was 7/7 carried out by terrorists yet 9/11 wasn't?

edit: Lee pretty much covered your most recent comment with pretty much what I would have said so no need to reply there :)
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Speculation = Conspiracies
Hard evidence = Truth

There is a massive difference between the two.
America is a greatest example of corpocracy in the world. You're foolish in thinking that "conspiracy theorists" have profited the most from 9/11. Go and have a look which company has the rights to rebuilding Iraq and what natural resource they happen to diversify into. This war makes no sense, but plenty of cents.

edit: ROFL at people who's defence is "as if America would do this to itself?". Do you honestly think they wouldn't kill 3000-ish of their own people in order to sway public opinion into entering a war that most would've been against before this act in order to make money? Are you not aware of the American companies who sold war supplies to the Nazis during WW2? History repeating itself.
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the research that has been done on 9/11 that draws other conclusions should be referred to as conspiracy theory, because of that people have made up their mind before reading into it