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Lol, I KNOW they were Saudi's. My point is why then invade Afghanistan and Iraq and continue to be bosom buddies with the Saudi's? Why allow all of Bin Ladens family fly out without any questioning? NOTHING.

In fact it was not true it would be funny, read carefully, the ONLY people flying on and immediately after 9/11 were SAUDI and loads of them were namd BIN LADEN!! I mean WTF. This is all factual. Research it. Do you not find this somewhat strange?

Did you know the French intelligence claimed the CIA visited Bin Laden in a Dubai hospital 2 months prior to 9/11? He was their best friend before, they even let the Taliban visit the US and were extremely chummy until the Taliban backed out of a deal to pipe gas. Same with Saddam in Iraq, best friends until they saw fit.

Just read. See how many mistakes were made that day, how many anomolies. No coincidence.


Why do nothing?

The US defence etc trained for a scenario where airplanes were hijacked and flown to a City with tall buildings. I hope thats clear enough. They were even warned by numerous intellegence agencies both domestic and foreign of an impending major terrorist attack.
Your talking about a Country with nigh on unlimited resources and technology. Do you know how many Countries America inderectly control? They could keep tabs on anyone they want. But read this and you will see they knew full well of these hijackers and their activities long before 9/11.

Have a look at HOW MUCH the US in fact did know about them way prior to 9/11


Why do nothing?

They watched these planes travel from an airport and head towards the skyscraper capital of the world and did nowt. They waited nearly 20 minutes before any info was relayed to the defence dept. 20 odd mins! How many lives could have been saved that day if they had acted? Read the first link, they clocked the hijackers at the airports and did nowt. Mate, a monkey could do a better job as defence secretary than Donald Rumsfool. Just youtube this clown and see how many gaffes this idiot has made lol.

Japan, Germany and Italy signed a pact in 1940. Over a year before Pearl Harbour. They even invaded and took a former French colony. America was the Allies number 1 supplier of weaponry and were the main threat to the axis. It does not take a rocket scientist to work out war was on the horizon. Especially when Japans navy, army and airforce were involved in aggresive maneuvers in the pacific.

The most naive people are those who believe everything the people in power tell them.

Why was 7/7 carried out by terrorists yet 9/11 wasn't?

7/7 is a whole different situation. They left videos of their intentions, seemed pretty clear, family members also corroborating certain parts of govt account. A lot of CCTV evidence etc.

Either they learnt from the million mistakes made during 9/11 and covered their tracks really well or as I believe 7/7 happened near enough as they say it happened.

---------- Post added at 03:32 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:19 AM ----------

Speculation = Conspiracies
Hard evidence = Truth

There is a massive difference between the two.

ll give you an equation... Lies + Lies = G. W. Bush

The man and his staff are proven liars with so much to gain from 9/11 its unbelievable. Im not going to take the word of a known liar and his friends..


Credible people can't all be crazy. I would rather take their word then G dubbya's.

---------- Post added at 04:08 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:32 AM ----------

No trace of it? Are you kidding me? If you're going to believe some wild claims at least read the facts first. The debris from the plane has been photographed inside the Pentagon and they're publicly available for those who actually want to see the truth.

Maybe there was some CCTV footage, maybe there wasn't. But one thing I know for sure iis that the videos in the link you provided prove nothing. The framerate is appalling as you can see by the big steps the police car takes which was probably only going < 10mph. The car takes about 10 seconds to go across the screen, a 747s top speed is 604 mph so 10seconds/600=0.0167seconds. So image how easy it would be for the plane to come and go in between the frames.

The conspiracy theorists. Books & Dvds = $$$

Exactly, this is the CCTV given by officialdom. Like you said shows nothing. So the pentagon has ******* CCTV then the local boozer? I think not.

Minor debris on the lawn bits and bobs scatterred here and there.. So you want me to believe pilots who had limited training flew a massive plane at 530mph hovering metres from the ground into the side of a not so tall building leaving no skid marks or even an almighty trail of destruction in its wake? I think not.
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This is for those who believe there was no cover up involved and have been called straw men or whatever.

Its the top ten characteristics of a conspiracy theorist. Basically the inability to comprehend the simple fact that the evidence they provide in their statements is just speculation.


I find it amazing how with all the debunking sites on myths and conspiracies that they are blinkered towards to believing it is a cover up always and yet when they put forward an argument there is always a rational explanation through scientific fact and even then they cant see it staring them in the face.

Every argument posted by a conspiracy theorist about 9/11 has been debunked by scientists who are not employed by the government but the theorists will say they were secretley paid off to debunk the so called cover up.

Most conspiracy theorists still believe Elvis is alive and well. I will let you judge who has the least sanity walking our streets as its the ones who speculate the ridiculous.
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Minor debris on the lawn bits and bobs scatterred here and there.. So you want me to believe pilots who had limited training flew a massive plane at 530mph hovering metres from the ground into the side of a not so tall building leaving no skid marks or even an almighty trail of destruction in its wake? I think not.

Minor debris here and there? XD


III. Conclusion

Despite the destructive fire that raged inside the impact area on 9/11, pieces of debris were visible on 9/13 and 9/14, and were photographed by recovery workers. These photos clearly show pieces of landing gears, a large turbofan engine, and fuselage. The evidence inside the building is consistent with the evidence of plane wreckage outside -- indicating that a commercial airliner flew into the Pentagon on September 11th.

I also I don't see what's hard to believe about who was flying the plane. I'm pretty sure it's not impossible for someone whit their training to steer a plane, it's not like they had to take off and land it. They were flying a plane, not driving a tank so why would there be a trail of destruction? Was there a trail of destruction from the planes that crashed into the WTC? I thought as much.
Minor debris here and there? XD


III. Conclusion

Despite the destructive fire that raged inside the impact area on 9/11, pieces of debris were visible on 9/13 and 9/14, and were photographed by recovery workers. These photos clearly show pieces of landing gears, a large turbofan engine, and fuselage. The evidence inside the building is consistent with the evidence of plane wreckage outside -- indicating that a commercial airliner flew into the Pentagon on September 11th.

I also I don't see what's hard to believe about who was flying the plane. I'm pretty sure it's not impossible for someone whit their training to steer a plane, it's not like they had to take off and land it. They were flying a plane, not driving a tank so why would there be a trail of destruction? Was there a trail of destruction from the planes that crashed into the WTC? I thought as much.

Lee dont forget how much evidence is provided the theorists will now say it was all planted by the US goverment to cover up what the theorists believe.

---------- Post added at 06:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:18 PM ----------

More shots of American Airlines plane debris found around the pentagon after the crash.

America makes me sick, I'm 50/50 and couldn't give a toss really. Either way, they're all twats.

Innocent peoples life taken due to 'religion' or 'money', pfft. It's pathetic.

Rest in Peace all who died. <3
I am extremely late but I feel I have to post.

Firstly, what happened that day was atrocious. The ammount of people that died in the most tragic circumstances sticks with me. I've been researching 9/11 for a few years now. It started off as a politcal essay in school but I kinda got a little obsessed.

I've seen all the videos, dvds, listened to some of the phonecalls made by passengers and all the articles on line and quite frankly most of is absolute **** however I do believe there was definately US assistance in the attacks, just not to the degree that is suggested.

Firstly, we all know the US were tipped off about the attacks and you can believe either Bush was being the incompetent fool or he knew about it (well he did). Terrorists did hijack the planes, that is NOT debated. There is MORE than enough evidence to legislate that and I think the fact this is questioned is stupid.

There are some things that do bother me though. The US had military jets out that day (and previously) practising a situation (rather coincedently) that was very similar to the 9/11 attacks. Also the manner of the collapse of the buildings (more so with the original 7 World Trade Center, I am certain that building is a detonation job. The crook in the corner of the bulding is a signature of it and it is hard not to watch it and be baffled.)

Everything has been covered in this thread and some people's emotions have run high so I won't go into it any further. I'd just like to say though that what happened on 9/11 cowardly and pathetic. The ammount of loss is shocking and I can not give more respect to the 700+ firefighters, emergency services and policeman who died saving people that day.

I am fortunate enough not to have known anyone who was directly involved that day but it doesn't mean that the people who passed should be forgotten. More people need to think about that.