A noob guide to editing

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Can you edit the rules of an existing league?

Am I crazy or is this impossible?

I was thinking the Scottish Premier League. Specifically, I wanted to remove the rules requiring three outfield under 21 players.

I know I can do this by erasing the original, copying it and activating the new copy League... but then you lose the history, etc...

Is this possible? I understand how to use the editor but I can't figure out this aspect.

Hi, does anyone know how to add International Club Competitions? Specifically I want to add the Carribean Football Union Club Championship. It's in the Editor, but does not appear when I run the Jamaican League (which I have successfully added)..
where is that change box that you have to check to apply your changes from editor?! i did manually all the latest transfers (Yaya Toure in Man City etc.) but when I enter the game I dont get the option to apply my changes :( please help!
i dont seem to have a tools folder can anyone help me?
I have two files in the "editor data" map. One is named config, one is named scunthorpe. but when i start a new game i only get the option to open the standard db... what to do?
maybe i didnt make it clear what i was asking for, but what im wondering about is: how do i use implement my changes in the editor into the game?
Maybe ticking the change at the bottom right of the new game pop-up?

---------- Post added at 02:31 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:24 AM ----------

...and checking the editor data files,if that's what you mean.
Player problem!

i have created a new player and set all the things attributes and so on!
and i create a new game and i look on my new player and he hasn't the same speed and so on... as i wrote in the editor!

What can the problem be?! :(
Hi guys, I tried to add a created team to the Championship. When I load the game up, I can't pick England as it says there are 25 teams in the Championship. However, on the editor it says 24. Anyone know why? Cheers!

I got this exact problem! execpt mine was in league 2, anyone want to help? haha
you need to remove a existing team from league 2 so you still have the correct number of teams.

i removed bournemouth and put in my team, but it tells me there's only 23 teams when i need 24, even though i've put my team in the league :/
i removed bournemouth and put in my team, but it tells me there's only 23 teams when i need 24, even though i've put my team in the league :/

check the league to make sure there is 24 teams registed and check you're created team to see if it's division is set as league 2
I cant believe i didnt notice it before, the answer was staring me in the face! its taken me 7 and a half hours to figure this out! its because i didn't set the nation to england ¬¬
I dont know if anyones asked this cant be bothered trawling through 5 pages :)

but ... whats the best potential for a youth player ?

Shrewsbury have a young lad called Tom Bradshaw whose brilliant in real life but is dire on the game, would like to improve him slightly. knowing what's good and whats bad would be great, thanks.
for a world class player, the potential ability should be around 155-200 i do believe