Alpha Romeo Metaphor IV

As we straggled back into Die Kabine, Club Chairman Rainer Keßler, Managing Director Sören Olive Voigt and Technical Director Thomas Hengen were waiting for us.

"Hey guys, what brings you all here?" I asked.

"You don't know?" Hengen asked with a smirk.

"Huh?" I said.

"You have, this squad has accumulated the most points that any Kaiserslautern squad ever," Keßler said. "More than 96 or 97 teams that won the Bundesliga."

"And we still have eight games to go," Voigt added.

"So Congratulations, boys, you're doing great," Hengen said.

"We're just here to recognize your accomplishments and how well things are going," Keßler said.

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Saturday, 12 March 2022

I had my laptop, Gwen's laptop and my iPad set up to watch today's important matches. I had a nice Czech pilzner ready to go. Normally, I love this. I love a Saturday spent watching matches. Also, I usually love a quiet house for a few hours.

Today, all I could think about was hypothetical scenarios in which FIFA busts me for match-fixing, drags my name through the gutters, and I get banned. Today, I really missed Gwen, Matthew and Allison.

I got a text from Noam: 'u watching the matches today?'

I texted back: 'yup'

Any text from him meant he had news. So I opened up the VPN into the club, logged in and went to a secure message board he'd set up. I logged in to the message board. There was a new message waiting from him.


I typed a one word reply : THANKS

Alright, fine. I've said similar things to journalists, fans and boards of directors about my job, I suppose a cop can tell me to relax and let him do his job.

Fine. I cracked my pilzner open. And I watched the matches. Like everything else in my life, everything stayed the same while it all inched towards conclusion.

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Monday, 14 March 2022


The players were in the weight room to start this morning, so I was up in my office reviewing scouting reports until they headed out to the training pitch.

My phone buzzed.

"Now we have a crisis at right back, Enrico," Agnieszka the physio said.

"S***," I muttered.

"Jean Zimmer did his groin and Dominik Schad strained his neck. Zimmer's injury is bad. Out months. I've sent him to the cryo-tub and we will further evaluate on Wednesday. He's more than likely done for the season. Dominik probably only misses this Saturday's match."

"Well, wrap Philipp Herscher in bubble wrap," I said. "He's our right back then."

F***ing s***biscuits, I just lost my captain for the season and the Russians weren't going to be happy that Schad was out.

F***ing h*ll.

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Wednesday, 16 March 2022


My phone buzzed.

Unknown caller.

"This is Enrico."

"Hello helpful friend."

"There has been a development," I said.


"Ja, I lost one of the players through injury you said I needed to play. Dominik Schad strained his neck and can't play this weekend."

"Okay. Others are fine?"

"Yes, Marvin Senger and Philipp Herscher are still fit and available."

"Good. Schad not problem. Everything is taken care of."

"What Swiss bank will you be using?"

"Will text you."

Thursday, 17 March 2022


Out of the corner of my eye I noticed someone hobbling towards the Fritz-Walter. I excused myself from the training that Ulf Kirsten was running and walked over towards the defenders.

"Was that Winkler?" I asked Jörg.

"F***ing groin," he replied.

"I'm glad the game is Saturday," I said. "We are rapidly running out of players. Was it bad?"

"Don't know," Jörd replied.

ATK knew. He was a firm maybe for Saturday.

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Friday, 18 March 2022


"Owww!" Osayamen Osawe exclaimed as he landed on Felix Götze ankle. He'd jumped for a header as we were doing 4 v 2 keepaways to warm up.

"S***!" Götze said, hopping up and down on his good foot.

"F***ing 'ell," Osawe exclaimed in English as he crumpled to the pitch.

"You all right, mate?" I said in English.

"Ooh! Ahh!" Osawe said as he rubbed his achilles.

Götze helped Osawe up. Both were limping.

"F***ing s***!" I exclaimed. "Both of you off to ATK. Get iced up."

Osawe took a few steps then sat down.

"Sorry, gaffer," he said in English. "Its me achilles."

So ATK came out in the golf cart and gave both rides into the Fritz-Walter.

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My office line rang as I walked into my office.

"This is Enrico."

"This is Bin."

"Oh, hi. I wondered when I'd hear from you."

"Ja, can we talk now? You're alone?"

"I am," I replied as I shut my door.

"Good. We've made a lot of headway. We've been tracking this particular branch of this Russian-German crime syndicate for years now. We have it pretty much all wrapped up and ready to put the bow on the package for the courts."

"I have some good news for tomorrow's match. You can play whomever you'd like."

"Really?" I replied. "How's that? They've told me they want me to play certain players. I imagine they'll have someone there watching. I mean, I would if I were a criminal mastermind."

"We're going block cell connectivity for the area," he said. "We've coordinated with the DFB, your club and Freiburg to publish a fake result. Unless you do actually lose then ... you know ... everyone just posts the result. We'll amend the result if you win once the money appears in the Swiss Bank. We are poised to descend upon their entire operation across Germany."

"Furthermore, if they have a man inside the stadium, he won't be able to use his phone. Freiburg's second team only draws about 500 people so we'll be to spot anyone doing anything unusual. We know what all of the gang members look like so if we see anyone of them in the stadium, we will keep a close eye on them."

"Do you have any questions," he said.

"Is this the only match you know of for sure that the Russians are trying to fix?"

"I'm sorry," he replied. "I can't tell you that."

"Alright, thanks for your call."

"Oh, one more thing. I'm going to give you a number to text once they give you your banking information. Ready?"

I wrote down a number and put the scrap of paper in my wallet.
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Dreisamstadion may have had some 4,500 people in it but 4,000 of them were Roten Teufels. The away fans were behind one of the goals. I walked over and waved to them during warm-ups.

I scanned the rest of the stadium, a few odd Freiburg fans sat in the upper part of the main stand and the rest of the stadium was empty. If I wasn't so g*dd*mned nervous today would feel like a home-away-from-home match. I checked my phone. Zeros bars.

Philipp Herscher started at right back and Saydou Bangura started up top with Muhammed Kiprit. Kenny Redondo starts because Marius Kleinsorge was terrible in our last match.

Maybe the team were mimicking how I felt. We started jittery and nervous. We couldn't get the ball and when we did we couldn't string any passes together. We were also a mess defensively. They were just passing circles around us.

In the 24th minute, it was as if my players had been paid off. Their right fullback had all the time in the world to pass into the penalty box.

Defensive midfielder Julian Niehues had wandered out to the flank so Assani Lukimya had to step up to the midfielder who got the ball near the penalty spot. He passed to the wide open right winger (#22). Their right winger passed to the completely and utterly wide open striker standing at the 5m box.
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The striker sat down, unfolded his napkin, placed it on his lap, had a sip of water, thanked the maitre d for his menu, perused said menu for several moments then chose to slot the ball past Avdo Spahic into the left side of the net.

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Was I going to wake up from this nightmare? I looked down. Nope, not a nightmare, I was wearing pants.

Maybe fate was going to grant the Russian mobsters their wish.

"WAKE UP!" I started bellowing at my players. My hollering was certainly louder than the few odd Freiburg fans who were cheering.

We answered in the 33rd minute. Redondo ran to the end line, did a Cruyf turn then passed back to Herscher.

Herscher crossed to Rene Klingenburg who smashed his header right at their keeper from 5m.

Their keeper blocked it but it fell to Kiprit who tapped it home.

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I breathed a sigh of relief as the Roten Teufels celebrated with their players.

Unfortunately, that was a brief glimpse of sunlight on an otherwise p*ss poor, gloomy, cold and rainy afternoon.

In the 39th minute, Herscher didn't step up and gifted them a goal.
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Their left winger had driven down our right flank, with Herscher trailing. Their winger spun and passed back as Herscher caught up. The trailing fullback gave the ball right back to the winger.

Instead of staying with his man, Herscher had just stopped. This gave the winger time to look up, see the two hard charging teammates in the box and curl in a cross.

Herscher kept them both onside. The second man stabbed the cross in for the goal.


F*** me. F***ing suffering from the injury bug and it sure looked like Herscher was working hard for his mafia money. S***. Did the polizei tell him NOT to throw the match?

Jörg looked about as frustrated and angry as I felt as we trudged into the away team room at halftime.

"What the f*** was that," Ulf Kirsten said. "Are any of them f***ing trying? Where's their work ethic that we've seen all season?"

I let loose with a curse-filled tirade about desire and work ethic. It was kind of like lobbing a long ball into the box; I hope someone heard me.

In the 50th minute, Lukimya did just that. They'd cleared the ball up over the half line. Assani caught the ball on the short hop and punted towards the Freiburg penalty box.

Kiprit leapt highest and knocked the ball down and towards the middle.

Right to the feet of Marlon Ritter.

Marlon looked down and put his foot through it.

The keeper didn't react all that well and the ball skipped off the wet turf just in front of him.

And the ball rippled the inside of the far post netting!


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I was swept off my feet by a wave of coaches and players.

Now my problem became a dilemma. Do we push for the winner or sit back and keep what we've got.

Ritter had not tried a through ball for Kiprit yet today. This means I was due one or two.

So I told Boris Tomiak, Ritter and Klingenburg to sit back and hit them on the counter.

I replace Redondo at 60 minutes with Kleinsorge as Kenny had been largely ineffective.

They kept coming at us. They whipped in cross after cross. Each time they crossed, I held my breathe as I feared this would be the one that would make the Russians happy.

But each time either Tomiak headed it clear or Spahic made a spectacular save. Everyone else out there was just garbage defensively.

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If I had any hair, I'd have pulled it out during this match.

If I had any nails left, I'd have chewed them off in this match.

Then in the 78th minute, Kleinsorge launched a 50m pass over the top of their defense from inside our half out by the sidelines.

Kiprit was the quickest off the mark as usuall and was one on one with their keeper.

But their keeper parried it.

We kept trading chances with them. It was seriously freaking me out. My guts were tied in a knot.

Avdo Spahic kept bailing us out with great save after great save.

Finally, the fourth official raised up his board and displayed that we'd have four minutes of extra time.

Seconds became hours as this torturefest just wouldn't end.

Finally, the ref blew three of the sweetest sounding blasts and it was over.

I ran out onto the field and hugged Tomiak, Ritter and Spahic. I thanked each of them for saving us.

Then my phone vibrated. I got a text. I pulled my phone out. I had four bars.

good job today our helpful friend . you played your part and got the result we want. Freibank Sankt Gallen. account 2348-237-322387 password freiburg21

"Congratulations," Bin said stepping in front of me. "Let's get you off the pitch and somewhere safe."

"I got the text," I said.

"We know," Bin replied. "Its all over now. We're sweeping them up. We have enough to shut their entire operation in Germany down."
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Much later, once I finally sat down on the bus next to Jörg, he showed me his iPad and today's results. Osnabrück had drawn their match on Friday.

We led by nine with seven matches to go. Our promotion cushion was twelve points.

"What was all that about?" he asked.

I looked at him. He knew something was up.

"Russian mobsters approached me about throwing this match," I said. "Interpol and the federal polizei used this match to bust their entire operation."

"No s***," Jörg said. "I knew you were more stressed than normal. More stressed than you should be. That explains a lot."

"You'll read all about it tomorrow, I suppose."

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Sunday, 20 March 2022


I told them the whole story. Every bit. Thomas Hengen, Sören Oliver Voigt and Olaf Marschall were there, too.

Everyone was silent after I finished.

"That must've been f***ing intense," Jörg blurted out.

There was a chorus of "ja," "wow," and other such exclamations.

"Are you safe now?" Ulf Kirsten asked. "Your wife? Kids?"

"She'd left for a photo shoot anyways," I said. "Took the kids. So they are safe in Hawaii."

"Are you going to be in the headlines?" coach Filip Trojan asked.

"I hope not," I said. "They promised I wouldn't be. I mean, I don't know. It could happen, I guess."

The room fell silent.

"I have some good news in case all of you have forgotten," said Uwe Scherr, Head of Youth Development. "The kids arrive tomorrow."

There was a little cheering. Jörg swore in a happy way. Actually, I'd forgotten.
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Monday, 21 March 2022

My Mom and Dad drove me to the Fritz-Walter. It looks so big on top of the hill. Dad drove through security and we got out. The black Roten Teufel bus was there underneath the stadium.

Dad shook my hand and Mom hugged me. It was so embarrassing. She was about to cry. Another kid's Dad was crying.

Mr. Scherr was there. He sent us upstairs in groups.

All the coaches were there to welcome us. Ulf Kirsten, the manager and everyone. I knew Kirsten wasn't that tall but I think I'm actually taller. So weird.

The manager talked how he moved from the US to Italy and broke through at Bologna. His wife is a supermodel.

I just kept staring at the gangster rapper who always stood behind the manager. Was he the bodyguard? Then they introduced him. He is the assistant manager!

"Come up and get your track suit and kit when I call your name," the manager said. I started to stand up because I'm always first. "Jan Ahnelt." What? That's a first. "Alfred Alten." I went up and got my stuff. My tracksuit had an AA on the front. My shirt was 61 and had ALTEN on it.

Once we all got our stuff they showed us Die Kabine and the sick room. Then we changed and jogged out onto the training ground.

We stretched, did a jog then played 4 against 2 keepaway. Most of these guys aren't that good except maybe this Swedish kid. The manager watched us the whole time. He kept saying things to the assistant manager.

Then they ran us through some passing drills, dribbling drills and then we played five a side game. The goalie had left with the goalkeeping coach so they dividing us into three teams and we rotated in and out.

Then it was time for lunch.

"Hey, Alten," the manager said. I jogged over. The assistant manager stood next to him. He looked even bigger up close. "You're good on the ball and made some nice passes. What club were you at?"

"Arminia Ludwigshafen U16s, sir," I said.

"They trained you well," he said. His assistant just glared at me. "I can already tell I want you around. So would you call your parents at lunch and tell them? Do you have an agent, yet?"

"My Dad contacted one," I replied. "So yeah I guess."

"Congratulations, Alten," he said. "You're going to join the Roten Teufel family."


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Tuesday, 22 March 2022

The new kids played the U19s this afternoon. It was a big match for many of them as it might decide their future. The only attendees were me, Jörg, Uwe Scherr (the Head of Youth Development) and Thomas Hengen. I'd already offered three boys contracts.

I hadn't watched the U19s except once when I yanked Neal Gibs and Julian Niehues from their ranks and deposited them in the starting eleven. The tryouts had clearly never played together before, but more or less held their own against the older boys.

I'm glad I brought a coffee as the first half was cold and dull. None of the tryouts really stood out aside from the keeper who made some decent saves.

The tryouts started the second half by dominating.

They scored from a corner. Well sort of. The corner was cleared, but right back at the corner taker. He sent a second cross to the far post. #61, Alfred Alten, leapt higher than the U19 defender and headed back towards the near post. It went in.


Alten just turned and walked back towards his half. No celebration, nothing. The kid has a bit of swagger, a bit of attitude. Good signs. I looked at my watch. 8:15 into the second half.

"He's the s***," Jorg said. "Look at him f***ing strut."

The U19s really weren't that good. I guess its good most of their contracts expire and we'll be rid of them.

The tryouts were up by two from another header goal from a corner. #62. Evgeny Boiko. Nice header. I guess I'll be offering that kid a contract. Scoring at your tryout match has to be worth something, doesn't it?

The U19s pulled one back, but whatever. They were garbage.

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Good stuff man, glad Enrico came out of that match fixing scandal alright in the end! Looking forward to the end of the season!!
Friday, 25 March 2022


The assistant manager walked in and taped a piece of paper to the wall then left.

I finished tying my boot and walked over. It was the team sheet for tomorrow's friendly with Bayern.

The starting eleven were on the list. I looked through the subs.

What? What! I'm a sub? OMG. I'm a sub.

So was Dedja and Yavuz. Wow.

"Last week U16s, this week Bayern," somebody said from right behind me.

I spun. It was Ulf Kirsten.

"You'll do great, Alten," he said.
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Saturday, 26 March 2022

FC Hollywood ventured into the Palitinate Forest and visited the Fritz-Walter. They beat us. I should say that their non-intenationals and second stringers beat us. Their oldsters and second stringers could win 2.Bundesliga.

But we took an early lead via a through ball that Osayamen Osawe converted.

My starting eleven held their own for the first half. I'd started making substitutes when the FC Hollywood comeback began.

I put three of my new youths on and they didn't embarrass themselves.

The bottom line is that 43k filled our seats, bought stuff and the match was even televised. That is sure to help our finances.

The ref blew his whistle. The fans applauded. I raised my hands and clapped a little.

I headed for the tunnel.

"Hey Dedja," I said as Rei Deja approached.

"Hey Alf," he said.

I looked up at the fans. They were starting to leave.

"Wow, huh?" I said.

"Ja," Dedja said. "Hey Yavuz." Ilhan Yavuz walked up.

"What did Müller say to you?" Yavuz asked me. I'd collided with the living legend Thomas Müller after about five minutes on the pitch. The ref had blown for a foul against me.

"He called me a f***ing c***," I replied.

"Wow!" Dedja exclaimed. "He swore at you?"

"Ja, I know," I said.

"You should get his jersey," Yavuz said.

"Ja, hi Herr Müller," I said. "I'm the f***ing c*** that fouled you in the 65th. Can I have your shirt?"


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Friday, 1 April 2022


I heard a yowl of pain behind me. I spun. Marlon Ritter is hopping up and down. I leave the drill that I was working on with Filip Trojan and jog over towards Ulf Kirsten's drill.

"Ooh ooh," Ritter exclaimed.

"Kleinsorge stepped on his toe," Ulf explained.

"Hey, I didn't mean to," Marius Kleinsorge said.

"It was a bit clumsy," Ulf said.

"What? I never ..."

I heard another crunch and howl of pain. We all turned to look over at Jörg and Lorenzo's drill. Boris Tomiak and Neal Gibs were both on the gtround Tomiak was clutching his ankle and Gibs was rubbing his knee.

"F***," I muttered.

Then Avdo Spahic walked over holding his wrist along with goalkeeping coach Wolfgang Wimmer.

"You, too?" I said.

"Ja, he hyper-extended his wrist I htink," Wimmer said.

Then in the distance I saw Osayamen Osawe pull up clutching his hamstring.

"No, f*** me! No!" I exclaimed.

"I'll call ATK," Jörg said. "Except we'll need the f***ing bus not the golf car."

I heard the whine of the golf cart's electric engine moments later. As Agnieszka came into view, I put my face in my hands.

"You f***ers," I said.

Atop the golf cart was a giant sign that read: APRIL FOOLS!
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This was going to be a tough nut to crack. Duisburg are seventh. They play a four-four-two, sit back and stay organized. In our favor: they are on a four game losing streak.

Dominik Schad and Marius Kleinsorge return on our right flank as Jean Zimmer still isn't fit and Kenny Redondo's form has evaporated. Kevin Kraus pairs with Boris Tomiak at the back as I wasn't happy with Assani Lukimya's performance against Freiburg.

Seven matches to go and up by nine.

We went right at them from the start. Neal Gibs played a long ball over the top, Muhammed Kiprit ran onto it and zipped a shot a milimeter wide of the post.

Duisburg woke up and kept us at bay.

In the 31st minute, Marlon Ritter curled in a free kick and Julian Niehues almost scored. His header hit the base of the post. Tomiak's header from the resulting corner sailed wide.

In the 34th, Niehues sprayed a long, diagonal pass out to Kleinsorge. He beat his man and raced goalwards across acres of space. A defender did well to angle his run off and he never saw the cross or pass he liked. When he reached the goal line, he cut a pass back for Schad who blasted high. Opportunity wasted.

I was starting to worry.

In the 39th, we broke forward and as each player got the ball, they spun back. First Osawe then Rene Klingenburg and then Kleinsorge. I thought Kleinsorge was going to pass back to Schad again when he hit a cheeky little outside-of-the-foot pass in to Kiprit.

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Kiprit was marked. Kiprit was in a wrestling match with the Duisburg central defender. As the ball rolled towards him, Muhammed stuck out a toe and flicked the pass goalwards.

His redirection didn't have much speed, but it surprised the keeper and snuck in at the near post.


What a relief.

However, Duisburg marched straight down the field and Tomiak, Kraus and Niehues let their left-side striker get free. The only reason we maintained our lead is he filled is pants and blasted high from just inside the box.

I yelled at the aforementioned trio to pay attention.

"Next week we need to work on our final pass," Ulf Kirsten said to Jörg and I as was walked up the tunnel at halftime.

With the start of the second half, Duisburg kept giving the ball away. We just couldn't do much with it. We were pretty much parked in their end with Niehues playing quarterback as he sprayed passes out to either wing back or open players at the top of the box.

Kleinsorge shot barely wide from a Niehues feed in the 52nd minute.

A minute later, Klingenburg chipped a pass up towards Kleinsorge. This was not a well-played pass. The defender should have headed that clear easily. But Kleinsorge out-jumped him and his header looped upwards and into the box. He ran onto it and hammered a shot right into the keeper's gut.

F***! Oh, what I'd give for a winger with a scoring touch.

A minute later and Osawe smashed a shot off a defender and won us a corner. Tomiak and Kiprit were wrestling with their defenders at the back post and that's where Ritter sent his corner. All four players fell over.

Without hesitation, the ref pointed to the spot.

The Duisburg players complained vociferously. Their manager was screaming at the fourth official. That call could have gone either way. It was totally WWE at that back post.

The goalie dove right, Kiprit shot right, but far too hard for the keeper to stop.


And that was it. Job done.

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Sunday, 3 April 2022


"Top of the morning to you all," I said as I sat down.

"No espresso this morning?" Ulf asked.

"Ja, I've already had two," I replied. "We're starting later today. Okay. I want to start out by stating the obvious. Next Saturday is a huge match for us."

Everyone nodded.

"Its a top of the table six pointer. We win, we're promoted. Thoughts?"

"F***ing nerves," Jörg said. "That'll be our problem this week."

"I think we need to emphasize that the pressure is off," Filip Trojan said. "We just need to relax and play our game. "

"My concern is nerves," Lorenzo said. "We been giving up many chances over last weeks. We need tighten up."

"What he said," Jörg added.

"Anything Wolfgang?" I asked.

"Its Würzburg with their back to the wall," he replied. "They need points to catch up with Osnabrück and gain automatic promotion. They need points to keep 1860 at bay. I say the pressure is on them."

"I'm going to focus on the counter attack this week," Ulf said.

"And we need to work on defending set pieces, too," I added. "Any news ATK?"

"Ja, Zimmer is just about ready to train," Agnieszka said.