Animal Cruelty

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Should people convicted of animal cruelty go to jail?

  • Yes

    Votes: 61 88.4%
  • No

    Votes: 5 7.2%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 3 4.3%

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Nice Guy Gramps
Oct 23, 2009
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I came across this whilst browsing the internet (if upset by disturbing pictures please don't click on link)

It disgusted me to the the pit of my stomach. Can someone tell me how, just how someone who held a political post, and a supposed human being, be capable of such a sickening act? I did some more looking into this subject and was absolutely astounding by the acts of supposed human beings, upon animals. For example this I came across

It's bad enough when we can't get along with each other, but to inflict such misery and torment, upon harmless creatures, who love their owners unconditionally, is beyond belief.
However, does putting them in jail actually solve the problem? Yes, it would give them the shock of their absolute lives, but would it actually stop them doing it again?
I mean for example, the stories of people putting piercings in cats, is another example of cruelty to animals. Pets are pets for a reason-companionship, to help people with their daily lives, or just to give love to people. THEY ARE NOT fashion accessories, or toys for peoples twisted ideas. They are living.
And fox hunting I totally cannot stand. They are considered vermin, but to hunt a fox down, wear it out from fear, then have it torn limb from limb, by baying bloodthirsty dogs, is utterly barbaric. If they must control them, it should be by "humane" methods. Not by a bunch of ignorant, upper class toffs, who are insistent on upholding "tradition".
Rant over.

Any thoughts?
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Scum but I'm not looking at any pictures

as for Fox hunting, I dont know but they definetly need to be controlled as foxes kill for fun.

I also think Wolves should be introduced to GB as they are part of our history and were wrongly hunted to extinsion.
Scum but I'm not looking at any pictures

as for Fox hunting, I dont know but they definetly need to be controlled as foxes kill for fun.

I also think Wolves should be introduced to GB as they are part of our history and were wrongly hunted to extinsion.

I agree, that if foxes are becoming vermin in cities, or are killing farm animals, they should be dealt with. But surely they could be sorted out by more humane methods? I can't think of any off the top of my head, but doing it via fox hunting is not the way imo. It's just upper class people showing off and nothing more.
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I agree, that if foxes are becoming vermin in cities, or are killing farm animals, surely they could be sorted out by more humane methods? I can't think of any off the top of my head, but doing it via fox hunting is not the way imo. It's just upper class people showing off and nothing more.

I dont agree with fox hunting but I really hate foxes, I know I shouldn't being a Leicester fan but foxes and Minks just **** me off because they will kill everything they can kill and dont just hunt to survive.
wouldnt say i was an animal lover (dont own any pets)
but the problem is the law, the penalty is not a deterrant small fine suspended sentance is all they get. would love to see tougher laws in the country for all crimes. In these cases i think at least 3 years jail and a good beating.
I dont agree with fox hunting but I really hate foxes, I know I shouldn't being a Leicester fan but foxes and Minks just **** me off because they will kill everything they can kill and dont just hunt to survive.

Like cats. They bring lovely "gifts" in the morning :(.

---------- Post added at 05:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:01 PM ----------

wouldnt say i was an animal lover (dont own any pets)
but the problem is the law, the penalty is not a deterrant small fine suspended sentance is all they get. would love to see tougher laws in the country for all crimes. In these cases i think at least 3 years jail and a good beating.

Well that Lib Dem MP got a jail term. Don't think it'll work though imo. Sounds like he prefers taking his rage out on smaller animals. Definately has anger issues
How about we just give them the same treatment (an eye for an eye)

Sounds appealing enough-let them experience what an animal goes through. At the same time though, some people would say that would be going down to their level.
Sounds appealing enough-let them experience what an animal goes through. At the same time though, some people would say that would be going down to their level.

yea its a shame how disturbed some people are :(
yea its a shame how disturbed some people are :(

Pretty much. Its amazing when people say that the UK is a nation of animal lovers, then you read about more disturbing cases of cruelty going through the roof.
I have pretty much the same feeling on bull fighting aswell. Its absolutely unneccessary. I mean, really, what is the point? You wear a bull down, and you stab it to death. Like brave you are for killing an unarmed beast oO)
Animal Cruelty is horrible no doubt about that.
Just look at that lady who dumped a cat in a bin. The whole England were asking for her head ^^)

But also about foxes. I was 100% against fox hunting, but ever since one of my kittens went missing and we found foxes lurking around near the field. I've been 50/50 on it. Sure they are just animals and don't know any better, but my kitten didn't stand a chance :(
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Pretty much. Its amazing when people say that the UK is a nation of animal lovers, then you read about more disturbing cases of cruelty going through the roof.
I have pretty much the same feeling on bull fighting aswell. Its absolutely unneccessary. I mean, really, what is the point? You wear a bull down, and you stab it to death. Like brave you are for killing an unarmed beast oO)

true :'(

its not as bad as that lady thrown that puppy around in Mexico (oh my god that got me so angry I almost threw my TV out of my window when I hear about it) or that girl that drowned those puppies I swear to god if I ever meet her I would break her **** arm so she couldn't use them again
Animals are living things too, so people should be put into jail.

TBH, I bully animals.....(mosquitoes, flies, cockroaches, butterflies, bees, small spiders, etc.)
Animal Cruelty is horrible no doubt about that.
Just look at that lady who dumped a cat in a bin. The whole England were asking for her head ^^)

God yeah, that was unreal when I read about that. Did she actually explain why she did it? Can't remember
Animal Cruelty is horrible no doubt about that.
Just look at that lady who dumped a cat in a bin. The whole England were asking for her head ^^)

yea and she took time off work and said it was from working to hard (bull) it was coz everyone was after her ^^) even in scotland we were shocked
Animals are living things too, so people should be put into jail.

TBH, I bully animals.....(mosquitoes, flies, cockroaches, butterflies, bees, small spiders, etc.)

I admit, I did the spider thing when I was a kid (before my irrational fear of them tookover), and butterflies, then just stopped doing it from pure guilt. Now I just refuse to go near the majority of insects. Because they look fugly and won't touch them cause you don't know what they're carrying, or in case of biteage
I worked as a Assistant Dog Warden for my local council I saw some things, does seem slap on wrist and thats it apart from pitbulls they do seem to come down hard-ish. One incident a bloke starved his GSD the dog wardens bascially wagged their fingers at him and now he has another GSD and 2 cats so who is to say he is going to do it again ?
I worked as a Assistant Dog Warden for my local council I saw some things, does seem slap on wrist and thats it apart from pitbulls they do seem to come down hard-ish. One incident a bloke starved his GSD the dog wardens bascially wagged their fingers at him and now he has another GSD and 2 cats so who is to say he is going to do it again ?

It's like that phrase "a leopard will never change its spots". Some people will never change. I mean some get the banning from keeping an animal for life thing, but how does a council/court implement that? Surely the person involved, could ask his mate to get him another pet? Though hopefully people like that wouldn't have friends
I admit, I did the spider thing when I was a kid (before my irrational fear of them tookover), and butterflies, then just stopped doing it from pure guilt. Now I just refuse to go near the majority of insects. Because they look fugly and won't touch them cause you don't know what they're carrying, or in case of biteage

to admit when I was younger I threw a brick at a cat (was only 3 at the time) but when I got my dog I changed I started to love animals :)

just not spiders and wasps (hate them so much :@)

---------- Post added at 05:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:38 PM ----------

Madridboy86 said it before i had the chance.

sorry about that :(
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