Animal Cruelty

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Should people convicted of animal cruelty go to jail?

  • Yes

    Votes: 61 88.4%
  • No

    Votes: 5 7.2%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 3 4.3%

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Why shouldn't a Rot be a family dog? Are you joking? There are no bad dogs, just bad owners, and a bad owner can either be an 'experienced' guy, or an unexperienced one. Plus, i've seen lots of people getting Rots (and the likes) as first dogs, and they turned out cuddly little creatures, kind as any dog.

People who have never had dogs shouldn't overestimate their dog handling skills, as they're probably not experienced enough.

I disagree.

I've been brought up with Rottweilers all my life. As have my Mum, Uncle and my whole family really.

In my eyes, they are one of the best family dogs. They are so protective it's insane. I remember my family telling me that when I was young, I had a room with my cot in and our Rotty would sit outside the room all night and not let anybody it never trusted into the room.

Rottweilers are incredibly protective and are known to be more aggressive to strangers than others dogs. If you combine this with bad owners and the rottweiler's inherent physique you can get a pretty terrible dog. I've been chased by a rottweiler when I was a kid, so I may be biased. My best pal had a rottweiler years ago, and even though it bit me, it was because we were playing.
To be honest, the areas I've lived in, it's blatantly to look menacing. Around here its not uncommon to see a 15 year old guy really struggling to control, two fully grown Rotties. Its ridiculous. Don't get me wrong, there are people who buy them for the right reason, I just wouldn't feel safe with one in the house. Maybe that's because of the negative press, I'm not sure. I just feel unsafe being around one. But I think it is pretty unfair on that breed with everything thats happened. It didn't ask for it, and it didn't ask to be used in dogfights or mistreated etc

We had two rottweilers as family pets, when I was younger.

They never once did anything to harm me, and I was a typical playful child, tugging at their ears, trying to ride on their back, etc.

I loved them, they were amazing dogs. :wub:

A bit of negativity and suddenly they're enemy #1. Sad, especially given all animals can become 'bad' if raised as such.
I'm no animal lover, and I don't condone animal cruelty either. But the reason I voted "no" on the poll is because there's hardly enough space for real criminals in prisons, as the government claim.

A women puts a cat in a bin, uproar. Someone gets killed, people hardly bat an eyelid.

If you saw a homeless person, would you offer that they come live with you. You feed them, look after them, and in return all they have to do is sleep most of the day, and **** or vomit on the floor now and then. Of course you wouldn't, so why the **** do people do that for a cat.

It seems animals are valued more than humans alot of the time.

EDIT: Situations the above poster pointed out should result in jail. Situations like a girl throwing puppies into a river, as I saw on TV. That's just sick. But a jail term for putting a cat in a bin? The world's gone mad.

There'll be enough space in prisons if the EU Court of Human Rights get their ways, but anyways.

Some people value animals more, because their more reliable (and some cases more trustworthy). Great guide dogs, some dogs can detect cancer, cats can keep vermin down in a house, their cuddly too, can increase security, and can be a lot more friendly than people can be aswell.
And some animals can do things that humans can't do. Sometimes it got taken too far though, when they forced beagles into inhaling cigarette smoke to test the effects

---------- Post added at 07:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:08 PM ----------

We had two rottweilers as family pets, when I was younger.

They never once did anything to harm me, and I was a typical playful child, tugging at their ears, trying to ride on their back, etc.

I loved them, they were amazing dogs. :wub:

A bit of negativity and suddenly they're enemy #1. Sad, especially given all animals can become 'bad' if raised as such.

Thats pretty much close to it for me. All the negative press made me very nervous around them. It is sad when that happens.
I'm no animal lover, and I don't condone animal cruelty either. But the reason I voted "no" on the poll is because there's hardly enough space for real criminals in prisons, as the government claim.

A women puts a cat in a bin, uproar. Someone gets killed, people hardly bat an eyelid.

If you saw a homeless person, would you offer that they come live with you. You feed them, look after them, and in return all they have to do is sleep most of the day, and **** or vomit on the floor now and then. Of course you wouldn't, so why the **** do people do that for a cat.

It seems animals are valued more than humans alot of the time.

EDIT: Situations the above poster pointed out should result in jail. Situations like a girl throwing puppies into a river, as I saw on TV. That's just sick. But a jail term for putting a cat in a bin? The world's gone mad.

OK thanks for the response.

1. Real criminals, such as murderers etc, But I ask you is a human life worth more then an animals say someones pet dog? Taking a life is still taking a life?

2. Im going to sound cheesy now but the way I got my dog was from a Vets surgury. He was found on the motorway near to where I live. He was malnurished, had rickets, was scared. But yes i did take him off the street (well my family did but was old enough to handle the responsibilities of a dog) and now couldn't ask for a more loving pet.

View attachment 145706.

Humans can fend for themselves, they have more intelligences and more common sense if one was to be homeless. It may not be ideal but an animal that has been housebound (not wild) would suffer more being homeless then a human.
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Thing is, its just not here you get unspeakable acts all around the world. Mules and donkeys, bears, bulls, **** fighting, monkeys. There's just no bounds when it comes to it
OK thanks for the response.

1. Real criminals, such as murderers etc, But I ask you is a human life worth more then an animals say someones pet dog? Taking a life is still taking a life?
Imo yes. A human's life is worth more than an animal's. Depending on the human of course. I'd rather live amongst dogs than plastic gangsters :P

In that case I assume you're a vegetarian and disagree with animal's lives being taken for our consumption?
2. Im going to sound cheesy now but the way I got my dog was from a Vets surgury. He was found on the motorway near to where I live. He was malnurished, had rickets, was scared. But yes i did take him off the street (well my family did but was old enough to handle the responsibilities of a dog) and now couldn't ask for a more loving pet.
My parents took in a kitten that had no owner and turned up in our garden. But to me, after having cats around the house for so many years I find them completely pointless animals. But that's going off the point and I understand that people are very fond of animals.

What gets me angry is that the death of an animal always gets much more media exposure and a much bigger reaction from people than the death of a human. And there's something very wrong in that. Maybe it's because it's considered less "normal" to hear about?
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I have no problems with any type of dog its all about how they have been trained and have been handled and it helps to know about dog's body language and psychology to read a situation. I caught a jack russell cross this morning takening my dog out, at first I avoided it because the signs I was feeling "Im warning you, come close and I'll bite" then it ran across the road started to interact with my dog and started displaying "Calming signals" so I put my lead on him and walked to the vets. But there is a quick change in dogs from stess to calm, from fear to aggression if you can read it and can react to it in the correct way people will be fine.
Imo yes. A human's life is worth more than an animal's. Depending on the human of course. I'd rather live amongst dogs than plastic gangsters :P

In that case I assume you're a vegetarian and disagree with animal's lives being taken for our consumption?
My parents took in a kitten that had no owner and turned up in our garden. But to me, after having cats around the house for so many years I find them completely pointless animals. But that's going off the point and I understand that people are very fond of animals.

What gets me angry is that the death of an animal always gets much more media exposure and a much bigger reaction from people than the death of a human. And there's something very wrong in that. Maybe it's because it's considered less "normal" to hear about?

Or maybe, we've become immune to humans dying as its happened so often and gets reported all the time?
Or maybe, we've become immune to humans dying as its happened so often and gets reported all the time?
Yes as I said at the end of my post too, that can be the only reason. Doesn't make it right though that this is the way things are.
I've just discovered something that I had no idea about. Mexico has no laws regarding animal cruelty at all. Thats amazing.

And some countries need to take a long hard look at themselves too

Some old woman went to the lake after that video was released and managed to rescue all of the puppies alive. :wub: The girl who did it also got tracked down by police, and 4chan spammed her Facebook so hard she had to delete it. :)
Some old woman went to the lake after that video was released and managed to rescue all of the puppies alive. :wub: The girl who did it also got tracked down by police, and 4chan spammed her Facebook so hard she had to delete it. :)

A happy ending after all. Never heard about that
Missed this thread before.

*******. What I like about elephants in these kind of stories is that usually they manage to take their revenge. My grandfather told me of when he was young, he saw an elephant getting beaten by its trainer. One day, the elephant noticed his trainer having a nap under the shade of a tree, and stamped on him. His aim, unfortunately, was slightly off...

He only got the guy's entire right leg, putting him out of his job forever.
Missed this thread before.

*******. What I like about elephants in these kind of stories is that usually they manage to take their revenge. My grandfather told me of when he was young, he saw an elephant getting beaten by its trainer. One day, the elephant noticed his trainer having a nap under the shade of a tree, and stamped on him. His aim, unfortunately, was slightly off...

He only got the guy's entire right leg, putting him out of his job forever.

Elephants need to learn to aim for the old family jewels then. We could then use elephants to protect the gene pool!
Animal Cruelty is the loew of the low to me, What has a poor innoncent Animal ever done to anyone to deserve such menace, Anyone guilty should be jailed...
I have a black Labrador ***** called Molly and she is the perfect family dog, she is wary of strangers and knows when to be protective and she is also friendly and playful towards those she trusts. From what I've heard these are the characteristics shared by the majority of the Labrador breed and that is what makes them such popular family dogs. I don't understand how anyone can condone animal cruelty, and it baffles me that anyone could hurt such innocent things. If anyone touches my dog I will hunt you down and I will kill you.

In all seriousness having had family pets all my life it is difficult to understand why it happens but the main reasons I believe it occurs is mainly down to lack of experience and control the owner has over the animal, when the animal starts controlling the owner then the owner tries to put it in it's place. I also believe a lot of pet owners can't actually afford to properly look after there pets and panic and try to abuse it to try and get rid of it. This is why the 'A dog is for life not just for christmas' slogan is such a true statement. Not taking it in it's literal form of course, but a pet is a commitment, not a one off toy that you can pick up when you fancy it and discard when you can't be bothered with it.

The laws on animal cruelty are in my opinion too soft. The punishments that are given out are not extreme enough to deter people from re-offending. A fine and a slap on the wrist isn't enough. People should be banned from ever owning pets again and given community service orders as a minimum.
Oh, that reminds me. I have a cat. I come back from school one day to find some dumbass children flicking water at my cat.

Those dumbass children no longer flick water at my cat.
Ive got a dog, couldnt ask for a better pet, i dont know how people can hurt them or just leave them to roam the streets, makes me feel sad when i see a dog on the street just wondering about. Some low life people on this earth.
Oh, that reminds me. I have a cat. I come back from school one day to find some dumbass children flicking water at my cat.

Those dumbass children no longer flick water at my cat.

lol I had some kids harassing my dog, a few years ago. I released him |)
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